
Fallen For One Guy

"Not again"mumbled Camella as she took the shattered phone on the floor. Alex who was straightening his crumpled suit saw his shattered phone on the floor and smirked which Camella failed to notice before muttering"This was the new one I got when you destroyed the first one ". 'Oh no!' Camella thought clutching the sides of her evening gown. "I'm sorry but I can't afford to get you a new one because I'm penniless" Camella said. 'Well not actually penniless but not enough to even get it fixed'she thought pleading with her eyes. Camella is a girl who was brought from the village to the city by her best friend's rich parents. Whiles staying with them a pair of eyes falls on her and decides she is his future wife, what would happen if her best friend also the only child of the rich family falls in love with the same guy. Dear readers pleas join me as I unravel to you the beautiful love story of Camella and Alex

Reese_Nova17 · Urban
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23 Chs

First Day At Work

Camella woke up earlier than usual because she wanted to help with whatever work available to show her appreciation . Going through the dresses she chose the one that was okay it work with and got out. She saw a servant cleaning some vases and offered to help but before the servant could say something Amelia appeared out of no where and yelled"You ain't touching anything at my house with those-" she paused and exhaled out of her mouth before saying"Sorry I meant our guest are not allowed to clean , go freshen up and come down for breakfast when it's six".

Camella just nodded and returned back to her room, maybe it would be better if she just pretends not to exist ,after all she's here because of money and nothing else .

She came down for breakfast when it was six but Alicia was no where to be found."She left early today to meet a friend" Amelia said when she noticed she was looking around. Camella made an ' oh' sound and continued to eat her food as quietly as possible."You can start work today if you want"Elius proposed and Camella quickly agreed. Right after breakfast Camella changed into a black office dress and got into the supposed car with the butler of the mansion since Elius insisted .

They finally arrived at the Greg's Corporation which stood tall and proud at the heart of the city, it was a very tall building which when looked from down you might think it was merging with the sky. Camella was more than fascinated by how luxurious and extraordinary the building was. "I can't believe I'm going to work here"she mumbled to herself. The car entered the private parking lot and she got down. "Young miss please this way"directed the butler who had tag along ."I'm Mr Bates the butler of the Greg Mansion " he introduced and Camella too did same. "Please do you know anything about the Greg's Corporation?" he asked whiles leading her to the entrance, ready to educate her on it. Camella looked at him with a scrutinized gaze before replying "Yes"even though she wanted to say 'of course I do, don't look down on me'. The Greg's are very popular in this country and even continent, they're counted part of the richest family in the world. When they got to the entrance a woman with long curly black hair with a professional smile greeted them . "I'm Irene and also the one who will take you to the president" she introduced. Camella too nodded and smiled in return, she couldn't help but admire how beautiful and well dressed Irene was. Someone might mistaken her for a model if met on the street. 'Now come to think of it isn't Mr Greg's supposed to be the president?'she thought but clamped her mouth shut and followed Irene to the private elevator. They got out of the elevator and Camella couldn't help but gasp at how beautiful everything has been designed so perfectly. 'No wonder it is crowned the king of designs'. They arrived in front of the office and Irene went in first before asking Camella to walk in. With a thumping heart Camella entered and was dumbstrucked with what she saw, the office was so beautiful to perfection even though the only colors used was black and white but most of it all the person sitting in the chair, his jet black hair and beautiful face made it hard for him to be stared at. He looked up from the papers he was scribbling on and Camella couldn't help but take a step back because of his intimidating eyes. "You can leave us Irene"he said and Irene walked out of the office . At that moment Camella wished she could just dash out of the office and never return but she couldn't since it involved money. "please you can sit "he said and as if on cue Camella's leg almost gave away as she sat down quickly to prevent any awkward moments. "I'm Jake Magnus the president of this company "he introduced and stretched his hand for a handshake of which she wearily took with shaky hands. "Are you scared of me ?"he asked with narrowed eyes and pulled his hand after the handshake. "No" Camella responded."Then stop behaving as if I'm going to eat you"he deadpanned with an annoyed expression and Camella pulled on a tight smile to put out a confident front which showed otherwise . "You look so young how old are you?" he enquired. 'Is he underestimating her'she thought and retorted with "it's rude to ask a woman her age ". Jake rolled his eyes and answered "not when that person is a girl and not a woman, I wonder what an eighteen year old girl will be able to do in such a big company" he said and whisped the last words to himself. "Well I can help if you will direct me-" Camella suggested and was interrupted by Jake "direct you, do you think I babysit my workers here?" he questioned with an arched brow. "Then I'll learn very quickly and catch up ,I promise"she replied. Jake rolled his eyes at this and asked seriously "Why exactly do you want to work here?" Camella also arched a brow and answered as-a-matter-of-factly,"The same reason why you're here , working your ass out".Jake chuckled and shook his head ,'if only she knew he why'. "Anyway Irene will direct you to your office and stop being a scaredy cat otherwise you might scare away the worker's" Jake countered but the only thing she heard was 'office' ."Office?" she enquired and Jake gave her a look which said are you planning of sitting here all day."Umm... I meant I would take my leave now. 'He's so rude ' she thought walking out to meet Irene. Irene smiled warmly when she saw the irritated expression on Camella's face."Don't worry he can be very overbearing sometimes but he's not like that always"she comforted. Camella sighed and praised"You're really amazing".Irene slowed down her pace and asked "why" ."Because you're the only person who can work with such an overbearing man"Camella muttered.