
Fanfiction Ideas for Writers

Due to family and personal circumstances I can not longer continue to write. However I love fanfiction and ideas keep coming to me. I would love it if it helps some talented writers get started with their own journeys. Best of Luck to you all!!!

NiksElDrago · Anime & Comics
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The Dragon's Quirk: A My Hero Academia Fanfiction

MC Name : Kazuki Tatsuma

Synopsis: In the world of My Hero Academia, a new character emerges with a mysterious Quirk known as "Dragon Born." This male protagonist, Kazuki, possesses powers inspired by the legendary Dragon Born from the video game Skyrim. As he embarks on his journey to become a hero, Kazuki must master his incredible abilities and face the challenges that arise from his dragon heritage.


Early Years:

- Kazuki's Quirk awakens during his childhood, influenced by his deep connection to ancient dragons. He discovers his initial abilities, such as the power of "Shouts" (Dragon-language spellcasting) and enhanced physical capabilities.

Enrollment at U.A. High School:

- Kazuki gains acceptance into U.A. High School, where he begins honing his abilities while learning to be a hero.

- He faces initial skepticism and curiosity from both classmates and faculty due to the unique nature of his Quirk.

Powers of a Dragon Born:

1. Elemental Breath:

- Kazuki inherits the ability to breathe various elemental powers. This includes fire, frost, and lightning-based breath attacks, each with distinct properties and effects. He can manipulate the intensity and range of these breath attacks.

2. Dragon Scales:

- Kazuki's body is covered in dragon scales, granting him enhanced durability and resistance to physical damage, as well as some protection against low-tier energy-based attacks.

3. Enhanced Physicality:

- Kazuki possesses heightened physical attributes, such as strength, speed, and agility, allowing him to engage in combat at a superhuman level.

4. Thu'um (Shouts):

- Inspired by the "Shouts" in Skyrim, Kazuki can unleash powerful vocal-based abilities. Each shout corresponds to a specific word in the Dragon language, granting him unique effects. For example:

- "Unrelenting Force" shout creates a powerful shockwave that can knock opponents back.

- "Dragonrend" shout weakens and suppresses the powers of draconic beings temporarily.

- "Become Ethereal" shout allows Kazuki to become invulnerable for a short period.

5. Dragon Skin:

- Kazuki can temporarily increase the hardness and strength of his dragon scales, enhancing his defense against powerful adversaries or dangerous situations. This ability can be mentally taxing and has a limited duration.

6. Dragon Fury:

- In moments of intense emotion or danger, Kazuki can tap into his draconic origins, temporarily increasing his overall power and abilities. However, he must be careful, as this state comes with an increased risk of losing control.

As Kazuki navigates the challenges of U.A. High School, he faces various villains who recognize the potential and danger of his Dragon Born Quirk. Alongside his classmates, he discovers the true extent of his powers and learns to balance his strength with responsibility. Through dedication, perseverance, and the guidance of his teachers and friends, Kazuki becomes a hero who embraces his dragon heritage, protecting both the human and hero worlds from the forces that seek to exploit his unique abilities.

"The Dragon's Quirk: A My Hero Academia Fanfiction" delves into Kazuki's journey to prove that even with such extraordinary powers, he can use them for the greater good and uphold the values of heroism in a world teeming with superhuman abilities.