
Fallen For One Guy

"Not again"mumbled Camella as she took the shattered phone on the floor. Alex who was straightening his crumpled suit saw his shattered phone on the floor and smirked which Camella failed to notice before muttering"This was the new one I got when you destroyed the first one ". 'Oh no!' Camella thought clutching the sides of her evening gown. "I'm sorry but I can't afford to get you a new one because I'm penniless" Camella said. 'Well not actually penniless but not enough to even get it fixed'she thought pleading with her eyes. Camella is a girl who was brought from the village to the city by her best friend's rich parents. Whiles staying with them a pair of eyes falls on her and decides she is his future wife, what would happen if her best friend also the only child of the rich family falls in love with the same guy. Dear readers pleas join me as I unravel to you the beautiful love story of Camella and Alex

Reese_Nova17 · Urban
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23 Chs

A new friend

Irene and Camella continued to talk and they both realized they had so many things in common, Camella got more comfortable with Irene even more than when she was with Alicia . The rest of the day went on smoothly and thankfully Camella didn't meet Jake until it was finally time to go back to the Greg's Mansion. She saw him going to the elevator and took the stairs .'Just to avoid him nothing more 'she said to herself even though she knew it was otherwise because she was literally scared of him. She got out of the company and just like she was texted Alicia came to pick her up .

"How was your first day at work?"Alicia asked even though she didn't care. Camella smiled and was about to say fantastic but stopped when she remembered how Jake was . "Bearable"she answered absentmindedly. "That's good to hear because I would have made sure to punish whoever who had troubled my bestie today"Alicia countered and Camella just nodded. They finally arrived at the Greg's estate and then the mansion.

Alicia thought her mom would be fuming right now but she didn't care because today was the only day she got to meet her actual best friend. They entered and surprisingly Amelia didn't look angry."Thank God you're here , Elius isn't home today so I was waiting for you guys so that we would have together"Amelia said . The duo just nodded and went to their respective rooms to freshen up .

In another grand mansion in the same city , food was being served as the Cheng family were having their dinner. Sitting beside Mr Cheng's wife was Elius who had come to visit them . "I didn't know you were coming , I would have prepared your favorite "muttered Lu Xiang, Mr Cheng's wife. Elius smiled and said "There's no need to stress yourself , this isn't bad as well "he said . Mr Cheng sat down as his son and daughter too did same. "I thought when you said you were coming , you were going to come as a family "he said with disappointment laced in his voice. "Well that won't be fun when I'm planning of giving you all a huge surprise at the banquet"Elius said. Cheng lan and Cheng yang who were also at the table ate quietly as if trying to conceal their presence. "Actually I was planning of introducing Cheng Yang to Alicia but it seems my plans have fallen into the ocean."Mr Cheng chided. "And here I thought they wouldn't say anything tonight"Cheng Yang mumbled. "It seems very soon you're going to turn into a married man with the rate at which father keeps on telling his friends and business partners that you need a wife"Cheng lan taunted and giggled. "Don't be so happy because the very day I get married you'll be next ,and trust me I'll make yours so swiftly that you wouldn't realize it"Cheng Yang countered with a smirk. Cheng lan was about to retort but choked on her words when she heard her father's next words ",Yes our lanlan would also get married right after her brother gets married"Mr Cheng said and Cheng lan mumbled stuffing her mouth with food"sometimes I feel like our parents can't wait to get rid of us like a plaque". Lu Xiang frowned."No , lanlan is only going to turn eighteen this year , I thought we discussed about this already she's so young for marriage right now "she objected. "I love you Mommy"Cheng lan mumbled blowing an airy kiss . Cheng Yang smiled with a mischievous glint and said " I don't think that's so mom, our Cheng lan here can't even wait to get married she wa-"Cheng Yang stopped talking when he felt his sister stomping on his feet."I think brother yang meant he can't wait to get married instead"she corrected and to give her brother the taste a of his own medicine she added "Off late he was even meeting the Yang's eldest daughter ". "That's good news ,and I'm last person to hear about this . Oh God you should have told me earlier I-"Lu Xiang began and Elius interrupted"I think you both should give them sometime, Cheng Yang is only twenty-three whiles Cheng lan would turn eighteen this year". The duo who were being talked about couldn't help but smile ear to ear , "thank you Uncle" Cheng lan mumbled to herself.

Camella , Alicia and Amelia had dinner in absolute quietness. The only sound that could be heard was the clattering of their cutlery. "There's a banquet coming on two days from now and we are all going when I say we you're included Camella"Amelia informed. Camella was surprised when she said she was included .She didn't want anything to do with these rich people and their lives "Sorry but I don't think I would be able to attend with you guys , I'm very grateful for all you've done for me but I can't accept this invitation"Camella stated. 'Weren't this people treating her a little too good , she knows she supposed to be grateful but in this world today it's hard for people to be this generous' she thought. Amelia wasn't going to let her disrupt her plan not when it could affect her reputation. "I don't think that's possible Camella, you see you're Alicia's friend and so I want to treat you equally as I treat my daughter and for that reason I think it would be better if you join us please"she coaxed . Camella just sighed and muttered okay . Dinner was finally over and as if being suffocated Camella dashed out of the place.

In another Country at the same time a man with his hair slightly disheveled was seen sitting in an enormous office with another man standing in front of him who was soaked in sweat even though the air conditioner in the office was working perfectly ."B-boss it's seven o'clock and-"Xio Wong stammered but stopped talking when he felt the gaze of the man on him . "S-sorry you can actually work as long as you want haha "he said and even laughed to ease the atmosphere but it only got worse . Xio Wong's legs stared shaking and he couldn't help but pray silently to God to let his boss staring at him."You can leave" a deep baritone reverberated in the quiet office which made his back straighten. As if his life depended on it he tried to walk normally until he got out of the office and bolted from there. Sitting there with an expressionless face was Alexander Min , the King of both the business and the underground world . His midnight black hair was a little disheveled with the top two buttons of his shirt undone. His sleeves were rolled to his elbow and even though he looked tired his beautiful face was still glowing which would put the gods to shame. His pitch black eyes , well chiseled jaw and heart shaped pink lips would make one wonder whether God specially crafted him himself. He stood up from his chair and from his silhouette you could see that he was a very tall man with a well built body .His broad shoulders could be seen perfectly in his dress as he punched a code onto something on the wall . The wall pulled apart and he entered, the place looked nothing from a house, it had all the necessities that one would need to live for a life time.