
Falling for The Billionaire

Tiffany Madrigal was bound to marry the son of one of the richest families on the globe, Lincoln Sandoval. But Lincoln is a known playboy, a baddie as well. Tiffany could never imagine how would it be like when she's finally married to him. If she's being honest, she already lost hopes of Lincoln changing for the best. Until one day, a lady from the past entered the scene. Lincoln unexpectedly claimed to be in love with the woman and wanted to call off his wedding with Tiffany. "You'll suffer if you choose to be with her," she tried to threaten him but he did not listen. Lincoln's stubbornness brought distraught to the woman's family and it was all witnessed by Tiffany. As he choked on his dry tears, Tiffany found herself reaching him out to give solace. Little did she know it was the start of the rollercoaster ride that she was about to get herself into. Will her growing feelings for the man get attended to by him? Or will she suffer in a marriage with Lincoln constantly reminding her of being the only hindrance that he and his lover cannot be together?

DollBri · Urban
Not enough ratings
87 Chs


"What are you two doing in here?!"

Samantha's voice roared inside the room. She immediately turned around on her heels to face Lincoln after seeing me picking up my clothes from the ground. Her reaction was sickening. I should be the one who's mad at her presence on this trip but there she goes, ready to throw hands as if she was the one to marry the man.

"Save that for later," I mumbled, putting my shirt and underwear back on while the rest of my clothing was hanging on my arm, "I'm tired and I want to sleep."

A scoff was all I heard from the lady before she moved on her place. With eyes burning in anger, Samantha was about to attack me. Thankfully, she couldn't. Lincoln kept her in place by grasping onto her arms and then carefully leads her out of the room.

The whole situation made me hissed in annoyance. Now I'm the bad guy. Great.

Later that night, Lincoln came back to our suite with messy hair and a sweaty body. The sight of him still on his robe, combing his hair to fix it, almost had me choking on my food.

My head turning to the wall clock, I only get to realize that it's been a couple of hours since he and Samantha disappeared from my sight. And by the looks of it, they surely did something.

"Go take a bath and don't you ever share the bed with me!" I said with irritation filling each word.

Lincoln shoot me with a glare which I respond with a brow raised while looking at him. When he took a turn to the bathroom I noticed the visible red marks on his nape and forearm. They looked like scratches from someone's nails.

They look painful to me. I'm pretty sure when the soap was rubbed on it the stings will feel like hell.

"Oh well, no pain, no gain," I whispered to myself and shift my gaze back to the television.

Quietly, I watched a series that I've been dying to see but can't due to the busy and packed-up schedules that I have almost every day. And now I'm making the most out of this moment to finish the whole show during our whole week stay here in Dubai.

My grin was too huge and heavily fixated on the screen when I heard the door of the bathroom creak open. Out of curiosity, I tilted my head in its direction only to see Lincoln stepping out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"You look awful," I claimed while looking at his bare half. A chest filled with multiple love bites, even his arms, and shoulders, let alone the scratch. "I'm guessing you enjoyed it though," I added and turned my gaze back onto the screen.

Shoving pieces of fruit inside my mouth, I screeched at the next scene. The lead characters are making out with much passion. Their bodies grinding against each other, needy and desperate. Blinking my eyes, I continue to eat while enjoying the whole scenario.

"Let's try that out," Lincoln suddenly chimed out and I almost choked, yet again, on my food.

My head dramatically turned in his direction with my forehead creased and eyebrows deeply furrowed. "You have no sense of sensitivity, haven't you?" I asked in an amused tone.

The lad only shrugged off his shoulders before walking over to the closet and getting himself a pair of matching pajamas. Recklessly unwrapping the towel on his lower body right in front of my eyes. Luckily, his back was the one facing me.

I grinned cheekily at how plump his buttcheeks were. I bet it'll feel soft and bouncy against the pads of my palm.

The thought made me snicker in delight. Turning my head away once he was done dressing up, I sat down on the couch properly and went back to watching. Munching and devouring the fruits on the plate that I was holding.

Meanwhile, Lincoln took a seat by my side. His arms crossed with his head tilted while trying to understand the plot of the series that I was watching. In my peripheral vision, I saw how he made himself comfortable by leaning against the backrest of the couch with his legs crossed.

"Do you have any plans with Damian for tomorrow?" He asked all of a sudden.

I groaned. Not again, not this conversation again.

"Oh my God, Lincoln." I scoffed, followed by an annoyed sigh with my eyes rolling upwards to my right.

"I was just asking," he counterfeit as he reached out for my fruits. Getting a piece of grape then shoved it inside his mouth.

"Asking with a hint of suspecting," I retaliated. "Mind you, you were the one who stepped inside this room with marks obviously from you and Samantha having sex, and now you're asking me that like I was cheating on you?" I raised the tone of my voice a bit. I swear to God, this boy is testing my patience.

Our eyes met. His lips were in a thin line while listening to me. As he should be.

"Please, slap yourself back to Earth," I added then finally went back to watching.

The following minutes passed by with us watching the show in silence. I was used to this kind of situation but I felt like it was too quiet that its slowly making me deaf. When I opened my mouth to speak Lincoln did the same. Overlapping our words.

"Cool, you can go first," I suggested and shoot the remaining bits of the grape inside my mouth while waiting for what he was about to say.

Lincoln cleared his throat. Pulling up the sleeves of his pajama top just right above his wrist, he intently looked at me. His eyes were telling me something as if a big thing was about to happen.

In confusion, I tilted my head to the side. Waiting for him to speak up and when he did I wished that he did not.

"I'm going to tell mom everything about me and Samantha," Lincoln announced and my system started to wail in an emergency.