
Fallen For One Guy

"Not again"mumbled Camella as she took the shattered phone on the floor. Alex who was straightening his crumpled suit saw his shattered phone on the floor and smirked which Camella failed to notice before muttering"This was the new one I got when you destroyed the first one ". 'Oh no!' Camella thought clutching the sides of her evening gown. "I'm sorry but I can't afford to get you a new one because I'm penniless" Camella said. 'Well not actually penniless but not enough to even get it fixed'she thought pleading with her eyes. Camella is a girl who was brought from the village to the city by her best friend's rich parents. Whiles staying with them a pair of eyes falls on her and decides she is his future wife, what would happen if her best friend also the only child of the rich family falls in love with the same guy. Dear readers pleas join me as I unravel to you the beautiful love story of Camella and Alex

Reese_Nova17 · Urban
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23 Chs

The threat II

Irene and Camella finally reached the office and Camella couldn't help but be mesmerized. When Jake had mentioned it earlier ,she thought it was something simple but staring at it now she knew it was so not.

Looking at the beautiful glass table and couches she began to wonder why Mr Greg Would give her all this when she has done nothing but befriend his daughter. Brushing it off she turned around and asked"Irene for how long have you been working here?". Irene was surprised by the question because per the rumuors about Mr Greg's daughter, Camella behaved nothing like that."For the past six years"she answered and Camella nodded. "Do you have an office?"she enquired. Irene shook her head in denial and asked "Why is there a problem?". Camella said nothing and asked Irene to tell her what she was supposed to do .

Alicia and Maya finished their dinner and were about to go to the mall when a call came through, it was from Amelia."Hello mo-"Alicia began but was cut off by her mother"Where are you now?"she asked."I'm in my car right now with Maya , we're heading to the Mall"Alicia answered. "Wherever you are I want you turn back and come home right away", Amelia said but Alicia had other plans and wouldn't just head home because she said so ."Why, is everything alright?,"she asked to be sure first whiles she parked the car . "Something urgent came up and you need to return now!"she said her voice louder than before. Alicia frowned and cut the call ,she was nineteen already and wouldn't let her mother control her. "What was it?"Maya asked worried ."Nothing important ,let's go get some clothes"she muttered and smiled which assured Maya that everything was okay.


Amelia smashed her phone on the floor, did Alicia just end the call when she knew so well that she hates it when she's being interrupted or asked to keep quiet.

Camella on the other hand was doing her best in order to learn things quickly and adapt to the new changes. When she finished the first work which was handed to her she asked Irene to send it to Jake for confirmation since he made it clear that everything must first pass through him. Camella yawned and stood up to buy some time whiles she waits for Irene and after sometime Jake barged into the office with a loud bang she was sure would break the door if not for it's quality.

"What's the meaning of this ?"he asked with an irritated look. Camella arched a brow confused, wasn't that what he asked for so why is he complaining."I told you everything you're supposed to do and all you could do was this?"he questioned. Camella was about to retort but his next words stopped her ."I wonder what a village girl like yourself who has only completed high school would be able to do in a multi-million company like this unless you're exchanging something valuable in return". "What do you mean?"Camella queried. "I meant what I said, you can't work here I possibly can't entertain people like you"Jake answered, he couldn't take it anymore she only arrived today but the board are already angry at her . Camella bit her buttom lip before saying"I only arrived here today, You can't expect me to just know everything that I'm supposed to do"She countered. All she wanted was a job , maybe a cleaner or something but Mr Greg gave her an office and she couldn't refuse but try."I promise I'll work on the papers again"she said with determination. Jake sighed as if he doesn't know what to say anymore and threw the files on the floor. A tear slipped down Camella's cheek and she was quick to clean it."There's no need in hiding your tears, it wasn't this smooth when I started earlier myself either, even though I had all the qualifications needed"Irene said trying to comfort her. She didn't know why but unlike the rich girls that always disgust her Camella was the polar opposite, she had this warmth in her beautiful eyes which makes everyone like at first glance . Irene walked to her and held her hand to encourage her and she nodded. "Thank you"she said her smile warming up to her face. Even though Camella is from a poor background, just one glance is all you need to know that she is a sight to behold. Her long brown her, Hazel eyes with long lashes, heart shaped lips and silky white skin alone was very beautiful. But because of her background, she doesn't see herself as such and then live anyhow. Irene picked the papers from the floor as they both began going through the papers again it was past twelve in the afternoon but both didn't feel hungry not when they had something to go through. When the duo finally finished ,it was three in the afternoon . Irene left to present the papers back to Jake and Camella too waited anxiously for her. They only got out to have their lunch when it was four since it seems Jake was still not satisfied. Somewhere in the back of Irene's mind she knew whatever they presented was okay but Jake was just doing all this so that Camella would give up.

Right after she sat down in the cafeteria to have her food her phone dinged. She checked what it was and realised it was a message from Alicia.

'I'll be picking you up today'she read and smiled ."Camella tell something about yourself"Irene enquired. "Irene"She paused and stared at her for sometime before saying "I'm not a Greg, I'm just their daughter's best friend"she revealed expecting a shocked expression but Irene just nodded."I noticed from the way you behave that you aren't a Greg , you're way better than that spoilt brat "Irene scoffed. Camella was surprised in her changed in attitude, she really admire how Irene carry herself like she knows perfectly what to say and what to do and when to do it .