
Fangs & Claws

Luis moves to a small town due to his mom's new job, but unexpectedly he finds himself entering a new world filled with twists and turns. This is my first time writing a book, so please, leave me a comment to let me know how you like it... BL, Fantasy and Drama Hello, readers, I’m planning to add some of the artwork of the characters in the comment section unfortunately I was unable to add it to the novel. Therefore, keep an eye out. The artwork was done by me

angelique_Torres · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 25

Let me out of this car right now. Trying to open the car door, Luis yells again Let me out! Yaus then grabs Luis' arms pulling him onto his lap, lifting his face up, and saying, "I can't let you go."

Then, with an irritated expression, Yaus pulls Luis's hair away from his neck, rubbing his finger across his neck. Yaus then leans in kissing Luis on the neck and says you allow him to mark you.

Before Luis can say anything, Yaus goes in and bites him right on the lovebite from Cha, causing blood to stream down his neck. Luis then tries to push Yaus away while screaming, "Yaus STOP!" After a short while, Yaus licks Luis' neck, cleaning the blood from him.

(Luis) Let me go now.

Yaus frees Luis as they approach a mystery building. I didn't want to hurt you, he says, as he wipes Luis's tears away. Yaus glances back as he exits the vehicle and says that he will return before closing the door behind him.

Why are you calling me so late at night? Cha

(Cha) It's Luis. He's been taken.

What do you mean, he's been taken?

(Cha) Yaus took him.

What, I'm on my way now

After hanging up, Cha tries to contact Luis's number in the hope that he will answer.

(Luis) Hello, Cha-

(Cha) Where are you?

(Luis) I don't know, are you hurt? Cha are you okay

(Cha) Im okay, tell me what you see.

(Luis) A building with ------ Stop let go of it, give it back

(Cha) Luis, Luis

(Luis) Dont b....

(Cha) Luis

After the call ended, Cha tries to contact Luis's number again, but this time it goes straight to voicemail.

(Cha) Damm it

Cha then tries to get out of bed but is too weak from the monkhood, so he clenches his fist and throws the phone across the room. Cha leans over and tries to elevate himself by gripping the bed pole. He slowly rises from the bed and is suddenly overcome with the sensation that the room is spinning. A shadow can be seen entering the space when he glances up at the entrance. He reaches for the figure he can hear a voice, but he is unable to make out any of the words.

Cha, are you okay? What happened to Luis?

Next thing you know, Cha falls to the floor, hitting his head against the bedstand table as he passes out

(Luis) let go of me. Where are you taking me?

(Yaus) Why did you pick up the phone? I stepped out for a minute and you went behind my back

"I didn't go behind your back," Luis says as he looks out the window. "You are the one who kidnapped me and smashed my phone in half." Luis then lays his head against the window closing his eyes

Seven hours later

Time to wake up my sleepy kitten. We have arrived. " Yaus whispers in Luis's ear as the sun rises after spending hours traveling. As soon as Luis opens his eyes, he sees a massive, towering silver gate. You can see trees covering the ground with animals swarming all over when they enter the area by driving over a bridge that had a lake just beneath it. After a while, Luis discovers a castle perched on a hill. They finally arrived after spending an additional 40 minutes driving up.

Ten maids are waiting outside the car as they park. Luis then gets taken in a bridle position by Yaus. The maids then bow and say, "Welcome home, master Yaus," as Yaus steps out of the car and walks to the front door. A guy was standing in front of the front door, which was as tall as a tree, and he bent down before opening the door as we approached. A huge gold staircase that ascended up to the upper floor was there when you first entered the building. "Master Yaus, we have prepared your chamber," a man says as he approaches Yaus. We'll have lunch ready soon if you'd like to relax after the long drive.

(Luis) Where are we?

(Yaus), we are at my castle as he walks up the stairs

(Luis) Can you put me down? I can walk myself

(Yaus) No

When we first entered the room, it was the size of a football field and had a gigantic window with a balcony looking out the window. Outside, there were just trees and a sizable lake with various animals, like deer, rabbits, and ducks. I'm sorry it came to this, but I will not let anybody touch you, Yaus stated as he moved up to the bed. He sat Luis on the edge and grabbed his face.

Luis pulls away from him and says, "I'm not yours" and "I'm free to date or f**k anyone I choose."

Yaus slams him down onto the bed and yells, "You. Without completing, he stands up, says, "Get some rest," and then exits the room, shutting and locking the door behind him. Luis rushes to the door and cries, "Let me out, Yaus!" Let me out. You can't confine me here indefinitely. Luis eventually makes his way to bed, wiping his face, and lays down, shutting his eyes.

After an hour, Luis hears someone calling out his name as he opens his eyes he sees this lovely young lady standing above him. Luis then gets out of bed falling on the floor, and as the lady reaches out her hand to lift him up, she asks, "Master Luis, are you okay?"

(Luis) Y..yes

(?) I apologize for frightening you.

(Luis) I'm fine, you are

(?) Please excuse my impoliteness. Angel is my given name.

(Luis) Good day, Angel.

(Angel) Master Luis, your lunch is ready. Master Yaus is waiting for you below.

(Luis) Tell him I'm not coming.

(Angel) I'm sorry I can't do that. I was told to take you downstairs.

(Luis) Okay, I'll tell him personally.

As Ashely led Luis to the dining room, Luis asked, "Master, why do you call me that?"

(Angel) You are Master Yaus's future wife.

(Angel) Here we are

When Luis enters, he notices Yaus waiting for him at the table. I didn't come down here to eat lunch with you, he adds as he approaches Yaus.

(Yaus) Luis sit

As Luis walks away, he adds, "No, you may eat by yourself," as he turns around to return upstairs. Yaus, who appears in front of Luis, suddenly says, "I told you to sit down now."

(Luis) I said no, I don't want to be here with you, so just let me leave.

Yaus responds, "Fine, you don't want to eat," with a furious expression. He then ordered the maid, "I don't want anyone entering this room without my permission." Ashely then bows and says, "Understood, Master Yaus," as she and the other maids go, closing the door behind them.


Hello everyone. Thank you for reading and supporting my book. I apologize for the late update; my computer had some trouble wiping my chapter, but I was still able to rewrite and update it.