
Chapter 8

Gwen got ready and went over to Emily's.

The two had agreed to meet at Emily's for their outing.

Gwen walked to the gate and said, "its Gwen i'm here to see Emily"

'Access granted' the security monitor said and the mini gate opened for Gwen to go in.

Gwen walked in and found her way to Emily's house and went straight to her bedroom.

"Hey Em?" Gwen said walking in on Emily in bed with a guy.

"I'm sorry for walking in without knocking" Gwen said as she returned to the hallway and closed the door.


In a few minutes, the guy in the room was out and Gwen walked in.

"Woah Em, I didn't expect this" Gwen said grinning

"Slap that stupid grin off your face. It was just a one night stand, nothing else" Emily protested

"I'm just sayin'. You know it's been a long time you did a one night stand but I need details"

"I will give you details once I get what to wear!"

"I'll help you" Gwen walked into Emily's walk-in closet and came back few minutes after with clothes in her hand.

"Try these" Gwen said handing the outfits to Emily.


After looking Emily found something to wear.

Emily rushed into the bathroom

closing the door behind her and came out a few minutes after in a towel and had another wrapped around her hair.

Emily quickly put on her clothes and she and Gwen were out of her room.

"I'm hungry and I need food," Emily said holding her belly as they both walked down the stairs

"I didn't eat as well. Should we stop at Starbucks on our way?" Gwen said as she walked beside Emily

"Yeah sure"

They walked out of the front door and to Emily's Bentley.

"I'm wondering how in your big ass house, you don't have a chef and you don't know how to cook"Gwen got in as Emily unlocked the door.

"I hate the idea of someone cooking for me because i'd be scared to death thinking they'll poison me" Emily enters and put her hand bag at the back seat

"Eveyone isn't your stepmom Em" Gwen buckled her seatbelt

"So what? People aren't trustworthy. The only person I trust to cook for me is you because I believe you wouldn't betray me" Emily kick-started the car engine

"Aww thanks Em, that means a lot" Gwen smiled

"Dont let it get to your head, I was just stating a fact" Emily said trying to sound cold

"To Starbucks we go. And miss, you have a lot of explaining to do" Gwen said looking outside the window

"What things?" Emily drove out of her yard

"Why I saw a guy in your bedroom on your freakin' bed probably half or completely naked" Gwen looked at Emily

"Alright. I guess we could discuss it over breakfast"

"That's more like it" Gwen smiled


Emily drove into the driveway at Dunkin' Doughnuts and they both ordered something.

The two collected their orders and Emily drove out and parked at the side of the road.

"I thought when you meant breakfast, you meant like breakfast on a table, not in a car" Gwen whined

"Quit whining and have breakfast so we can go shopping," Emily said


Emily and Gwen got to Chanel.

They went to a private VIP area and Emily ordered them to bring the best clothes they got.

"Spill the beans I wanna know everything!" Gwen said nudging Emily.

"Fine!" Emily said "The guy I was with, he's Damon Hernandez, the son of, Derek Hernandez and Phoebe Hernandez.

Italian by birth and American by naturalization, his father owns one of the biggest watch companies in the Italian industry" She added

"Him being the son of rich parents doesn't explain how he ended up on your bed"

The lady brought clothes and Gwen went to try them on.


The two women walked out of the Chanel store with shopping bags in their hands.

They got not Emily's car and Emily drove off.

"Please finish your explanation, Emily Paula Briggs" Gwen said impatiently

"Yeah yeah, Damon's dad and my dad are business partners and they wanted us to get to know each other" Emily said

"How'd a mere introduction can lead to sex"

"Let me finish!"

"Alright cranky pants"

"And that was last week, he was fun to hang out with and we started talking a lot. Yesterday, he showed up at my house drunk, he was calling some girls name and I was guessing it was his ex"

Should I add Emily’s love story?

Gwen walked in on them.

They deserve their girls’ day off.

Let me know what you think.

Please comment and vote, it helps me know people read and inspired me to write......thanks.

Oh my god!!! 88 reads I'm so happy.

This means a lot.

Happy tears.

Lots of love from meeeee!

Sashaxr16creators' thoughts