
Fallen For One Guy

"Not again"mumbled Camella as she took the shattered phone on the floor. Alex who was straightening his crumpled suit saw his shattered phone on the floor and smirked which Camella failed to notice before muttering"This was the new one I got when you destroyed the first one ". 'Oh no!' Camella thought clutching the sides of her evening gown. "I'm sorry but I can't afford to get you a new one because I'm penniless" Camella said. 'Well not actually penniless but not enough to even get it fixed'she thought pleading with her eyes. Camella is a girl who was brought from the village to the city by her best friend's rich parents. Whiles staying with them a pair of eyes falls on her and decides she is his future wife, what would happen if her best friend also the only child of the rich family falls in love with the same guy. Dear readers pleas join me as I unravel to you the beautiful love story of Camella and Alex

Reese_Nova17 · Urban
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23 Chs

The threat

A black Rose Royce was seen parking at a restaurant which read 'Snap'. Alicia got down from it and just then a girl who looked not older than she was waved her from a distance. Alicia smiled and walked to her ,"Geez my legs are aching so badly, I thought you wouldn't come" Maya said. "Seriously, how can I forget such an important day I'll get to meet such a blabbermouth like you and don't worry because today the food is on me "Alicia said and Maya rolled her eyes before she chided "Really, are you calling me a blabbermouth now , sure wait until I do a live stream on my YouTube channel and expose all your secrets to the world then I'll accept the title of a blabbermouth". Maya said dramatically and pulled out her phone , before if Alicia thought she was lying then she's so wrong because Maya had actually opened the YouTube app to make the video."Maya, You know I was joking so why are you taking it that far "Alicia pleaded. "You should have thought about it before calling me a blabbermouth"Maya growled and was about to tap on the start button when she paused and said as if she doesn't mean it "You know what to do if don't want me to post it". Alicia frowned trying to remember what to do "I do ?"she enquired and this further annoyed Maya , has this spoilt brat forgotten everything about her because of that girl from the village she call a best friend. "Are you really asking me all this ,I knew from the beginning with the way you were talking about that girl from the village that she was going to make you forget everything about me , your actual best friend "Maya exasperated. "No! not now or ever anyway is this thing you're talking about chocolates?"Alicia asked expecting her friend to burst from frustration but she did otherwise and hugged her instead."Yesss! at least you're not that dumb" Maya beamed. Alicia rolled her eyes and dragged her friend inside the restaurant because her stomach was grumbling already.

The duo entered the restaurant and settled at the one of the private suites . Alicia first ordered for her food before Maya did. "Have you heard anything about the Min's ?"Maya asked taking a sip from the glass of water which was handed to them by the waiter before going to get their food."Yes but you know they're very secretive, so far all that I know is that the current heir of the Min's corporation and all their other businesses is the renowned Alexander Min"Alicia explained. Maya almost choked on the water before she asked"Do you mean the richest man in the continent who is only twenty-two"Maya asked with disbelief and Alicia nodded. Even both their parents are rich ,non can compare to how rich the Min's are and purposely Alexander,the sole air of the family. "Have you met him before Ali-"Maya started but was interrupted by Alicia"No ,not yet but my dad has and that's why I'm just patiently waiting for my birthday and then ask him to take me whenever he has a meeting with him as a gift"Alicia relayed. Even though Maya was envious of Alicia she knew that her family's connections are broad but was being kept a secret from the Greg's for a purpose. "Hmm"she hummed and smiled as the food was finally served.

Back at the Greg's Mansion , Elius was in his study room when his wife barged in worry evident in her eyes and following her was a man in his late twenties ."Elius!, what a pleasant surprise!"the man exclaimed pulling a chair for himself and sitting on it .Elius stood up from his chair with a jerk before asking in anger"What the hell are you doing here when I told you to wait !". The man smirked and said "Can't I meet my future wife ?"he asked with his intentions clear ."No you can't because she knows nothing about you at the moment "Elius retorted in anger. "So can't I even see her ?"he mused satisfaction evident in his eyes, the Greg's to the outside world is a family with perfection and no stain attached to them but in real life they're entangled in a whole mess and one of them is with one of the most dangerous man in the underworld James Gravings . They had offended him 2 months ago and instead of the man asking for money as always he was asking for their daughter and that's one thing they'll never give him."Fine , but I don't want you to give me excuses when the time is due " he relayed and then left. Amelia left out the breath she didn't know she was holding "Elius I don't care anymore about that girl all I want you to do is just kidnap her or something and give her to that psychopath" Amelia cried out she couldn't imagine her beautiful angel with such a man ! ,all this was happening because of that family. She thought gritting her teeth.

Elius brushed his hand through his hair in frustration before picking his phone which has been buzzing for almost an hour now.

He checked the caller screen and sighed before answering"Hello, I hope you still remember"the person said and Elius pinched the space between his eyebrows before saying"Just go straight to the point Cheng ".Mr Cheng is one of the richest men in the country and also the owner of the Cheng Corporation."There's this banquet coming on , purposely for business men and other socialites and every man is supposed to be there with their family"he said.

Mr Cheng was not surprised when Elius didn't answer and so continued"So I was just asking you're coming with your family or not and besides there's nothing to hide .We all know you have a very beautiful wife so then what's there to hide " Mr Cheng explained. Elius even though popular has never been specific about one thing to the media, his children. Whether he has a child or not, nobody knows plus he has never introduced Alicia to the business world. Because of this people tagged him as an impotent and his wife barren but they didn't care because they knew they had a child.