
Fantasy System of the Two Dimensions

After crossing over to another world that appeared to be a fusion of various anime realms, Tetsuya unlocked the Fantasy System. By completing the system's assigned tasks, he earned Fantasy points, granting him access to the Fantasy store brimming with daily talents and more. Yuuki Asuna: You seem to possess extensive culinary skills. Could you teach me? Sagiri: I'm not familiar with anyone by the name of Eromanga-Sensei. Countless other characters and captivating plots lie ahead, awaiting for Tetsuya exploration. Translator Warning: This is the second Chinese novel I have Plan to translate, and don't expect this novel to have an intricate storyline; it's just a simple quality in terms of plot.

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Asuna and me is enjoying our Daily life

Tetsuya arrives at the Food Department and Yuuki Asuna remains unaware of his presence. She hums a lively song while enthusiastically cleaning the Food Department, indicating that she is in a good mood. Tetsuya doesn't want to miss the chance to hear the school goddess sing, as such opportunities are rare. The song Yuuki Asuna sings has a youthful love style, with interesting lyrics and melody. Combined with her delightful voice and solid singing skills, it relaxes Tetsuya's mood. Even if she sang poorly, Tetsuya would intervene, as it wouldn't be right to let her embarrass herself. However, since it sounds so pleasant, he decides to continue listening for a while.

"Good morning, Yuuki-san!" Tetsuya greets her from behind after she finishes singing.

Startled by the sudden sound, Yuuki Asuna's body trembles, realizing that Tetsuya must have heard her singing. Her face flushes with embarrassment as she turns around and asks, "When did you come, Tetsuya...?"

"I just caught the beginning of your song," Tetsuya replies with a smile.

Upon hearing Tetsuya's words and seeing his smiling face, Yuuki Asuna feels a sense of joy, finding it hard to believe. Whether it's male or female students, being praised by others is always appreciated.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Yuuki Asuna says, her eyes filled with joy and disbelief. Most authors like to receive praise.

"Yes," Tetsuya nods and asks, "If you enjoy singing, why not join a choir or singing group?"

"In those groups, everyone is so talented. I'm afraid I might hold them back," Yuuki Asuna replies with a hint of worry.

Tetsuya thinks for a moment and suggests, "I think with a bit of practice, you could do well. By the way, what's the name of this song?"

Yuuki Asuna smiles faintly and says, "It's the theme song of an upcoming animated youth romance novel called 'Love Metronome.' I heard it yesterday and thought the melody was beautiful, so I decided to give it a try."

"'Love Metronome'?" Tetsuya suddenly realizes something. No wonder he felt a youthful vibe in her song. It turns out this song is from one of the three best-selling light novels, including 'Love Metronome,' 'Explodes Love Story,' and 'Fantasy Monster Blade Biography.' He never expected these three novels to be adapted into an anime. He wonders when his own novel, 'Accel World,' will reach that level.

Tetsuya notices a half-filled cup of water on the table, which reminds him that Yuuki Asuna must have been thirsty when she arrived at school. Without thinking, he picks up the cup and takes a sip.

Seeing Tetsuya drink from the cup, Yuuki Asuna's face turns red.

"Do you... admire me, Schoolmate Tetsuya?" she asks, her voice filled with surprise.

"Why?" Tetsuya licks his lips and raises his head. When he sees Yuuki Asuna's blushing face, he suddenly realizes what he has done unintentionally. He quickly steps forward and asks, "Yuuki-san, are you feeling unwell? Should I take you to the medical office?"

"No, it's not that," Yuuki Asuna replies.

Confused by Tetsuya's question, Yuuki Asuna points to the disposable cup behind him and shyly says, "That cup of water... It's mine."

Tetsuya is slightly taken aback and doesn't immediately understand. "Mine?" he asks.

"I dumped the water from that cup earlier this morning," Yuuki Asuna explains.

"I see," Tetsuya suddenly understands. He sits back down and waves his hand generously. "It's okay, I don't mind."

"You don't mind?" Yuuki Asuna rolls her eyes in exasperation. She had just drunk from that cup, and now Tetsuya has finished it. In her eyes, Tetsuya indirectly stole her first kiss.

Meanwhile, Tetsuya, unaware of the change in Yuuki Asuna's expression, goes to the back of the Food Department and takes out an electronic menu board. He quickly writes down a few items with colored chalk and hangs the board outside the door.

Curious, Yuuki Asuna reads the items written on the board in a soft voice. She looks at Tetsuya with a puzzled expression and asks, "Tetsuya, does our Food Department only offer these two dishes: plain noodles for 2000 Japanese Yen and golden fried rice for 2000 Japanese Yen?"

"That's correct," Tetsuya confirms, gesturing with his hand. "At the moment, I'm only proficient in these two dishes. If you're confident in making other dishes, feel free to add them to the menu."

While Tetsuya can make plain noodles and golden fried rice, Yuuki Asuna is a second-level cook who can make a variety of dishes. Since the students prefer simple and fast food, and elaborate and expensive dishes are not popular, they decide to temporarily focus on these two options. Tetsuya appreciates Yuuki Asuna's offer to help with food preparation.

"That would be helpful, Yuuki-san," Tetsuya says gratefully. Now he can share the earnings from the Food Department with Yuuki Asuna. He wonders how many students will visit the Food Department and whether they can earn 100,000 Japanese Yen in a week to complete the mission.

After settling everything, Tetsuya takes out his cellphone and sends a message to Aki: "Hey, Tomoya-san. I'm preparing to contribute a light novel to E-Mule Library. Do you know how to submit it?"

Since meeting Aki at the restaurant, Tetsuya knows that Aki also works in the mornings, so he patiently waits for a response while attending to any customers who might come in.

After a while, Tetsuya's phone buzzes with a new message.

Aki: "Of course, I know how to submit a light novel. Tetsuya, it's been so long since you messaged me. I was starting to think the boss owed you money. I just got to Class 2-B two years ago and saw your message. Can you send me the novel to have a look?"

Tetsuya twitches at the corner of his mouth. While the previous host was cheated out of his wages at the restaurant, Tetsuya is focused on important matters. He won't be bothered by such trivial issues.


"Good, I'll send it to you now."

Since the symbolic software on his cell phone is closely related to his computer, he conveniently has the draft from yesterday saved on his phone. Tetsuya retrieves the 40,000-character novel he coded on his phone yesterday and sends it to Aki.

No matter what, Tetsuya realizes that shortly after arriving in this world, Aki, as a well-known blogger in this world, should be able to judge the quality of a book and whether it aligns with the market.

Aki is a standard otaku who enjoys reading novels, watching anime, and playing romance-themed games. Every month, he provides reviews and commentary on light novels and anime, earning the support of many fans and becoming a popular blogger known for his ACG (anime, comic, and games) information. He has read countless light novels, gaining a deep understanding of the genre.

Today, he coincidentally starts writing a light novel with his good friend from school, Tetsuya. Naturally, he is interested. In his opinion, Tetsuya is a rookie who has just entered the scene, and rookies need guidance on many issues. He intends to provide constructive feedback to Tetsuya based on the plot synopsis he has read. However, Aki is taken aback by what he reads.

"The story of 'Accel World' takes place in a future where everyone uses a device called the 'neurallinker' to connect to a virtual world, experiencing ultra-fast connections and living a network-centric life. How fascinating!"

Though the story introduction is simple, the concept of this futuristic setting is unique and captivating, something a rookie may struggle to handle.

As he continues reading, Aki's brow furrows. He reads about a character named Arita Haruyuki, an overweight and bullied student who finds solace in an online gaming corner, achieving the highest score in a handball game. However, can a story that starts with an overweight protagonist truly captivate readers? Many people may not be able to relate or invest in such a character, especially considering how weak and incapable he seems to be.


Despite the protagonist's weakness, Aki is intrigued to see how he will counterattack and overcome the challenges he faces. He continues reading. Unbeknownst to him, he becomes fully immersed in the novel.

Although the protagonist is weak, he possesses his own unique personality. The novel excels in highlighting the distinct characteristics of its characters. Eventually, the protagonist, Arita Haruyuki, enters the world of "Burst Linking" and experiences a thousand-fold increase in cognitive processing speed through the "neurallinker." This leads to his involvement in intense battles within the virtual world. Arita's loyalty and dedication to protect the person who helped him escape his miserable reality, Kuroyukihime, are central to the story.

Upon finishing the 40,000-character plot, Aki is completely astonished. Based on the initial theme and its execution, "Accel World" appears to be an excellent work. As a well-known blogger with extensive experience reading light novels, Aki can confidently say that the story has great potential and would captivate readers. He is eager to know what will happen next, the development of Arita Haruyuki's growth, and his relationship with Kuroyukihime.

"Tetsuya, I never expected that you, as a rookie, would write such a compelling light novel. You've truly broadened my horizons. What happens in the next plot?"

Aki praises Tetsuya, impressed by his novel. Unable to contain his excitement, Aki quickly sends a message back to Tetsuya.

Meanwhile, Tetsuya, sitting in the symbolic Food Department, smiles upon seeing Aki's response. He had anticipated it.

Then, regardless of all the hypothetical scenarios in "Accel World," Tetsuya sees the novel as a story of a weak knight protecting his beloved princess and constantly growing and progressing. It belongs to the kind of light novel that was popular in the previous generation, and in this world's market, "Accel World" could attract many readers.

As for the original work, he can wait until it gains some popularity.

"A rookie light novel?" Tetsuya raises an eyebrow. He has been writing novels for 45 years, even if it wasn't in this world.

"Writing without adding personal flair would be dull. A skilled author adds their personal touch."

Tetsuya smiles as he responds to Aki.

"Ah, my apologies. I was being presumptuous."

Aki is engrossed in the following plot and, after Tetsuya's reminder, realizes that he dislikes stories that rely heavily on predictable plot developments. Reflecting on Tetsuya's comment, he asks, "Tetsuya, are you planning to submit your novel to E-Mule Library? I know an editor there, and if you're interested, we can go together on Saturday. I can introduce you."

"Good, I was actually planning to participate in the E-Mule Library Rookie Prize. Since you have a connection, let's go on Saturday."

"Okay, I'll write the next plot faster. I can't wait to read it!"

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."


Tetsuya closes his cell phone and continues writing. At that moment, Yuuki Asuna approaches and notices the changes on his phone screen and the chapter information. She curiously asks, "Tetsuya, are you writing a novel?"

"Yes," Tetsuya nods. Suddenly, he remembers the song "Love Metronome" that Yuuki Asuna sang earlier and can't help but ask, "Do you also enjoy reading light novels?"

"My family has bought some famous and commercial novels for me, and I quickly devour them! So, when I'm bored, I relax by reading light novels, like 'Love Metronome,' which I discovered recently."

Yuuki Asuna playfully sticks out her tongue and then sits in the chair opposite Tetsuya, resting her chin on her hand. Her ample bosom almost touches the table, exerting a gravitational pull.

Naturally, Yuuki Asuna is considered a beautiful girl in school, not just in terms of her physical appearance but also her alluring figure. Tetsuya can't help but swallow his saliva when he sees her.

"Tetsuya, what's the title of your light novel?" Yuuki Asuna asks curiously.

Upon hearing Yuuki Asuna's question, Tetsuya quickly averts his gaze and tells her, "It's called 'Accel World.'"

"Can I take a look?"

"The novel is still too short at the moment. I'll show it to you once I've written a bit more!"

In reality, Tetsuya has yet to write "Accel World," but since Yuuki Asuna is urging him every day in the Food Department, he decides to show her a bit more of the novel. After all, he also has a sense of urgency due to Aki's influence. Although the probability of running into Aki at school is low since they are in different classes, it's different with Yuuki Asuna. She's there in the Food Department every day, and he doesn't want to operate the Food Department while ignoring her continuous requests for food preparation.

"Alright, I'll wait for Tetsuya to show it to me!" Yuuki Asuna says with anticipation.

"Sure, I'll keep that in mind." Tetsuya smiles, about to say something when he hears a commotion at the entrance of the Food Department. Both Tetsuya and Yuuki Asuna turn their attention towards it.

A petite girl wearing a brown coat and a checkered skirt walks in with wine-red short hair. She has a small bat-shaped hairpin and a mischievous smile on her face. She confidently sits at the first table and tilts her head, looking at Tetsuya.

"I'm the great devil Sattar, the ruler of hell! Human, quickly bring me a bowl of plain noodles, as indicated on the sign outside!"


Upon hearing the words of this eccentric individual, Tetsuya can't help but spit out the water he was drinking. When he looks back, he realizes that Yuuki Asuna is also staring at him.

Both of them exchange glances, seeing the helpless and worried expressions in each other's eyes...

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