
Fallen For One Guy

"Not again"mumbled Camella as she took the shattered phone on the floor. Alex who was straightening his crumpled suit saw his shattered phone on the floor and smirked which Camella failed to notice before muttering"This was the new one I got when you destroyed the first one ". 'Oh no!' Camella thought clutching the sides of her evening gown. "I'm sorry but I can't afford to get you a new one because I'm penniless" Camella said. 'Well not actually penniless but not enough to even get it fixed'she thought pleading with her eyes. Camella is a girl who was brought from the village to the city by her best friend's rich parents. Whiles staying with them a pair of eyes falls on her and decides she is his future wife, what would happen if her best friend also the only child of the rich family falls in love with the same guy. Dear readers pleas join me as I unravel to you the beautiful love story of Camella and Alex

Reese_Nova17 · Urban
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23 Chs

Picking dresses I

The next day came quickly and as always Camella woke up very early to prepare for the day . Right after she was done dressing ,her phone dinged with a notification from her younger sister Elizabeth.

'Call me when you're less busy 'it read. Camella replied with an okay and kept her phone down.

She combed her hair and tied it in a high ponytail which made her looked as if she was still in high school . Staring at her reflection ,she decided otherwise and changed her hairstyle into a different one . Satisfied she smiled and walked out of the room with a vibrant smile on her lips .

"Camella"Amelia called when she saw her descending the stairs. Camella walked to where she was and greeted"Good morning"."Well it sure is , the banquet I talked about yesterday is two days from now and so we have to purchase your dress today"Amelia stated and Camella held back the urge of rolling her eyes. She didn't want any of this because to her it was a waste of time and money. But who was she kidding ,the Greg's just like to show off in public. Alicia joined them and said "I'll be picking you up at three today so that we can go and get our dresses together ". Camella just nodded and said"I would be having breakfast at work today "and left . Alicia stared at her until she was out of sight and rolled her eyes, she knew without a doubt that even though Camella is from a poor background she was still beautiful with a radiant skin.

"I still don't get why you told me pretend to be her best friend when she so much disgust me" Alicia enquired with a frown . Amelia smiled and said"Just do as I say and you wouldn't have a problem and about yesterday I don't want it to repeat itself"she warned sternly showing her who the mother is .

Camella arrived at the company very early just as she had planned with Irene. She was dressed in a black office gown with a coat on it . She took the elevator to her office and was not surprised when she saw Irene there,"I thought I would be the first to come but you came before I did "Camella muttered and chuckled. "Well I just did so, but it seems it wasn't enough because Jake arrived earlier than I even did"Irene chided and Camella harrumphed before settling down in her seat . 'This guy 'she thought and began her work trying to do anything humanly possible to get the work on her table done.

Xio Wong was in his office going through some files when a call came through , checking the caller ID he knew it was a headache coming his way . The person calling was non other than the old Min , his boss grandfather."Hello-"Xio Wong answered but kept the phone far away from his ears when he heard how the old man was yelling. Xio Wong kept the phone back on his ear and almost choked on his saliva when he heard the old man curse ."Tell that as**hole to get his ass over here , oh heavens what sort of a grandson did you give me he's always in another and even when he's in this country he sleeps over at his office. Tell him that I said I want him to stop with whatever work he's doing and get his ass over here!,do you get that" He relayed in anger and ended the call . Sometimes he wonders why the old man is like this but what can he say ,the Min family is filled with all sort of people. Getting up quickly he walked out of his office and almost ran walk to his boss office. Upon reaching there he noticed it was empty . 'Arghh how can he forget ,the boss is at a meeting with some foreign investors 'Xio Wong thought not knowing what to do , whether to listen to the old Min or face the wrath of his boss for being interrupted at such a meeting. Finally deciding on what to do he walked to the conference room where his boss was having a meeting with some foreign investors. Clearing his throat ,he walked to stand behind them because he didn't have the courage of interrupting his boss .He started working with him two years ago when he established a branch of the company in this country since here is where almost all his extended family lives. His previous assistant has been sent on a mission in another country which made him gain this position.

Alex noticed how his assistant looked disturbed as if torn between life and death . Motioning his hand he asked him to come forward and he did at a quicker pace than he had expected. "What is it?"he enquired . Xio Wong replied"The old man said you should get y-"he paused realising what he almost said and corrected"I meant he said you should come home now ". Alex hummed and adjourned the meeting as he made his way out of the conference Hall. Xio Wong wiped the invisible sweats on his forehead and took charge since his boss was away. Alex entered his private elevator and made a call "Get the car ready I'll be heading home in less than a minute". His elevator was connected to his private parking lot and so just when he got out a car was already prepared for him with some men in black suits standing beside it. He gave a meaningful gaze to the leader of his men and entered the car without a word.

When Alexander got to the mansion he knew the old man was very angry so he had already purchased his favorite mug for him. The mug even though not expensive is something that's very dear to the old man. Entering the living room he could feel how heavy the place was , he walked straight to his grandparents without even bothering with the others.

The other family members acknowledged his presence even though they were ignored.