
Falling for The Billionaire

Tiffany Madrigal was bound to marry the son of one of the richest families on the globe, Lincoln Sandoval. But Lincoln is a known playboy, a baddie as well. Tiffany could never imagine how would it be like when she's finally married to him. If she's being honest, she already lost hopes of Lincoln changing for the best. Until one day, a lady from the past entered the scene. Lincoln unexpectedly claimed to be in love with the woman and wanted to call off his wedding with Tiffany. "You'll suffer if you choose to be with her," she tried to threaten him but he did not listen. Lincoln's stubbornness brought distraught to the woman's family and it was all witnessed by Tiffany. As he choked on his dry tears, Tiffany found herself reaching him out to give solace. Little did she know it was the start of the rollercoaster ride that she was about to get herself into. Will her growing feelings for the man get attended to by him? Or will she suffer in a marriage with Lincoln constantly reminding her of being the only hindrance that he and his lover cannot be together?

DollBri · Urban
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87 Chs

Your Kinds

It's been almost an hour since we stepped inside our suite. While Lincoln was taking a shower, I'm here in front of the vanity mirror. Casually removing my makeup and doing the same old skincare routine.

Once I'm done, I walked over to the closet to get a pair of pajamas to wear. I grabbed the first one that I laid my eyes on and hastily turned around. Unexpectedly, I bumped into someone's body. And who else could it be but Lincoln.

"Aren't you going to take a visit on Damian?" He asked, his figure towering over mine as I looked small around him now that I'm not wearing heeled shoes. Our height difference made me back away a few meters from him.

My eyebrows narrowed at his question. Hands reaching my waist, I tilted my head as I stared at his face. "Oh, aren't you going to spend the night with Samantha?" I countered, "maybe she's missing your body already."

It's been months since he announced to me his plan. Merely impossible that up until now nothing had happened to them behind closed doors. Also, knowing Lincoln, he's like a magnet. Attracting those ladies with his strong sex appeal.

"You made it sounds like we've been having sex since the very day she got back," he said as he stepped forwards. Decreasing the space between us.

Closer and closer.

But I did not fret. I remained still where I'm standing until he was a couple of steps away from me. He was wearing a robe and on a closer view, there were droplets of water trickling down his exposed neck, some even came from his damp hair.

"Seems like it," I replied.

He scoffed at me, a hand rose to get a hold of my chin. His head tilted to the side as she lifts my chin to meet his eyes properly. Face leaning closer to mine until I can lightly feel his lips brushing against mine.

"As if you and Damian did not do the same," he softly muttered right above my lips.

Lincoln's words rang a certain bell in my ear. It was echoing around my head that my hand moved on its own to land a slap on Lincoln's cheek. Causing his hold on my chin to loosen and back away his head.

"I'm not like you, asshole!" I exclaimed at the top of my lungs.

With teeth harshly clashing together, I pushed him away from his chest. His foot even slipped off of the slippers he was wearing as he took a step back.

"What do you think am I?!" My voice roared on the four corners of the room, unaware that I'm frantically shouting, "one of your kinds?!"

I was gonna push him again when he caught my wrist in midair. Pulling me towards his well-built physique with an arm wrapped around my waist. Lips suddenly claiming mine in what I'm guessing is a way to shut me up.

I tried to squirm away, my free hand kept on pushing onto his chest while his grip on me tightened. Pressing his lips onto mine even more while I'm keeping it puckered up.

Seconds later and I felt a pinch on my side that made me gasp which he took as an opportunity to slip his tongue way passed through halfway gaped open lips. Licking and lapped both the upper and lower part before letting his warm tongue roam inside my mouth. Eager to taste it as much as he could.

With loud groans of disapproval, I tried to turn my head to the side only to be stopped by his hand which he used earlier to hold my wrist. Grabbing a handful of my hair and pull my head closer to his as he deepened the kiss.

I kept on protesting, tossing around on his hold until I lose the strength to continue fighting. Gradually, my defenses went down and let Lincoln take over. Once he noticed the change in my body language, he got bold and suddenly picked me up by my hips. Making my legs wrapped around his waist and arms on his neck.

Little by little, I learned the tempo of his kisses. Moving my lips accordingly to the pace he set as he started to walk. While my fingers started to grab and tangle his hair around each digit, my back made contact with the soft mattress, earning a soft gasp out of my lips.

Lincoln pulled away momentarily only to divert his kisses on my neck. Licking a long stripe around its delicate skin followed by a wicked bite that had my back arched up, eyes shut closed. He repeated the same action before inching his face away from my neck.

I slowly opened my eyes and found him staring down at me. Both hands on each side of my head with his hair a bit messy caused by me.

The corner of his lips twitched, wanting to say something but instead he gulped down and lower himself to plant butterfly kisses around my chest. I focused my eyes on the ceiling, trying to distract myself by examining how well the building was built to get rid of the tingling sensation that he was giving me.

But even my own eyes betrayed me.

I found myself watching Lincoln. The way he moved his hands down to reach the hem of my shirt and tugged it up got me feeling excited. The coldness of the air-conditioning touched the exposed skin of my stomach until Lincoln successfully got rid of it. My breasts covered in brassiere popped up to his view and I can vaguely see how his orbs darken.

"It's not wrong wanting you, is it?" He softly muttered right before tracing my side with his finger until he reached my navel. His eyes intently stared at me, carefully examining my face to see any signs of disagreement.

I locked up my gaze on him, studying his expression before shifting my head to my right. My hands raised above my head as I answered almost in a whisper, "I don't know."