
Falling for The Billionaire

Tiffany Madrigal was bound to marry the son of one of the richest families on the globe, Lincoln Sandoval. But Lincoln is a known playboy, a baddie as well. Tiffany could never imagine how would it be like when she's finally married to him. If she's being honest, she already lost hopes of Lincoln changing for the best. Until one day, a lady from the past entered the scene. Lincoln unexpectedly claimed to be in love with the woman and wanted to call off his wedding with Tiffany. "You'll suffer if you choose to be with her," she tried to threaten him but he did not listen. Lincoln's stubbornness brought distraught to the woman's family and it was all witnessed by Tiffany. As he choked on his dry tears, Tiffany found herself reaching him out to give solace. Little did she know it was the start of the rollercoaster ride that she was about to get herself into. Will her growing feelings for the man get attended to by him? Or will she suffer in a marriage with Lincoln constantly reminding her of being the only hindrance that he and his lover cannot be together?

DollBri · Urban
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87 Chs

First Time

Lincoln's hands were tightly gripping my waist, his lips roaming around my bare chest as he succeeded to slip my bra off of me. I, on the other hand, lay still on the bed. Releasing a few soft mewls whenever his tongue would touch my skin.

It's getting hot. Despite the room being fully air-conditioned, I feel like burning due to the hotness that I'm currently in. If his fingertips run along every curve of my half-nakedness, I'm afraid I might burst at the overwhelming sensation.


I heard him swear softly as he suddenly groped both of my boobs and then squeezed them gently. Bringing his head down low to get his face near to one of my nips, wrapped his soft lips around it, and began sucking it like a hungry child. His tongue flicked over the nipple inside his mouth while the other one got rolled up and pinched lightly by his fingers.

The feeling made me close my eyes. I felt ticklish all over my body. Lincoln's making me feel things I've never felt before. Is this the reason why he always got chased by girls even back then? Probably, yes.

Lost in my thoughts, I did not notice that he managed to pull my lower clothing down and off of my ankles. Leaving me completely naked for him to see. With the cold air touching my exposed genital that the first thing I did was press my thighs together, my head tilted to my left to avoid meeting his gaze. Embarrassed of my bare being right in front of him.

"Such a wonder," Lincoln softly said, grazing his fingertips on my leg up to my thigh, squeezing it gently.

I watched in silence as he leaned down to drop a couple of kisses on my thighs and knees. His free hand undoing the knot of his robe, swinging the garment open for me to have a glimpse of what's hiding behind that cotton fabric. And I almost choked at the sight of his manhood.

It wasn't even that fully erected and yet it already looked big! What am I getting myself into!?

"Wait," I chimed out, backing away by moving furthermore into the bed until my back hit the headboard. "That thing won't fit!" I claimed with horror visible in the tone of my voice.

Lincoln only stifled a laugh, getting a hold of my ankles and dragging my body back to its place a few seconds ago. He forced my legs open by grabbing onto my thighs and positioning himself in between them. Face dangerously close to my treasure.

"No no no," I chanted and tried to push his head away. My hands are on his forehead to prevent him from going any further but I seem to forget about something.

Suddenly, a warm and slimy thing nudge the most sensitive part of me. A gasp of surprise slipped off my lips. I can feel his tongue licking long stripes on my clit while his fingers create small circles around my inner thighs.

"Oh my, Lincoln." I hissed and the hand that was once pushing his head away grasped onto his hair. My head fell back as bolts of pleasure rushed in through my veins. His name fell off of my lips almost like an oath.

And if what I was feeling ain't enough, Lincoln hardened his tongue and push it inside my hole. The warmth of his tongue caused my body to fall back lamely on the bed. An arm was placed right above my eyes as I slowly got lost in the sensation of his tongue swirling around my hole, lapping it.

There were times that he would keep his tongue inside and let it rub along my walls before dragging it across my neglected clit. Flicking on it before grazing his teeth gently got me gritting my teeth together with soft moans which I choose to muffle by placing a hand on my mouth.

I sucked in a deep breath when I felt something poking my entrance. It was not his tongue, more like his fingers, rubbing on my slit and teasingly slipping them inside my hole. I released a stern groan that Lincoln respond with a dark chuckle. Eventually surging his digits in, hooking and scissoring it.

He was trying to prep me up, I'm pretty sure of that. And it's working. I can feel myself gushing out with a slimy substance that was coating Lincoln's fingers.

Time by time, as he continue to push and pull his fingers, the sounds I was making grew loud and erotic. No longer covering my mouth, I let the moan that I tried to contain echo throughout the four corners of the room. My hands clutched the bed sheets and pillows while Lincoln picked up his pace. He did not dare to stop until I was clenching around his fingers nice and tight.

Once he made sure that I was wet enough he hastily pulled out his fingers. The feeling of emptiness shot my eyes open and immediately looked at him. With a playful smirk, he brought his fingers to his lips and started cleaning my juices by licking and sucking on them. His eyes meet mine as he does so.

"You taste great," Lincoln stated while taking off the robe then he threw it across the room.

Slowly, he crawled on top of me. I can't stop looking at his hardened member as he intentionally rubbed it on my thighs. Taking his sweet time, he went on gently slapping his erected shaft against my wetness before rubbing its tip on my opening. Teasingly slipping a part of its way passed through my tight hole then pulled it away only to use it on toying with my clit, again.

It was my first time.

I don't know how am I gonna broke that news to him without ruining the moment he was having but it would be better if he'll know it beforehand. To avoid any possible roughness that he may inflict on my poor body.

Biting my lower lip, I decided to tell him the truth but I was stopped by the sudden doorbell. Lincoln remained still on top of me, not minding the continuous rings until he got up on his feet and hop off of the bed. He made sure that he was fully covered before walking right up to the door to check whoever standing outside.

I, myself, covered my naked body with the blanket and suddenly someone else walked inside the room. I can faintly hear them talking and by the voice of that person, I can easily tell who it was. It's Samantha.

Clutching onto the blanket, I got up from the bed and was about to pick up my clothes when Samantha appeared in my view. The shock was written all over her face as she saw me, only in a loose wrap of the blanket and lifting my clothes off of the floor.