"Good morning class, before we begin I have an announcement to make." Mrs. Winston, Wade's new math teacher said as she successfully got everyone's attention, though most people present were looking at the handsome guy standing beside her at the front of the class.
Not even an hour ago, the school counselor had led Wade around the school and given him an orientation of sorts before bringing him to his first class of the day; math with Mrs. Winston.
"I'm sure most of you noticed we have a new student." The teacher continued causing the attention on Wade to grow even more intense; the school students were very much interested in a new person.
"Hello," Wade said in an easygoing manner with a smile on his face.
"His name is Wade Godfrey, everyone is nice and welcome him to our school." Mrs. Winston said before looking toward Wade and speaking directly to him. "May I?"
"Hm?" Wade hummed in confusion before it dawned on him what she was referring to. "I'm blind," he said before raising his cane slightly for the class to see; the teacher seemed a bit uncomfortable with the subject.
More often than not, Wade didn't think about his blindness; it was usually other people who weren't close to him who thought about it. They usually felt it was a sensitive topic that they needed to be careful with; Wade never felt that way about it, he simply didn't care.
Wade's words got some of the people in the classroom talking but nothing bad was said, most of the reactions were 'Oh, so that's why he's got a cane, which wasn't an odd statement, not many people around their age walked with a cane.
"As Wade said, he's blind so be nice and help when if he asks." Mrs. Winston said before continuing. "Mr Cullen, would you please come up here and help Wade back to the seat beside you?"
"Yes." A deep voice laced with curiosity replied while Wade thought about the name Cullen, it was clear he'd gotten into a Vampire's class already.
Moments later Wade felt a hand fall upon his shoulder, it was then accompanied by a voice. "C'mon bro, I got you."
"Aw, how sweet," Wade replied as he followed the Vampires lead; his words earning him a small laugh.
Walking toward the back of the classroom, Wade thought about the sounds he was catching within the room; many heartbeats were filling his ears but not a single sound came from the man leading him to his seat.
'Vampire man, vampire man, I've found you!' Wade said to himself as a smile formed on his face; even the man's touch was ice cold like vampires were in Twilight.
"Here ya' go." The vampire said as they arrived at their seats.
"Thanks, bud," Wade replied as he sat down, the Cullen soon following his lead.
"No problem." Mr. Cullen stated before continuing. "My name's Emmett Cullen; it's nice to meet you."
"Likewise," Wade replied before the teacher spoke.
"Now for attendance, say 'here' when your name is called."
Sitting patiently, Wade listened intently as the teacher called off the names of the students within the classroom; ultimately there were two Vampires within the room and Wade just so happened to be seated in between them both.
After the teacher finished the attendance she began today's lesson which Wade could say he barely listened to as he thought about the names of the people seated directly beside him, the fact they were some of Twilight's main supporting characters interested him.
'Why am I in the middle?' Wade thought to himself knowing that the two Vampires were the so-called Soul mates; they would usually want to sit beside each other rather than have him in between them.
'Emmett Cullen to my left and Rosalie Hale to my right.'
"Hey you," Wade whispered to the woman to his right; she was making plenty of noise so it made sense for him to say something to her in this manner.
"What?" Rosalie replied, her attitude as clear as day.
"What's your name?" He asked despite already knowing while he ignored the sensation of Emmett's eyes falling upon him as he spoke with Rosalie.
"Did you listen to the attendance?" Rosalie replied in a bitchy tone.
"Nope," he lied, he did indeed listen to the attendance.
Giving an annoyed sigh, Rosalie replied. "Rosalie Hale."
Abruptly ending the conversation, Wade pretended to return his attention to the teacher despite not doing that at all; instead, he fell deep into thought. He kind of felt these fellows were boring so eventually he fell asleep.
Noticing how Wade was now seated with his head titled upwards at the ceiling while he lightly snored, Emmett grinned before speaking to his wife. "He's sort of like Alice said he'd be; though he's not that crazy, honestly, he seems pretty regular if you ask me."
"Are you already judging him despite not knowing him for even an hour?" Rosalie replied as she scanned Wade; his stable breathing told her that he was actually sleeping and not faking it.
"I guess." Emmett shrugged before continuing. "But I'm not wrong, right? Alice said he'd do crazy shit all the time when she or Eliza wasn't there."
"Mhm." Rosalie hummed in response before continuing. "...Is it really okay to let a human near us?"
Noticing how his wife lowered her tone to a whisper, Emmet understood she was serious. "I don't think there's much of a choice; he's their mate so what right do we have to deny them of that?"
Falling silent for a few moments, a flash of contemplation surged through Rosalie's eyes before she spoke again. "If he puts us in danger, I won't hesitate."
Giving his worried wife a reassuring smile, Emmet replied. "I know and neither will I."
Feeling a bit better about the situation, Rosalie spoke. "Besides, what type of person has two-"
"I'll save the Soul Society..." Wade whispered interrupting the two; nobody heard the sleeping man but the two vampires with superhearing certainly did.
"...Should I wake him up?" Emmett questioned.
"Absolutely not," Rosalie replied immediately, she wasn't a fan of humans in the slightest, in fact, she didn't even want to be seated next to Wade. The female vampire disliked Wade even more than regular humans because he posed much more harm to the Olympic coven than others did.
"Gotcha," Emmett replied knowing it was best to leave the subject alone for now.
Returning to their healthy silence, for the remainder of the class the two vampires balanced their attention between each other, the lesson, and the sleeping Wade Godfrey who kept whispering random things.
Eventually, the class ended and the school bell rang which in turn woke Wade up but upon doing so he was met with the voice of a man. "You want me to help you to your next class dude?" Emmett offered.
"You'd do that for me, Leroy?" Wade replied, his tone almost emotional as if nobody had ever done something so nice for him before.
"It's Emmett and yeah, I don't mind." The tall man replied as he threw a glance at his wife leaving the classroom.
"Nice, here's my schedule," Wade said before handing the vampire a sheet of paper that held his class schedule for the school day.
Taking the paper, Emmett looked over it and took note of the braille markings it held. The school had handled everything from braille lesson papers to custom notebooks catered to blind people; Wade had everything a blind person would need to go through school.
"Hm..." Emmet hummed as he looked over the p[paper one last time before speaking. "We've got the next class together and some of your other periods are with my siblings," he commented before returning the paper to Wade.
"That so?" Wade replied wondering how the other Cullens were, Emmett here wasn't as goofy as he was described in the movies; well, it was most likely that Emmett was only that way with people he was close to which made more sense.
"Yeah, that'll make you either lucky or unlucky." Emmett continued as he looked over Wade carefully, just like his wife he wasn't automatically going to accept the human into their family; that was far too dangerous.
"Anyway, let's get going, we don't have much time," Emmett commented as Wade stood up.
"Lead the way, eyeballs," Wade replied as he stood up ready to go.
"Eyeballs?" Emmett commented with a confused tone before the meaning of what Wade meant sank in causing him to release a few chuckles.
Moments later the reincarnator and Vampire could be seen navigating the hallways and despite a large number of students roaming around, it was clear they were avoiding Emmett's path so it was easy for Wade and him to make their way around.
'So many curious eyes.' Wade said to himself as he and Emmett continued on their way; despite sensing so many people gazing at him, a certain set of eyes on him felt particularly intense but in an enjoyable way.
Putting the curious eyes aside, Wade instead thought about the conversation the two Vampires had in class; it was completely reckless of them to speak on such things in public but it was clear to Wade that his acting skills were top-tier, after all, he'd been able to feign sleeping in front of two vampires with super senses.
'Guess I won't have to look for my soul mate after the twilight story is over.' He said inwardly as a grin broke onto his face; this was already becoming much more fun than he anticipated it would be.
To be continued...