
Fallen For One Guy

"Not again"mumbled Camella as she took the shattered phone on the floor. Alex who was straightening his crumpled suit saw his shattered phone on the floor and smirked which Camella failed to notice before muttering"This was the new one I got when you destroyed the first one ". 'Oh no!' Camella thought clutching the sides of her evening gown. "I'm sorry but I can't afford to get you a new one because I'm penniless" Camella said. 'Well not actually penniless but not enough to even get it fixed'she thought pleading with her eyes. Camella is a girl who was brought from the village to the city by her best friend's rich parents. Whiles staying with them a pair of eyes falls on her and decides she is his future wife, what would happen if her best friend also the only child of the rich family falls in love with the same guy. Dear readers pleas join me as I unravel to you the beautiful love story of Camella and Alex

Reese_Nova17 · Urban
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23 Chs

Picking dresses II

Alex saw his grandparents sitting on the sofa with his grandmother beside him . "Alex come sit next to me" An Cha his grandmother muttered patting the space beside her. "Don't you dare come close to my wife"the old man warned stubbornly and Alex arched a brow.

Signing he apologized "Grandpa I'm sorry for not coming-"Alex began and was cut off by his grandfather. The old man was the only one Who could do this because nobody dares to interrupt Alex when he's speaking. "I won't accept your apology !" he muttered looking away from where he was standing. "It won't happen again , I promise" Alex tried again it wasn't always that he promise and whenever he does so it means he meant it. The old Min knew this so well but still objected to it. Alex furrowed his brows because the old man was playing too hard to get , Alex pulled out his favorite mug made by Jeong Soo Hoo and the old man's eyes flashed with surprise, because he's been looking forward on getting this mug because it was limited. "See I even got you your favorite mug "he said showing it to him . At this rate it was getting hard for the old man because his grandson was making it hard for him to object him but he still stuck to his plan ."I-I don't want it "he stammered , he couldn't believe he was letting it go so easily. "I'll only forgive you on one condition "the old Min stated. "There's a banquet coming on in country M and I want you to attend it "The old Min muttered and Alex frowned. He didn't like such things because it annoys him , where the paparazzi would swarm the place to it's brim and then everyone tries to get his attention even including the elites. "But grandfather you know I dislike such things and the banquet is actually tomorrow, my schedule is packed plus I've already declined the invitation"Alex said trying to make the old man understand and choose something else."But brother you don't need an invite to attend a banquet since your presence alone is enough for the banquet to hit the headlines"Belle chirped in , but swallowed when she saw him glaring at her."What she's saying is right , you're my grandson and I know that's even enough of an invite"An Cha too added. Left with no other option Alex hummed , all he had to do was make an appearance and then leave right away. "The Jiang's eldest daughter would be there as well, that girl is a very nice girl and would make a good wife" He advised and Alex rolled his eyes . Alex excused himself and was about to walk out when the old man yelled "Where do you think you're going". Alex stopped in his tracks and answered "to go and get a wife".The old man smirked and muttered"You better come back with one ".

Alex got out of the mansion as his face became cold and expressionless again, "Get the jet ready I'll be going to county M in less than an hour" he said to one of his men and hopped into his car before it drove off from the Mansion.

Back at country M Camella was going through one of the files Jake rejected when a call came through , "I hope you haven't forgotten I'll be picking you up at three it's two-thirty now and I'm on my way "Alicia said and Camella rolled her eyes. 'Argh God this is becoming annoying'. "Is something wrong"Irene questioned when she saw Camella clutching her hair tightly."Nope, I'll be leaving now to go and get a dress for the upcoming banquet ,can you hold it in here until I return " Camella pleaded and Irene chuckled before saying"Don't worry I've got this ". Camella gave her an admirable smile before walking out of the office. When she got down she saw a black Lamborghini parked by the road side and walked to it since she knew how Alicia likes to show off . Getting to the car a man dressed in black appeared out of nowhere and open the door for her . Camella was a bit startled at first but saw the symbol of the Greg's on his chest and entered the car . "I'm sorry did you wait for long "Camella asked."No I just arrived , we'll first be going back to the mansion before we go get our dresses"Alicia informed and Camella frowned ."Why can't we go now do we need to get something "she asked because she couldn't see any logic reason why they would have to go back ."First I need to change my dress and then car , don't worry I'll be quick "Alicia said and smiled. Camella couldn't help but give her a ghost stare before turning to look at the window, she was utterly speechless with what she said . Alicia ignored her and drove back to the mansion. Upon reaching the mansion Alicia got out of the car and headed for the mansion but paused when she saw Camella standing there. "Why are you still standing there,don't tell me you're going in that "Alicia asked scrutinizing her dress. Camella checked her dress but found nothing wrong with it . "Why is there something wrong with this "she asked because she couldn't find any . Alicia rolled her eyes with an annoyed expression that Camella failed to notice before saying"follow me". 'This rich life is even becoming harder than she thought 'Camella thought sighing before she followed her.

Alicia and Camella came back dressed in differently , Alicia was dressed in a mini skirt with a crop top which exposed her slender waist . She was looking very stunning in the the dress and Camella couldn't agree less. Camella too wore a knee length fitting gown which revealed her curves . "My bestie is looking beautiful as always "Alicia complimented with envy in her voice but a smile on her lips ."But not as beautiful as you "Camella said and returned the smile. Alicia called one of her father's men and asked him to get one of her babies ready. Camella gave her a questioning look and Alicia winked. A black Rose Royce was brought to where they were standing and Camella couldn't help but gasp because that was the latest brand of the car . Alicia hopped into the drivers seat while Camella was so mesmerized by the car. Sitting at the other front seat she asked "So babies are cars ?". Alicia gave her nod before speeding off from the place. The man who had come with the car just stared at the spoilt brat of the Greg's.

They arrived at one of the best designers in the world place, Fiona's Collections.

Alex arrived in Country M and instructed his driver to drive straight to Fiona's Collection.