
Fantasy System of the Two Dimensions

After crossing over to another world that appeared to be a fusion of various anime realms, Tetsuya unlocked the Fantasy System. By completing the system's assigned tasks, he earned Fantasy points, granting him access to the Fantasy store brimming with daily talents and more. Yuuki Asuna: You seem to possess extensive culinary skills. Could you teach me? Sagiri: I'm not familiar with anyone by the name of Eromanga-Sensei. Countless other characters and captivating plots lie ahead, awaiting for Tetsuya exploration. Translator Warning: This is the second Chinese novel I have Plan to translate, and don't expect this novel to have an intricate storyline; it's just a simple quality in terms of plot.

So_Epic · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

The Drugged Little Devil and little angel Gabriel

"Did you see the notice board outside? A bowl of plain noodles costs 2000 Japanese Yen!"

Tetsuya stood up and looked at the self-proclaimed "big devil" girl in front of him with a peculiar expression. He asked her with a tone of suspicion, "Are you really Satania, the so-called 'big devil'? I seriously doubt if your intelligence is on par with Aqua's. I need to ask to ensure that you won't finish eating and then claim to have no money to pay the bill."

The girl's face showed a look of shock. "Ha! As the great devil that I am, it is an honor for me to come to the Food Department and enjoy your food. Do you really expect me to pay?"

"This child is hopeless," Tetsuya muttered, unable to bear but hold his forehead. After a moment of silence, he suddenly had a thought and curved his lips, staring meaningfully at the red-haired girl in front of him. He asked, "Could it be that our esteemed schoolmate Satania, the 'big devil,' doesn't even have 2000 Japanese Yen to pay for a meal?"

"No way! Of course, I have 2000 Japanese Yen!" Satania retorted. Provoked and stimulated by Tetsuya's words, she clenched her teeth and took out two 1000 Japanese Yen bills from her pocket, slamming them onto the table. With a proud expression, she said, "Of course, as a devil like me, how could I not have money to pay for a meal?"

"Since you have the money, you can eat," Tetsuya replied. Seeing Satania put down 2000 Japanese Yen, he smiled and pocketed the money. Then, he turned to Yuuki Asuna, who was already in the kitchen, and said with a smile, "Yuuki-san, one bowl of plain noodles, please."

"Sure," Yuuki Asuna replied with a smile. She nodded and began to assist Tetsuya in preparing the necessary ingredients. Although she didn't understand Tetsuya's recipe, Yuuki Asuna had some knowledge of cooking and was familiar with general ingredients.

Seeing Yuuki Asuna starting to prepare the ingredients, Tetsuya felt a sense of joy. He couldn't help but acknowledge that with Yuuki Asuna, a brilliant assistant by his side, cooking in the Food Department became much more convenient. Little did he know that their positions as club leaders seemed to be reversed...

With this in mind, Tetsuya smiled and said to Satania, "Guest, please wait a moment. Your food will be ready soon!"

Satania stared wide-eyed as Tetsuya left with the 2000 Japanese Yen. Then, as if realizing something, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. She laid her head on the table, burying it in her arms, and let out a lament of unwillingness. "Sigh... I had my pineapple bun stolen in the morning, and now I've been tricked in the Food Department!"


"It's truly a defeat for a devil when even a pineapple bun can be snatched by a dog."

Standing in the kitchen, Tetsuya listened in a daze to Satania's unwilling wailing as she lay on the table. This was the first time he had encountered such an eccentric girl. She seemed to possess the same level of intelligence and nonsense as Aqua.

It was reasonable to assume that with a girl like her, who was so nonsensical and lacked common sense, he could deceive her ten times in one night. If she were his younger sister, he wouldn't have any trouble entering that forbidden room.

However, Yuuki Asuna, with her gentle appearance but sharp intellect, was a different story. Others couldn't easily understand her thoughts, especially when it came to someone like Satania, who lacked understanding. Let alone tricking her.

With the combined efforts of Tetsuya and Yuuki Asuna, the bowl of plain noodles was quickly prepared. The rich aroma filled the entire kitchen, making even Tetsuya and Yuuki Asuna, who had already eaten, salivate uncontrollably.

"Plain noodles, rated 75! It immerses one in an illusion of delicious food! If a female student eats it, there will be unexpected effects."

Tetsuya had anticipated this information from the system. After all, Yuuki Asuna had chosen the best ingredients, such as the freshest spinach core and the just-boiled broth. They were all high-quality ingredients. Additionally, Tetsuya had made so many bowls of plain noodles that reaching a rating of 75 was not difficult.

Tetsuya carried the plain noodles and a bowl of mixed vegetable soup directly to the dining table. He placed them in front of the red-haired girl and said, "Please enjoy your meal!" He placed the utensils and the bowl of plain noodles in front of her.

"Is it ready?"

Smelling the fragrance wafting from the dish in front of her, Satania's delicate nose twitched. She looked up and saw the bowl of plain noodles. Her eyes immediately lit up, and she quickly picked up her chopsticks, scooped up a strand of noodles, and put it in her mouth. As soon as she took a bite, her eyes sparkled.

The noodles were smooth, delicate, and soft, yet they had a satisfying chewiness. They carried the flavors of the green vegetables and the broth, blending together in a burst of freshness and juiciness. Satania's fair cheeks gradually blushed, and her lips parted slightly. A strange aura spread throughout her body, and she felt as if the world had changed. It was as if she had entered a magical realm, where countless demons submitted to her as the great devil, and pure angels in white silk descended into hell, spreading their beautiful wings and caressing her body. She couldn't help but let out an excited and tender moan.

"Is this... all from just eating a bowl of noodles?"

With Satania panting heavily, her face blushing, Tetsuya widened his eyes as he looked at her. He felt that he couldn't keep up with the current situation. He turned his head to glance at Yuuki Asuna and noticed that she was looking at him with a scrutinizing gaze, faintly tinged with a hint of disdain. It was as if she was saying, "I misjudged you. You're not letting go of such a cute girl!"

"Yuuki-san, Did you think I drugged her? I swear, I didn't!"

Tetsuya wanted to cry but had no tears. Who would have thought that this self-proclaimed little devil from hell couldn't resist the effects of aphrodisiacs after eating his bowl of plain noodles?

At that moment, Tetsuya remembered the system's introduction and held a curious attitude as he looked at Yuuki Asuna.

"Yuuki-san, would you like me to make a bowl for you to taste?"

Upon hearing Tetsuya's words, Yuuki Asuna's face turned pale with fright. She quickly distanced herself from Tetsuya, crossing her arms and shaking her head. "No, thank you! I already had breakfast."

"Don't you trust me? I really didn't drug anyone. Why are you so afraid?"

Seeing Yuuki Asuna on guard, even holding a kitchen knife as a form of self-defense, Tetsuya couldn't help but feel speechless. If Yuuki Asuna didn't want it, he couldn't force her. He could only stand there and wait for these two eccentric little devils to finish their meal.

"It's really delicious! Classmate, if I have the chance, I will definitely bring you to hell to be the chef for our Walnut Ze family!"

Satania finished drinking the soup from the plain noodles and placed the tray on the table. She looked up at Tetsuya with a solemn vow. Having forgotten about the repertoire incident earlier, she felt that the 2000 Japanese Yen was well worth it. This bowl of noodles was more delicious than anything she had ever tasted before.

"No need. I want to live a bit longer," Tetsuya said, thoroughly speechless about Satania.

We're in high school now. Shouldn't we leave behind our childish antics?

The sense of substitution from this devil's role-playing was truly intense.


The entire morning, only one bowl of plain noodles was sold, earning 1000 Japanese Yen. However, Tetsuya wasn't worried. After all, today was the official start of the Food Department. Tetsuya and Yuuki Asuna closed the Food Department and returned to their respective classes.

Once at his seat, Tetsuya sat down. He had been quite low-key in his class, and as a result, he had very few friends. Tetsuya was actually glad about this, as it gave him enough time to work on selling Accel World and finishing it quickly, so he could move on to his next fantasy project.

He waited to earn enough funds to start his own business, and in the meantime, he wanted to play a game similar to the VR game he had seen before, called "SAO." According to Tetsuya's research, this game was over 70% realistic, meaning that when wearing the game helmet, one would feel the corresponding sensations, such as being hit or experiencing a change in weather. However, it was mentioned that the sense of touch could be adjusted to a low level, so there would be no sensations.

Of course, Tetsuya preferred the game to feel as real as possible, even suggesting that female players should have a more realistic experience. In the commercial city, there were game talents waiting for him to exchange experiences with.

He had heard that this game was developed jointly by Yuuki Asuna's company, "RECT," and companies from other countries. Tetsuya wasn't sure if Yuuki Asuna was aware of this, but he was intrigued by the collaboration.

At that moment, Tetsuya glanced and was amazed to find a pretty girl sitting at the neighboring table. She had fine facial features, fair skin, and beautiful pale golden hair. The petite girl was meticulously reviewing the content of her textbook.

Sensing Tetsuya's gaze, the girl turned her head and saw him staring at her. A delightful smile appeared on her face as she extended her hand and gently said, "Hello, classmate. I'm the new transfer student, Gabriel White. We'll be sitting at neighboring tables, so I hope you'll take care of me. And if you ever need anything, feel free to call me Gabriel."

As sunlight streamed in through the window and illuminated Gabriel's face, a holy radiance enveloped her pretty cheeks, making her appear like an angel in this world. Tetsuya was left dumbfounded by her beauty.

Tetsuya regained his composure after a moment, realizing that he had been staring for a long time. He showed an awkward expression and introduced himself, "Classmate Gabriel, I'm Tetsuya. Please assist me in any way you can."

Surprisingly, Gabriel wasn't startled by Tetsuya's awkwardness. On the contrary, she couldn't help but smile and said, "Classmate Tetsuya, you look incredibly cute!"

"Cute? You're the cute one!"

Tetsuya rolled his eyes. Gabriel's petite stature and fair, youthful skin, along with her adorable cheeks that resembled his younger sister Sagiri, made her a cute high school girl.

"Classmate Tetsuya, are you feeling sad? If you have any difficulties, feel free to talk to me."

Gabriel smiled at Tetsuya's helpless expression and said joyfully, "Because my dream is to bring happiness to everyone in the world, and since you're my neighboring table, I want to make you happy."

"Isn't it because of you?"

Tetsuya's face showed helplessness, but in the presence of this smiling, cute, and gentle young girl, he couldn't bring himself to be unkind. She seemed like a gentle angel who enjoyed serving others. If he were to bully her, he would likely face the wrath of the entire school.

"Gabriel, I'm alright, don't worry." Tetsuya could only smile in response to her concern.

Upon hearing this, Gabriel clasped her hands together in front of her chest and said with joy, "Since you're okay, I'm happy too!"

Is she an idiot? Why does she care so much about others?

Tetsuya rolled his eyes, wanting to continue the conversation when the first class bell rang. Gabriel, together with another girl named Slightly Knight, returned to her seat after introducing herself on the platform.

Tetsuya remained focused on his writing and didn't pay much attention to the class. He had already attended high school, and although his academic performance wasn't outstanding, he didn't want to listen to lectures now. He preferred to continue working on creating Accel World.

He had access to knowledge through the commercial city, from basic to advanced subjects, and spending ten Fantasy Points would allow him to remember all the knowledge from elementary school to university level. However, he didn't plan to exchange that knowledge yet. It seemed like being an armchair strategist in his current curriculum, and he didn't find much use in the textbook content that wasn't practical.

Once he accumulated enough Fantasy Points, he would exchange for the basic knowledge and tackle the high school exams. Tetsuya focused on coding characters for Accel World on his smartphone, which was slower than a computer but still allowed him to type many characters in a day.

During this process, Tetsuya often felt the gaze of someone looking at him, but when he looked back, he couldn't find anything unusual. Could it be Hiratsuka Shizuka?

With this thought, Tetsuya took a deep breath, looked up at the teacher on the platform, and then secretly relaxed. This class wasn't taught by his strict Japanese language teacher, so he felt relieved.

Soon, the morning passed, and Tetsuya had completed a draft of 5000 characters. However, as time went on, he could sense more and more gazes on him, which seriously affected his writing efficiency. He wondered why he was receiving such attention today. Perhaps he caught someone's attention, and their gaze followed him.

The lunch break began, and several female students quickly gathered around Gabriel, curiously asking her about various matters, such as her age, previous school, and family background.

Tetsuya wasn't concerned about the topic of their conversation. He closed the writing software on his phone and headed towards the Food Department, his mind focused on managing the department. After all, selling only one bowl of plain noodles in the morning wouldn't be enough to complete the weekly mission.

However, as he arrived at the Food Department, he was surprised to see many students already gathered there. Almost every table was filled with more than 20 people as far as the eye could see.

This left Tetsuya astonished. He didn't realize he had become so famous, attracting so many people to the Food Department. Yuuki Asuna had already arrived and was diligently attending to the customers, going back and forth between tables. When she saw Tetsuya, she immediately waved at him.

"Yuuki-san, why are there so many people here?"

Tetsuya walked over and asked Yuuki Asuna, surprised. As far as he remembered, only the so-called "big devil" and two girls who loved pineapple buns had visited the Food Department in the morning. But now, there were suddenly more than 20 people at noon.

This... was truly inconceivable.

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