
Fangs & Claws

Luis moves to a small town due to his mom's new job, but unexpectedly he finds himself entering a new world filled with twists and turns. This is my first time writing a book, so please, leave me a comment to let me know how you like it... BL, Fantasy and Drama Hello, readers, I’m planning to add some of the artwork of the characters in the comment section unfortunately I was unable to add it to the novel. Therefore, keep an eye out. The artwork was done by me

angelique_Torres · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 24

Cha tries to push Luis away as their lips meet. However, Luis clings on, wrapping his arms around his neck, making it difficult for Cha to push him away without hurting Luis. As Luis presses his lips against Cha, he causes him to fall back on the coach.


Luis then falls to the floor as Cha is right on top of him, holding on to his arms. Cha then whispers in Luis's ear, "What do you think you're doing?" Luis then pulls his arm away from Cha, gripping the back of his head and clutching his hair as he pulls him in for another kiss. Cha puts his hand under Luis's shirt as he starts rubbing on his nips

After a few cha, pulls away, ending the kiss as he picks up Luis from the floor and gently places him on the bed. He says this as he stands above Luis, staring at him. This won't change things between us, so if you want this to stop now, you better leave because I won't hold back. Luis takes off his shirt as he reaches up and pulls Cha onto the bed.

Luis whispers I want you

With a grin on his face, he takes off his shirt and lays Luis down on the bed while kissing him. He then travels down to Luis's collarbone, leaving a love bite and causing Luis to scream in pain in the process.

ugh, ugh,

Hara is downstairs at this time, Feasting on a beautiful young woman in complete Secret. Yaus enters as he sinks his fangs into her bloody neck and white, pasty flesh.

(Yaus) Don't drain her.

Hara, with a grin on his face, never mastered Yaus. Would you like a bite? She's sweet.

(Yaus) I'm not very hungry.

(Hara) Have you eaten today

(Yaus) don't worry about me. Just hurry and finish so we can talk

(Hara) As you wish

uggh uggh

S..slow d..own

uggh uggh

Cha flips Luis over, yanking his d**k out of his pants and slamming him face down.

(Yaus) Are you finished yet?

(Hara) Yes

Hara then grips the stunning woman's face and whispers, "You will forget this ever happened," while gazing deeply into her eyes. If someone asks what happened, you can answer that you scratched your neck. Go wash up and put a bandage over your neck. Hara whips his face, wiping the blood from his mouth as he looks at Yaus and asks, "What did you want to talk about?" as the girl leaves.

(Yaus) When we get back to town, I need to check on the arrangements for the blood ball to make sure everything turns out as planned for my coming out.

(Hara) Don't worry, I'll make sure to have him there.

(Yaus) I know you won't disappoint me. By the way, have you seen Luis?

(Hara) He's with Cha in the room.

Yaus runs over and grabs Hara by the neck before throwing him against the wall. His teeth beginning to show, and his eyes were glowing a deep fire-red. Yaus then questioned why Luis was alone in the room with Cha.

(Hara) So Cha can put an end to their relationship?

Yaus then throws Hara on the floor and says, "You better hope that's all" and rushes off to Hara's room.

(Luis) Ch..a

Cha leans in for a kiss as he places Luis on the bed and wipes the sperm from his lips that is running down his face. "My dear lil' Luis," I say, "I wish this night could last forever." As Cha approaches to kiss Luis' neck, his face turns as red as a tomato.


The door crashes to the ground. Luis turns his head to look at the person at the doorway as he enters the room to discover Cha on top of Luis. His eyes were now burning with a scorching, deep crimson.

(Luis) Y..Yaus

Yaus rushes over and lifts Cha by the hair as he takes a massive bite off of his neck and throws him to the ground with blood streaming down his face. If I can't have you, then no one else is permitted to have you, Yaus adds as he turns to face Luis.

(Yaus) I've played nicely and allowed you to see that mutt

(Luis) s..stay away

Yaus then walks over to pick up Luis, tossing him over his shoulders and walking out of the room. Hara, who is standing by the front door, looks at Yaus.

(Yaus)cleans up this mess now and afterward. I want you to range Castle Black Stone to be ready before I get there.

(Hara) Yes, sir.

(Yaus) We will discuss this mess later, he says as he leaves.

Luis kicks and shouts, "Put me down without a word from Yaus." He exits the motel. Luis is thrown into a mysterious black vehicle that has just pulled up.

(Luis) What are you doing? Where are we going

Yaus then orders the driver to leave.

Hara picks up Cha and tosses him on the bed. As Hara sits down, he lights a cigarette and addresses Cha, who is gripping his neck.

(Hara) If only you had stopped the relationship as I requested, neither of us would be in this situation right now.

I hope you know this will bring war

Cha then grabs Hara's shirt and asks where he is. Where did he take him? Tell me now

(Hara) Do you think I'd tell you?

After Hara finishes up his cigarette, he grabs Cha by the neck and says, "It is a good thing I put Monkshoon in your drink, or you would have definitely put up a fight earlier. As Hara gets up from the bed and walks over to the door, he turns to face Cha and says, "You better start cleaning up this mess before dawn," as he walks out of the room, laughing.

(Cha) you filthy scumbag.

Chan then reaches over to grab his phone

Ring, Ring

Do you know what time it is?