
Fangs & Claws

Luis moves to a small town due to his mom's new job, but unexpectedly he finds himself entering a new world filled with twists and turns. This is my first time writing a book, so please, leave me a comment to let me know how you like it... BL, Fantasy and Drama Hello, readers, I’m planning to add some of the artwork of the characters in the comment section unfortunately I was unable to add it to the novel. Therefore, keep an eye out. The artwork was done by me

angelique_Torres · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 26

As the maids shut the door behind them, Luis attempts to dash towards it, hoping to escape before he reaches it. Yaus was already there in front of him. Yaus then locks the dining room door and places the key on the top of the door frame, out of reach of Luis.

"I've been patient with you, Luis," Yaus says as he moves over to Luis, taking him by the waist and pulling him in. "I don't understand why you're so difficult."

(Luis) I'm not difficult, you're stubborn, I'm over this conversation.

(Yaus) I acknowledge that I am stubborn, but I know what I want.

Then Yaus grabs Luis' bottom chin and lifts it up as he bends down to kiss him. Luis then attempted to smack Yaus across the face, but Yaus smirked and grabbed Luis's arm, kissing him on the lips. As Luis fights to push Yasu away, he bites him, causing blood to stream down his lip. "Wiping the blood off," he replies, smiling. My turn

"Please let me out," he screams as he runs towards the dining room door and bangs on it. With no answer, Luis turns around to look at Yaus, who is inching his way over. Luis says, "Please don't. I'm sorry with tears running down his face. " Yaus, now standing right in front of Luis, lifts his hand, wiping the tears from Luis' eyes.

(Yaus) No one is going to come

Yaus then picks up Luis and takes him to the dining table, pushing the plates, candles, and silverware on the floor as he lays Luis down. Yasu starts kissing Luis' neck with fire-red eyes.

(Luis) Stop, please

Yaus then licked his neck and bit him, causing Luis to moan. As this is not a usual bite, Luis can feel a fiery sensation taking over his body, causing him to enjoy it. Yaus then licks the blood dripping down from Luis' neck. He leans in to kiss him again


Yaus then lifted up Luis' shit, making his way down from Luis' lips to his chest, leaving love bites. Luis couldn't help but moan even louder, causing his face to flush.

(Luis) What are you doing to me?

"I want to show you how much I love and want you," Yaus says. As he whips the blood dripping from his bottom lip,

(Luis) Yaus, we can be together. Please stop. I'm at my breaking point.

(Yaus): Stop denying me, Luis. I know you want to be with me. Why do you keep making this hard?

As Luis covers his face, he says, "I... I don't want to get hurt again."

I didn't intend to hurt you, Yaus says, as he lifts Luis onto his lap. He returns to kiss and bite Luis' neck, forcing him to clutch the back of Yaus' shirt. Luis moans with pleasure. Yaus then tears Luis' shirt off and whispers in his ear. "I want you to enjoy every moment of this.

As he placed his lips on Luis, this kiss was a deep and passionate one. Luis twirled his tongue around Luis' mouth, causing saliva to drip down Luis' lip. As the temperature increased, Luis grabbed Yaus's hand and moved it down. Yaus then takes Luis off the dining table and walks over to the door, where Luis inquires, "Where are we going?"

(Yaus) I'm taking this upstairs

Unlocking the door, Yaus makes his way upstairs, using his vampire speed. When they reach the room, Luis surprises Yaus by kissing him on the neck. With a smile, Yaus says, "I can't want to have a taste of you." Tossing him on the bed, Yaus removes his shirt. With a sexy six-pack, Yaus slowly makes his way over to Luis, grabbing his thighs and pulling him down.

(Luis) wait

(Yuas), what is it

(Luis) Is this going to hurt?

With a smirk on his face, he says, "I promise you will enjoy removing Luis's pants, Yaus then begins pleasing Luis with moans of pleasure, filling the castle, and with every thrust from Yaus' Luis quiver and tremble.


(Yaus) say my name

With a flushed look, Luis turns his face away from Yaus. Yaus then grabs Luis's face, making him look at him, and says, "Don't hide your face from me." He then flips Luis on top, telling him to ride him as he slowly moves Luis's hips. Now say my name

(Luis) I... UGHHH

Yaus reaches out his hand, moving Luis's hair out of his face as he sits up. With Luis still on top, he bites down on Luis's neck, making Luis dig his nails into Yaus's back. Luis's sperm splashes all over him, causing him to fall back on the bed.

(Yaus), we aren't done yet. This is only the beginning.

Yaus then turns Luis around for the second round, thrusting Luis. Luis screams out y...you b..beast

After two hours, Yaus picks up Luis and takes him to the bathroom. Running warm bath water and adding bath salt, he puts Luis in the tub to clean him off. Yaus then looks at Luis and says, "I love you."

(Luis) I...I love you, but this doesn't change things

Yaus, with a grin on his face, gets in the tub and says, "I will make you mine" as he picks up Luis putting him on his lap.

(Luis) N..NO, STOP, NO MORE..... Leave me alone

(Yaus) It's too late as he re-enters Luis again, causing Luis to scream


Yaus, please stop.

(Yaus), your face and body are telling me different

Ughhhh Thrust, Thrust, Thrust

After Yaus dries off, Luis he carries him to bed, covering him up. He then walks over to the balcony, only wearing a black robe, taking out his phone to make a call

Ring, Ring, Ring

(Hara) Hello, Master Yaus

(Yaus) Stop with the sh*t. Have you gotten the army ready?

(Hara) Yes, I have sent out the letter. They are ready

(Yaus) The day after the ball, we will attack

(Hara). I understand

(Yaus) One more thing, how is that damn mutt

(Hara). He will be out for a few days. I will call you if there is any change


Yaus then returns to the bed, pulling Luis into his arms.