
Family Secrets...

A jong girl named Violet Hope Rossi was taken away from her parents and older brothers at a young age she doesn't remember them but they remember her and missed her. When she meets her family will she find comfort? What happens when she meets her family?? Will they find out how she is?? Will she find out what their secrets are or will she reveal her truth and open up to them?? Will she ever get to meet her mother or is her mother really gone?? Will she survive everything that will be happening Find out in Family secrets Started~ 30 September 2021 Ended~ 06 December 2021

AmieDeBeer_1 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter Thirty-two

Violet (POV)

The day went by without any trouble I got all my work done and handed in all my tasks and other homework assignments.

Carter skipped school with Malia after lunch so once I was done with my last class I went to my bike. I leaned on my bike when Logan the school's football player came to me

"Hey, sexy I was thinking..." He started talking but I cut him off

"I have a boyfriend who kills for a living want to be his next target?"

I smirked as his eyes went wide and then back to normal

"Come on baby don't be like that we both know you're available," he said leaning in for a kiss

I punched his nose and then kicked him in the balls.

"Next time I see you I'll get my one true love to kill you okay and I mean it so scram," I said

"Fucking bitch," he said trying to hit me but Edward caught his fist

"Now I know you weren't just trying to hit my twin," Edward said

"T-twin," Logan stutter out

"Yeah, twin idiot," I said and then kiss Edward on the cheek and said, "I'll see you at home but I'm going to make a small stop at the dad's office,"

"Okay," he said and then started to bear the shit out of Logan as I drove away

I stopped in front of our business building and went in as I was walking to the private elevator the front desk bitch stopped me

"Excuse me miss with what can I help you?" She asked with a fake smile

"I'm just heading up to see my dad thanks," I said and turned around

"What you want me to believe your Mr. Rossi's daughter?" She said laughing and grabbed my arm

"Sorry playtime over now please get out of this building," the bitch said

I got out my phone and called dad

"Hey, sunshine everything okay?" Dad asked as he answered

"Hey dad I'm in the building and this front desk bitch won't let me up,"

"Okay Chase will be right down and then you can wait in my office until were done with this meeting," he said a little pissed


After I hang up I see Ralph entering the building

"Hey Raphael," the fake bitch who is holding my arm said

"Hey, amore everything okay here?" He asked ignoring the bitch

"Hey Ralph no not really, This whore grabbed my arm when I was on my way up to see my dad," I said

I could see Ralph was extremely pissed so was his Dad and brother, Oscar behind him

The whore quickly let go of me and said, "Sir Mr. Rossi doesn't have a daughter she is just some common slut seeking attention,"

Oh boy, you just fucked up. I thought as I see uncle Aless, Dame, and Chase standing behind her.

I let out a giggle and said, "well this was fun hey big brothers Uncle Aless"

The bitch froze when she turned around.

"Violet why don't you head up to the top floor. Left corridor second door on your left is dad's office stay there until we're done," Dame said quickly kissed my head and then looked at the bitch

I looked around and saw Ralph and his family was still there so I shrugged and left.

I got to the top floor and saw Leo and Matt. Talking while they walked towards me.

"Hey guys," I said and hugged them

"Hey Vi what are you doing here?" Leo asked

"Well I came to surprise my loving family," I said and they raised their eyebrows

"I'm not gonna ask, see you later Vi," Matt said and they walked further. I went to dad's office and saw a bowl full of lollipops

I took one and sat down. I got out my homework and started to work after a while two guys came in and saw me working on my homework and the one guy asked, "Who are you and how did you get in here?"

"Violet Rossi and through the door," I said in a duh tone

"Wait you're the mafia princess?" The other guy asked

"Something like that," I mumbled as I finished my homework.

I stood up and went to my bag I put my books back in my bag and turned around to see the guys still staring at me

"What?" I asked

"Your..." The guy started but was cut off by dad entering and saying

"Finish that sentence son and I will kill you,"

"Daddy," I screamed and hugged him

"Hey, sunshine," he smiled and hugged me back

"Sir Manoel said to give this to you," one of the guys said giving him a folder

"Thanks now leave," dad said took the folder and they left quickly

Dad put the folder on the desk and I looked through it before he could say anything

"Why are you observing the Russian Mafia?" I asked

"Vi we kill Ivan and Murphy and we have Ella, they can plane to attack any day," Dad said

"No, they won't dad I know the Alexei," I said making him look at me

"How?" He asked

"Alexei help and saved my ass more times than I can count I used to do a lot of my missions in Russia, I'm also close friends with his wife Iris," I said

He looked at me and sigh.

"Do you have his number?" Dad asked. I nodded my head and then dad said, "Call him,"

I dialed his number and he answered quickly.

"Well if it isn't been my favorite sibling long time," Alexei answered in a playful tone

"Hey Alexei I want to tell you something," I said

"Sure shoot I have time,"

"Eo it turns out that Mia wasn't my mother and that she kidnapped me from my family who is actually the Rossi's," I said nervously

"What?!" He yelled

"I'm not done. Ivan and Murphy kidnapped me after I just got to know my family and Ivan tried to Rape me," I said calmly but scared


"Are you still there?" I asked

"Yeah I'm here am also in New York can we meet up I know the boys will also like to see you," he said with sadness in his voice

"Yeah how about tomorrow at Rose's,"

"See you then goodbye little sister,"

"Bye, big brother,"

After I hung up I turned to dad and said, "They are in New York I'm going to go meet them alone tomorrow at Rose's"

"Like hell, you are you're not going alone," dad said

"Dad please trust me nothing is going to happen," I said

After begging my dad to go alone he agreed. When we got home the Roman family was there in the living room with my family

"Hey guys," I greeted them

"Hey Vi I heard that you kicked Logan in the balls," Lucas said making everyone look at me confused

"Why?" Dad asked

"Well I was waiting for Edward because I wanted to tell him I was going to the office but Logan came towards me and started flirting.

So I told him I have a boyfriend who kills people for a living and I can make him his next target but he didn't take the hint to fuck off.

He leaned in to kiss me and practically called me a whore so I punched his nose and kicked him where we so desperately wanted attention," I said

"First Language second what Boyfriend and third good job," Enzo said

"Yeah, great job but next time come to us first well handle him for you," Luca said

"Okay wait I'm not a fragile girl who can't handle herself okay," I said and walked away

I heard Luca yell, "Vi I didn't mean it like that!"

I roll my eyes put my bag on the ground and went into the kitchen

I saw my aunts and ms. Natalia chatting while making food

"Hey want some help?" I asked

"No thanks, dear we're fine," aunt Cam said

I grabbed a bottle of water and went out of the kitchen. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room next to the kitchen

"Sh it's just me," he said

"Damn it, Ralph," I said and rested my head on his chest

"Go on a date with me," he said making me look up at him

"I would love to," I said smiling

"Good tomorrow night at 6 I'll pick you up," he said smirking

"Okay, where are we going?" I asked

"Surprise you can wear a normal shirt and jeans and a swimsuit," he said before disappearing out the door I counted to ten before going out

I ran to my room and turned on my old laptop with all my work on.


Name: Samuel Johnson

Age: 43

Reason: Kidnap and rape ten-year-old girls and older

Prize: 90 000 000

Want's: the guy must suffer and beheaded

Ordered the kill... Anonymous

Accept or decline

I went out of my room once I saw Edward I dragged him into my room and asked "You want to go on a mission?"

"What mission?" He asked

I show him my laptop and he look at me and then started reading

"Oh hell yeah, let's go," he said

"What about dad and the rest?" I asked

"Come on," he said and dragged me downstairs

"Dad can Violet and I go to Carter's house we have a project to do," Edward said

"Sure just be home before 11 okay you still have school tomorrow," dad said

I ran upstairs packed the stuff we need and went to the garage. I see Edward waiting by the Jeep Wrangler.

~Skip time when they got back home~

We changed our clothes before coming back home as we entered the house dad stood in front of us and my family were no were to be seen

"Where were you guys?" Dad asked

"Hunting" Edward said plainly

"Who?" Dad asked raising an eyebrow

"Samuel Johnson," I said

"Why?" Dad asked again

"He kidnaps girls from the age of 10 and up rapes them and then when he gets bored he kills them," I said

"Okay, and why didn't you tell me the truth about where you were going?" Dad asked

"Truth because you guys handle Vi like she's a 2-year-old kid who can't do anything to protect herself and you would have stopped us because of that," Edward said

"We don't treat her..." Dame said as he came downstairs but Edward cut him off

"Yes you do you keep things from her, lie to her, and you think she's fragile," Edward said

"Wait keep things from me and lie?" I asked confused

"Edward don't," Dad said and Edward turned to me

"Chad is alive and he worked with Ivan, Ella and Murphy are dead, and that Ivy I still out there planning to kill you,"

"C-chad is alive?" I asked and fear took over

I started breathing heavily and when my brothers or dad came near me I took a step back

"Violet you have to breathe," I hear Dame say

I saw Ollie and he came running to me. I allowed him to come near me he took my hand pressed it against his chest and said, "Focus on my heartbeat and breathe,"

After a few seconds, I was breathing normally again but exhausted

"Ollie," I said he knew what I meant so he picked me up and turned around

"What the hell happened?" Ollie asked softly but angry

"I told het about Chad she has the right to know," Edward said

"You fucking idiot," Ollie said angrily

"Oliver get her to bed," Dame said

He took me upstairs and I close my eyes and laid my head on his chest

"Hey what happened," I heard Theo asked

"Is she okay?" I heard Leo asked

"Shut it. Violet is fine she just had a panic attack that's all Im going to stay with her tonight," Ollie said and left them in the hallway when we got in my room Ollie laid me down

"Here put on your Pj's I'll be right back okay," he said and left my room and went into his room

I quickly changed and got into bed and as I got in Ollie came back and laid down next to me

"Tell me about Grey," I whispered out

"He's great, he likes white chocolate, lime milkshakes, he doesn't like when I buy him something expensive.

He's shy and makes the cutest faces and he loves romantic and comedy movies," I said smiling

"You're in love," I whispered

"I am, goodnight sorellina," he said smiling and then kissed my head as I drift to sleep

(2138 words)