
Fantasy System of the Two Dimensions

After crossing over to another world that appeared to be a fusion of various anime realms, Tetsuya unlocked the Fantasy System. By completing the system's assigned tasks, he earned Fantasy points, granting him access to the Fantasy store brimming with daily talents and more. Yuuki Asuna: You seem to possess extensive culinary skills. Could you teach me? Sagiri: I'm not familiar with anyone by the name of Eromanga-Sensei. Countless other characters and captivating plots lie ahead, awaiting for Tetsuya exploration. Translator Warning: This is the second Chinese novel I have Plan to translate, and don't expect this novel to have an intricate storyline; it's just a simple quality in terms of plot.

So_Epic · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Three years of bloody profit, death penalty is not a loss!

Although Tetsuya expressed his concerns about leaving Sagiri alone at home, he was pleasantly surprised to hear Sagiri's satisfactory response. It indirectly indicated that Sagiri was truly attracted to the plain noodles he made. Tetsuya was surprised to find out that his adopted younger sister had such a strong appetite, as she even requested two bowls of noodles at once.

Tetsuya quickly entered the kitchen and soon the kitchen filled with a delightful aroma as he cooked the noodles. He completed two bowls of delicious plain noodles in his hands. Carrying the dinner plates, he climbed the stairs and gently knocked on the door.

"Sorry, Sagiri. I came back late, but I have prepared the food you wanted. Also, I have something important to discuss with you. Can you open the door?" Tetsuya asked.

Tetsuya felt that he needed to address the situation inside the room sooner or later since there was only his younger sister left. He also wanted to see Sagiri's current appearance since he hadn't seen her since he arrived in this world.

As he waited for a response, several minutes passed without any sound from inside the room. Helplessly, Tetsuya sighed and decided to give up on seeing Sagiri today. He didn't want to rush things and risk a negative reaction from her.

Tetsuya left the dinner plate at the entrance and turned to leave the staircase. However, at that moment, he heard a slight creaking sound coming from behind. He turned around and saw a beautiful young girl with silver-white hair, tied up with two cute pink butterflies, standing in front of him.

She had a gentle and charming appearance, and Tetsuya couldn't help but feel a desire to protect and cherish her. He couldn't believe how cute his younger sister was. What a mistake he had made! Tetsuya couldn't help but think that the predecessor had a sister complex, and now he seemed to have developed one as well.

Tetsuya couldn't help but exclaim internally, "Three years of hard work, the death penalty is not in vain!" This description seemed to fit his cute younger sister perfectly.

However, Tetsuya quickly composed himself and greeted her with a slightly awkward smile. He said, "Long time no see, Sagiri." These words made Tetsuya realize that he hadn't seen Sagiri even in his memories. This was his first time seeing her, and he wanted to take this opportunity to see her current appearance.

But as Tetsuya stood there, his mind filled with various thoughts and words he wanted to say, he realized he didn't know how to approach the subject with his younger sister. After a minute of silence, Sagiri didn't want to continue the silence and slowly closed the door.

Seeing the door about to close, Tetsuya felt anxious. He hadn't seen his sister Sagiri in so long, and now she was retreating back into her room. He didn't know when he would get another chance to see her. Desperate, Tetsuya stood in place and spoke the truth.

"Sagiri, actually, I have to work at school these days, so I might come home late..." Tetsuya started to explain.

The door, which was about to close, suddenly opened wider, revealing Sagiri's face with a complex expression. She looked at Tetsuya with clear eyes and said in a faint voice, "Don't leave me, Elder Brother..."

Tetsuya was taken aback by Sagiri's words, which sounded as quiet as a housefly. He couldn't be sure if he had understood her correctly, so he asked, "Sagiri, what did you say?"

"I said, don't leave me. Please don't leave me alone at home... Elder Brother!" Sagiri raised her voice slightly, letting Tetsuya hear her clearly.

Tetsuya stared at her in surprise. He had always imagined the scene of their reunion after a year, but he never expected that his hikikomori sister would rely on him so much. Could it be that he was on the path to becoming a siscon?

But as Tetsuya heard the sobbing in Sagiri's voice, he reproached himself in his heart. After all, his sister had finally come out, and he had made her cry. He felt guilty for making his cute sister cry.

Tetsuya quickly walked up to her, comforting her by gently stroking her head. He said, "Don't worry, Sagiri. I'll try to come back as early as possible every day when I go out to work."

In reality, Tetsuya was referring to his work at the Food Department. He needed to make money to support the department, so he would have to spend more time there after school. But to his surprise, Sagiri seemed to have some doubts and asked, "Does Elder Brother need to work because we don't have enough money?"

"No, it's not because of money. It's just that I've grown up, and it's time for me to make an effort," Tetsuya reassured her with a smile. He couldn't tell his sister about the 10,000 Japanese yen matter or burden her with worries. He had to be an elder brother and shoulder the responsibility of the family.

Now that he had the talent system, he knew that he could earn enough to support the family with some time and effort. However, he was surprised to hear Sagiri's words, as she mentioned having some savings and suggested they use them. She even mentioned opening their father's restaurant with the money.

Tetsuya couldn't help but doubt his understanding. In his memory, Sagiri was a middle school student. How could she have savings? He hadn't expected Sagiri, who had been a hikikomori, to say that she had savings and that they were enough for the two of them.

Compared to his predecessor, who had lived for 17 years without a sister, this was quite unexpected.


However, Tetsuya then associated the possibility that Sagiri's mother had left behind some savings for her. He felt relieved in his heart and couldn't help but touch Sagiri's smooth hair as he said with a smile, "Don't worry, Sagiri. Elder Brother is just going out to gain experience every day. If I ever need money, I'll discuss it with you. Moreover, after some time, when I feel more experienced, I will reopen Father's restaurant."

Tetsuya naturally couldn't ask his cute younger sister for money. However, he also liked Sagiri's suggestion and had been considering reopening their father's restaurant. They were currently short on funds, and they would only serve plain noodles and golden fried rice as staple foods. Tetsuya planned to study some Cooking Skills and accumulate some money before reopening the restaurant.

Sagiri caught a slight blush on her snow-white cheeks as she felt the warm aura emanating from Tetsuya. She nodded her head, agreeing silently with a barely audible sound. She squatted down to pick up the dinner plate from the ground and closed the door again, disappearing from Tetsuya's sight.

"Eh, I planned to sit in the forbidden room for a while, but it seems like the door closed unexpectedly." Tetsuya couldn't help but laugh out loud after seeing Sagiri's blushing complexion. His younger sister was truly adorable!

Even though Sagiri had returned to her room, Tetsuya felt relieved. Today, Sagiri had come out for a while, and he could see that she was doing fine. It was important to take things slowly and let her adjust to going outside gradually. Their first meal together was complete. Next time, he would visit her cute room again.

"Ding! Host's fantasy desire triggered. Enter Sagiri's Forbidden Room Mission to persuade her to let you in and gain two fantasy points."

This is also good! Tetsuya widened his eyes. The Fantasy System was truly amazing. It seemed to fulfill his every wish. But he wondered if he was slowly becoming a siscon. Would the system arrange a bed for him at the psychiatric ward?

Moreover, he wanted a private room with air conditioning!

However, this mission had no deadline and seemed more complicated than usual. Simply barging in and persuading Sagiri to let him in wouldn't work. He needed to gain her trust and make her feel comfortable enough to let him in.

"Just you wait, my cute younger sister. Our journey is just beginning!"

After filling his own belly with a bowl of golden fried rice, Tetsuya opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of "mugicha" that his predecessor often drank. He returned to his room, sat on the chair, and poured himself a cup. Opening the notebook on the computer table, he realized that even though there was no money at home, they had all the necessary facilities.

He had purchased the notebook just a year ago, and it was still in good condition. Tetsuya registered an account on the E-Mule Library official site, downloaded the dedicated symbol software, which wouldn't lose any drafts even if the notebook accidentally shut down. As long as he used his own account, he could easily retrieve his saved drafts, just like saving progress in a game.

Tetsuya opened the E-Mule Library official symbol room and found that the fastest-rising symbol belonged to an author named "Senju Muramasa."

"This seems to be the author of 'Fantasy Monster Blade Chronicles.'"

Tetsuya was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that "Senju Muramasa" was not only a best-selling author but also an incredibly hardworking one. Despite the author's reputation for being lazy in other works, they were more diligent in this one. Although their writing was good, their slow release of chapters frustrated their fans, leading some of their supporters to turn against them.

An author who doesn't put in effort to become an immortal doesn't deserve to be called an author, Tetsuya thought. He typed a few characters on the symbol software as a temporary pen name: "I want to cultivate virtue and become an immortal with boundless supernatural power!"

This pen name was successfully registered!

"This is also good!" Tetsuya sighed and typed a few more characters: "I won't eat today!"

This pen name was already taken!

"I won't sleep!"

This pen name was already taken!

"Victory for the Cultivation Party!"


Tetsuya tried more than ten pen names, sighing in frustration at how hardworking some authors were. Finally, he shouted, banged on the keyboard, and shouted hoarsely as he typed the last four characters: "Twilight in the Mortal World!"

Registration successful!

Finally seeing the successful registration, Tetsuya took a deep breath, placed his hands on the keyboard, and closed his eyes as he recalled a plot from "Accel World." He quickly typed, his hands moving swiftly like he used to be proud of.

With his first-level talent for light novels, the writing style still had some flaws, but there were no issues with the story. From dusk until early morning, Tetsuya didn't notice the passage of time as he wrote. In a single day, he had written over 40,000 characters, including his schoolwork.

Tetsuya opened the symbol software and saw that he was firmly in the first position, pushing Senju Muramasa, with their 20,000 characters, to second place.

He conveniently opened the E-Mule Library official symbol room, where most people were discussing the author "Twilight in the Mortal World" who suddenly claimed the top spot and surpassed Senju Muramasa overnight.

Dark Demon God: Does anyone know who this "Twilight in the Mortal World" author is?

Fantasy Seductress: Not sure. It could be a new author, but it's impossible for a rookie's writing speed to surpass Senju Muramasa, who has been at the top for years.

The Magic World Record: I think this author might be colluding with someone else. In the time it takes to write 20,000 characters, they suddenly managed to write 40,000 characters. They probably did it intentionally to boost their reputation.

After the author who broke the world record spoke, many others in the group echoed similar sentiments. Most authors couldn't believe that someone could write 30,000 characters in just a few hours.

Seeing this, Tetsuya simply closed the symbol group. Many people couldn't accept what they couldn't achieve themselves, and he didn't want to show off either.

He had exchanged the complete works of "Accel World," which made the writing process quicker compared to normal. It was one of the reasons why he suddenly became proficient at writing at the age of 17. Otherwise, he could have easily attempted 50,000 to 60,000 characters.

He wasn't lazy as an author because he lacked motivation. UU Read

But rather, he needed time to develop his ideas and plot, which took up most of his time.

Since Tetsuya's predecessor had also been an author for a while, there was a printer at home. Tetsuya took a stack of A4-sized white paper and placed it in the printer to print out his draft. After consolidating the stack of papers, he put it on the table.

In Japan, the submission process was different from the "Uneven Point" Chinese website. He could only submit his work or take it to the editor for review.

Tetsuya suddenly thought of Aki and decided to ask her about publishing in the E-Mule Library.

However, he was extremely tired after an intense 11 days of writing. His head felt heavy, so he simply fell onto the bed and quickly fell asleep.


The next day, Tetsuya arrived at the Food Department early and was surprised to find Yuuki Asuna there even earlier than him. She was diligently cleaning the Food Department, her perfect figure catching his attention from behind.

Her blonde hair was tied into two adorable pigtails, with cute ribbons securing them. It revealed her slender neck, and her simple and elegant face had no makeup, yet it radiated a stunning beauty. She wore a fine, pure white school uniform with a checkered skirt.

But what stood out the most were her clear, straight legs adorned with pure white stockings, giving her an enchanting and pure appearance. Even as a gentleman, Tetsuya couldn't help but steal a few glances from behind before swallowing his saliva.

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