
Fairy tail the eternal phoenix

A man is born into fairy tails world with the powers of marco the phoenix. Is this a simple man or is he really..........

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Pain and Joy

Days have gone by since the events of Galuna island. Still laying asleep in fairy tails infirmary Is Marco the phoenix, Having exhausted so much of his magic power saving Ur that it nearly killed him, Begins regaining consciousness.

" Ughhh I feel like crap!" Marco said before noticing the woman at his bedside" Huh? Mira!" Marco said finally noticing. How long have I been out? Has she been here the whole time? Marco thought to himself as he smiled finding happiness from the gesture. As he watched her sleep, Marco couldn't help but rub the womans beautiful face. " Hard to believe how much you've changed. To think you would go from that scary young lady to this beautiful woman." Marco said causing the woman to stir.

Waking up to the sight of his smile and his touch on her face Mira couldn't help but Lunge into the mans body.

" MARCO!" Mira Yelled as he hugged Marco " Marco I was so worried. I thought I'd lose you too!" mira said as tears began flowing down her face.

" Oi! Oi! I'm not that easy to kill Mira. Hey Mira?"

" Yes?"

" I'm Home!" Marco said with a smile as he pulled her into another hug.

" Yes, Welcome home!" Mira said smiling returning his hug.

The two wizards stayed there losing themselves in time as they both fell asleep.

Hours had passed. Soon the master of guild Makarov had come to visit Marco hoping to see if he had finally awakened.

" Hmm Marco are you awake yet?" Makarov asked as he entered the room. " Hm! I see rest well you two." Makarov said as he entered the room finding The two wizards Embracing each other tightly. Decided to let them enjoy the rest they've earned. " Mira's been a nervous wreck ever since she saw the aftermath of Marcos Bloody battle with Bacchus. She practically begged me not to send him to Galuna island. He's been in the infirmary for 2 weeks and she's been in and out of that room every day. The only time she's left has been to shower, work, and eat. Hmm! Treat her well Marco." Makarov said as he walked away from the infirmary.

The next day

After finally resting Mira and Marco both finally left the infirmary.

" Mira? I'm sorry for making you worry like that."

" It's fine Marco! This is the life we've chosen there's no point in regretting it now."

" So what does this make us?" Marco asked Not knowing what to make of the situation.

" I don't know I'm new to all of this really. I've never really had the opportunity to date."

" Ok! So how about tonight you let me take you on your first?" Marco asked with a smile receiving a smile and a nod from mira. causing him to blush a deep red.

" Ok! You ready to say hello to everyone who's missed you?" Mira asked as she grabbed hold of marcos hand.

" Yeah!" Marco said as he began opening the door to the guild hall.

As the two walked in everyone turned to see the young couple. At the sight everyone Burst into cheers being glad to finally see the young man awaken.

" Glad to see you're still alive Kid!" Wakaba yelled

" Yeah! You had us all worried." Macao said

" Heeeeeeey! What are you doing holding my sisters hand!" Elfman yelled running towards Marco before Mira grabbed him by the ear.

" Elfman!" Mira yelled.

" Marco! I'm glad to see you're ok." Erza said with a smile on her face

" Marco!" Master makarov called

" Hey master! It's good to see you," Marco answered

" I'm glad to see you back son. You really had me worried."

" I'm sorry master, but I saw an opportunity to save someone's life and I took it. I have no regrets. Actually that's not true. Can you do me a favor master?"

" As long as it is within reason I will do anything. How can I help you marco?"

" I want to be the one to handle Natsus punishment!" Marco said

" Hmm, Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and happy have already been punished. What are you planning to do?"

" With natsu, actions speak louder than words. He needs to learn a lesson and I want to be the one to teach it to him."

" Very well! I'll fetch him." Makarov said before walking off.

After awhile Makarov returned to the guild with natsu, Lucy, happy, Gray, and Ur in tow.

" I've brought them all here for you marco!"

" Hey Gramps was telling the truth he's awake. Hey Marco!" Natsu yelled running towards marco.

However before he could get to him Marco's arms Flashed a dark purple, As he activated his armament haki, Marco glared at Natsu before slamming his fist into his chest. Knocking natsus breath out sending him flying.

" Sorry Natsu! But today you're going to learn a lesson, even If I have to beat it into you." Marco said as natsu struggled to catch his breath.

Marco began beating natsu. " You reckless IDIOT!" Marco yelled knocking him into the air before appearing above him kicking him back down towards the ground. As natsu approached the ground Marco caught him kneeing him in the gut and slamming both of his fists down into his back smashing him into the ground. " You never stop and think about your actions, You rush head first into everything and while I can respect your drive to win and get stronger, you're allowing your arrogance to endanger everyone's lives including your own." Marco yelled angrily

Natsu tried to pick himself up, but before he could Marco smashed him back into the ground with his foot.

" What would have happened if Erza and i didn't show up when we did? Do you wanna know? Lucy would be dead right now, and it would be your fault!" Marco yelled seeing natsu staring at him in shock.

Upon seeing Marcos Actions and words everyone just stared at him unable to say a word. However no one felt as bad as Natsu did knowing that Marco was right.

" Listen Natsu, You're like a brother to me, I love you like one you idiot, but you gotta understand that your actions have consequences that everyone has to face. Let me tell you a story Natsu. One that happened a long time ago. It's a story about another friend of mine that I called a brother. His name was ace. In a lot of ways you and ace were just alike Hot headed idiots. One day a crew mate of ours killed a member of aces squad. On our ship There was no bigger crime than killing your own family. It was an Iron-clad rule. However, for the first time our captain decided not to take action against this man. He said he had a bad feeling about it and didn't want us to get hurt, but Ace just couldn't let it go. Ace allowed his emotions to get the best of him and he left the ship pursuing the traitor. He refused to give up his chase, but what he didn't understand was that he acted recklessly and was blinded by his own fame that he believed himself invincible. When ace and the traitor met. Ace Lost and was imprisoned. When we caught word of what had happened we assembled all of our forces, numbering in the thousands. Those who had imprisoned Ace scheduled him for a public execution. They knew we wouldn't let that happen. It resulted in a massive war. In the end Ace, our captain. and thousands of our brothers and sisters died." Marco said as he began crying loosening his foot on natsu.

Hearing his story everyone in the guild couldn't help, but feel bad for Marco. They could only imagine how much it must have hurt, how much he must have suffered.

" Natsu! I don't want to see you make the exact same mistakes that ace did. Please Natsu heed my words. Don't do something stupid like this again." Marco said as he helped natsu to his feet.

" Yes!" Natsu said ashamed of his actions.

After that The guild hall celebrated Marcos Healthy return. He met and drank with Ur, Talking about gray and lyon when they were young, getting thanked by her before she took her leave to find her daughter. As soon as she left, Gray followed after.

The happiness and joy in the air radiated from every member of the guild. Except for one.

" Marco are you ok?" Mira asked seeing that marco wasn't happy at all.

" No not really." Marco said deciding to tell the truth

" Is it about, the story of your past, you told us earlier?" She asked holding his hand in hers now.

" I was right there that day, and I couldn't save My captain Nor my Brother. For a long time I was left drifting alone. Now I've found a new home and I'm worried I'll lose it all again." Marco said " I'm sorry this is supposed to be a celebration, How about we go get ready for that date tonight huh?"

" Ok." Mira said nodding her head as she left the guild hall to go to her house, With Marco doing the same.


" Oh man I haven't had a date in a long time. Marco said fixing the collar on his new Light blue collar shirt, Straightening his black jeans, and Rocking his Signature sandals as he walked towards mirajanes house.

Once he arrives, he knocks on the door letting the occupants know he's there. When Mira opens the door Marco is knocked breathless as he sees the beautiful woman step out. Dressed in a white turtle neck shirt, with a window for her cleveage and a beautiful red skirt.

" Wow you really are beautiful you know!" Marco said staring intensely into her blue eyes.

" HEY! You better not hurt my sister.

" Hahaha! shall we go my lady?" Marco said as he held out his taking Mira with his As they left. Enjoying the Night they night together further cementing the two's affection for each other.
