
Fallen For One Guy

"Not again"mumbled Camella as she took the shattered phone on the floor. Alex who was straightening his crumpled suit saw his shattered phone on the floor and smirked which Camella failed to notice before muttering"This was the new one I got when you destroyed the first one ". 'Oh no!' Camella thought clutching the sides of her evening gown. "I'm sorry but I can't afford to get you a new one because I'm penniless" Camella said. 'Well not actually penniless but not enough to even get it fixed'she thought pleading with her eyes. Camella is a girl who was brought from the village to the city by her best friend's rich parents. Whiles staying with them a pair of eyes falls on her and decides she is his future wife, what would happen if her best friend also the only child of the rich family falls in love with the same guy. Dear readers pleas join me as I unravel to you the beautiful love story of Camella and Alex

Reese_Nova17 · Urban
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23 Chs

Arriving in the city

Black convoys lined up as they entered the Greg's estate. One of the cars stopped in front of the mansion and out came a woman dressed in pale clothes , a knee length gown which was supposed to be blue in colour but must have paled because of it's constant washing. "Camella!" a figure called as she rushed to hug her. "Alicia"Camella too called as well and she tightened her grip on her . Camella and Alicia are best friends but got separated somehow because of their difference in status since Alicia is the daughter of the renowned business tycoon , Mr. Elius Greg .She just arrived in the city today because she wanted to work because her parents are poor. "Alicia are you really going to keep your friend out there , let her in "Mary , Alicia's personal servant and also the head maid said. "My bad"she muttered feeling guilty and dragged Camella into the mansion. Both Alicia and Camella are in their late teens , Camella is eighteen whiles Alicia is nineteen and are both done with high school."Thank you so much for talking to your parents into letting me stay here"Camella said . Alicia chuckled and replied "Who said I begged them ,all I did was tell them about your family's financial problem and that was it , besides my father was the one who

really wanted to help".'huh' Camella thought and smiled. After talking to Alicia almost half a day she was finally showed her room . When she entered Camella sighed and mumbled"I hope this new beginning will help me get enough money to look after mom and dad ". Walking to the bed she scanned the room and was beyond surprised when she saw the interior decoration. "Wow! Ali just how rich are your parents" she muttered as she touched the walls. Camella freshened up and was told to come down for dinner, even though she was not from a rich family she knew all the table etiquettes and knew what to do and what not.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Greg" Camella greeted when she got to the table . "Why are you greeting us so formally as if we're strangers" asked Amelia , Alicia's mom.


"You can call us mom and dad and besides we don't see you to be a stranger so stop addressing us as one"Elius added .Camella smiled and nodded.

Alicia smiled with satisfaction and said out loud with pouted lips"Why do I feel like you guys have neglected me already". Amelia rolled her eyes and went to her seat as the servants there pulled it for her. They all joined him on the table as the servants pulled the chairs for them. After the food was served, Elius enquired"Why are you here in Crystal City when you just completed high school last month?". Camella who was staring at the food in a daze was pulled back by the question."Um... because I really need to work to support my parents "Camella answered. Amelia paused with whatever she was doing before continuing. Camella stuffed some of the food into her mouth and was about to take another bite when Elius asked again."What type of work are you looking for ,I can help". Camella was touched by his gesture but still declined."I really appreciate your kindness but I will have to refuse your kindness since having me here is already enough"she countered but Elius was not taking no for an answer"I insist" he declared. Is not always that he helps people ,he's a businessman so whatever he finds profitable he makes sure it goes his way ."I don't have a job yet since no one will employ an eighteen year old girl"Camella answered. Elius nodded and offered "then I can get you a place in my company as an assistant".Since she knew he wouldn't like to hear no , she nodded and thanked him . Alicia giggled and mumbled in whispers to Camella "Don't mind him that's how he behaves but he's a very good man". Camella smiled and nodded 'then it's very overbearing'she thought but still smiled. Dinner was finally over and Camella retired to her room for the night. she freshened up and opened the walk in closet attached to her room and was shocked when she saw new set of clothes she didn't see them before dinner."Does this room get refilled and changed every second?" she thought aloud. "OMG this people sure live extravagantly. wait a minute where are my clothes " she commented when she couldn't find her dress and started skimming through but still didn't find it.

In another house which looks like it was situated in a village , Dorothy and Andrews were talking when a call came through, checking the caller ID they noticed it was from their step daughter Camella."Pick it up"Andrews motioned with his hand and Dorothy answered."How is the mansion, is it that nice like how we see on TV? can you take a picture and send it to me"Dorothy chided in one breath. Camella rolled her eyes over the phone , she knows they don't love her that much since they said they found her at a gold mining site after an explosion had occured but can't they just pretend to care. "Yes" she answered shortly not willing to explain anything to them into details. "Anyway don't forget to send money to us when you receive one, because we both know that you're supposed to be an orphan but it's all be-" Dorothy began but Camella cut her off "I Know, I'll hung up now"and without waiting for anything cut the call. *Sighed* "I wonder sometimes what would have happened if I had met my biological parents instead"she mumbled as a tear slipped down her beautiful brown eyes and then to the pillow before finally she drifted off to sleep.

"Wasn't that a little bit too much of goodness?"Amelia queried irritated. She couldn't get why her husband had offered that poor girl who just completed high school the chance to work in Greg's Corporation, one of the best companies in the world."No it wasn't, trust me she's worth it , you're going to thank me later"he assured and smiled as he pulled the duvet to cover himself and succumbed to sleeping whiles Amelia was fuming.