
Fairy tail the eternal phoenix

A man is born into fairy tails world with the powers of marco the phoenix. Is this a simple man or is he really..........

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Galuna island!

" Angelica avenge your masters death!"

" But I thought that rat was one of her puppets! I can't move my legs for some reason. Ahhhhh!"

S!ash, Slash!

" Ahoo!" The giant rat yelled in pain as Erza and Marco cut through it.

" Erza! Marco!" Lucy yelled happily.

Having arrived in time to save lucy from her opponent. Marco and Erza both give Lucy a death glare.

Whoa I forgot they're mad at us for taking an s-class quest without permission. Lucy though to her self scared.

" Lucy I assume you know why we're here, you do don't you?" Erza asked

" To take us back!" Lucy said. " Promise you won't hurt me!" Lucy echoed multiple times.

" I'm making no such promises today!" Marco said to lucy

" Hey I've been looking all over for you! I'm glad you're ok I was!" was all happy said before realizing that erza and marco were there. In an attempt to run away erza catches happy by the tail..

" Now where is natsu?" Erza asked

" Listen I'm sorry we came here without permission, but some really awful things have been happening on this island. There's this guy and his minions who are trying to revive a frozen demon, and this islands villagers are suffering because of this magic spell they're using, they've turned into monsters. We just thought that if we worked together we maybe able to help them." Lucy ranted.

" None of that is my concern!" Erza said ruthlessly.

" Please erza let us finish this job, we can't leave things this way!" Lucy begged

" I don't think you understand, the three of you have betrayed master makarov. You'll be lucky to walk away with your lives.

Marco and erza tied lucy and happy up deciding it would be easier to keep them from fighting back While they searched for the others. Lucy filled the two in while they unsuccessfully searched for natsu. Leaving erza and Marco furious with the fire dragon slayer.

" Natsu! That idiot!" Marco growled. Seeing natsu make the same mistake as an old friend of his made did nothing, but anger him.

After failing to find natsu happy guides Marco and the others to the villages new settlement. Having arrived at the village to learn that gray was there. The villagers showed the wizards to their own tent. Marco asked the woman who was kind enough to guide them around to inform gray they were there when he woke up from healing.

" Oh man it sucks that all we can do now is wait for gray to wake up. Damn it! I'm still not at 100 percent. Bacchus really did a number on me." Marco said

" It's amazing that you can fight him like you did in the first place. I more than know bacchus's strength all too well. It's only been a few hours since you guys finished your fight and you're already healed up like nothing happened in the first place, but that doesn't seem to be the only thing on your mind." Erza said

" Oi! Oi! Am I really that readable now?"

" What's wrong marco?"

" Erza I understand how you feel and I agree with you to an extent that we should just do what we came here for, but do you think it's smart to just let those people do as they wish? If that demon get's lose I have no doubt he'll kill every single thing on this island." Marco asked

" I understand that, but they aren't ready for this and the two of us can't fight that demon if we have to worry about protecting them."

" I agree!" Marco said before shutting his eyes to rest


" You made us wait. Not smart!" Erza said glaring at gray

" Erza! Marco! Why are those two tied up?"

" Lucy caught us up too speed with everything that's happened. I thought you were sent here to stop natsu and these two fools. Needless to say I'm disappointed!" erza said waking marco.

" Where is natsu anyway?"

" Isn't that something we'd like to know! Ok we're going to search for natsu and then we are going back to the guild."

" But we can't leave the island just yet. If lucy filled you in then you should know what the villagers are going through right now!" Gray said

" And what would be your point?" Erza said glaring at gray.

" We came here solely to apprehend these fools for breaking the rules of the guild. I'm not interested in anything other than that!" erza continued

" Rules! have you even seen what's happened to the people of this island?"

" I have!"

" And you guys are still just going to turn your backs on them?"

" Their request is posted on the boards of every guild hall, the villagers would be better served by wizards who are cleared for S-class, You're not qualified!"

" How can you be so heartless?"

" What did you say? Have you chosen to defy the guilds rules as well? You'll face the same punishment!" Erza said holding her sword up to grays throat. In response gray simply grabbed the blade and glared back at erza.

" Do what you must! for me there's no other choice to be made. I can't walk away from what I know is right!" Gray said before walking past erza. " I'm seeing this through till the end and you guys can't stop me." gray said leaving the tent.

Hm not bad gray! Not bad at all. Marco thought to himself with a smile on his face. Erza however was conflicted by grays words and made a change of judgement. With a flash of her blade she freed lucy and happy from their bindings.

" These events are intolerable! We'll deal with the immediate problems for now!" Erza said

" Thank you!" Lucy and happy both cheered.

" This doesn't change anything. You're still going to face punishment!" Erza said as she and marco left the tent.

" Hey Erza! Thank you!" Marco said with a smile for erza, Earning one back from the red head. " Ok now all we gotta do is look for natsu, that shouldn't be too hard all we gotta do is look for the explosions." Marco said as everyone started wandering the forest.

While the group walked Marco asked why this was so important to gray, to which gray explained everything regarding what had happened during his childhood. How he was found and raised by Ur alongside lyon and how she had sacrificed herself to stop deliora, and why it's so important for lyon to kill the demon.

" I see! I can understand why the kid would want to kill the demon now. It isn't to prove he's stronger than Ur, He wants revenge on the monster that took her out of his life. The only draw back is that demon is much more powerful than he is." Marco said after hearing grays backstory.

" Listen Marco I want you do me a favor. When we find them I want you to let me deal with lyon. I'm the one who should bring him down."

" Fine, Not like it really matter me and erza got a demon to worry about!" Marco replied as they quickly approached Lyon and natsus location.

" I'm going on ahead!" Gray shouted leaving his team mates.

" No gray Stop!" Erza shouted

" Damn it! These guys are really pissing me off!" Marco said as he ran along side erza.

As the the four were making their way towards the temple after gray they noticed it began to shake and tilted straight.

" Damn that gray!" Marco said

As they approached the temples entrance soldiers began pouring out to stop the intruders.

"Requip!" Erza yelled summoning a spear as she sliced through the enemies in front of her

While Marco on the other hand Turned into his hybrid form and crashed through the soldiers with a solid kick. " Erza! Lucy! I'm leaving these guys to you two. I'm going to go see If I can stop the demon from being revived!" Marco yelled as he continued to force his way through the soldiers. " Damn The moon drip ceremony started damn it! There must be a way to stop it. Gray said they'd need someone at the altar so that's where I'm going." Marco said as he transformed into his full phoenix form Shocking the soldiers.

" WHAAAAAAT!" the soldiers screamed as marco transformed

Marco rushed as he made his way to the top spotting the man casting the ceremony. Marco flew towards the dog man turning back into his hybrid form spinning in the air and kicking the man in his side stopping the ceremony.


" There that should do it!" Marco said However.

Everyone through out the island all heard at once a deathly scream that rocked the temple shaking everyone to their core.

" Damn! I was too late!" Marco said as he rushed down towards the source of the scream arriving their at the same time as gray to find natsu there as well as the ice around deliora shattering freeing the demons upper body. " Damn it this is just our luck!"

" Marco!? Where did you come from?" Natsu asked shocked to see marco there.

" Natsu you are in so much fucking trouble! Erza and I are definitely going to beat you senseless for this!" Marco said as he turned pale upon learning that erza was also there. " Gray can you rebuild the ice Huh!?" Marco said realizing The ice was alive. " This ice it's alive, but how?"

" As long as that ice is there, Ur is still alive!" Gray said shocking marco

" Is that right! Gray natsu stand back I'm going to break the rest of the seal get ready to attack the demon." Marco said. I might be able to save her. I haven't gotten much practice using my awakened power, but If there's still this much of her lifeforce left I might just be able to do it. Even if I can't I have to try. Marco thought to himself.

" What do you mean? If you break the spell you'll not only free deliora, you'll kill Ur!" Gray yelled

" Gray just trust me! He's going to get out no matter what, at least this way I might be able to save her. Key word being Might! So do as I say do you hear me?" Marco said shocking gray " Listen I need you to make an Ice body as closely to her as you can do you hear me hurry. I can't rebuild her body, but I can guide her soul into a new one for her to use." Marco said as gray began constructing the Ice body.

" Ok Marco It's ready!" Gray yelled as Erza, lucy, and happy all arrived

Marco closed his eyes and focused intensely on the soul Trapping the demon. " Ur can you hear me! I need you to follow the sound of my voice. Let me guide you." Marco says.

" Who are you!? How can you speak to me?" The soul of Ur asks

" I don't have much time ok. I'm a friend of grays and right now deliora is being freed, once the rest of your ice is gone you will be too, I can save you but you have to trust me." Marco said all but pleading with the soul.

The soul of Ur hesitated briefly before allowing Marco control over it. guiding itself into Marcos flames of Life.

" Ok I got her! Marco yelled as He ran to the ice body. Marco used his flames of life and forced the soul into the ice body that resembled Ur. At first it seemed as the process would fail, However Marco refused to give up.

" I'm not giving up after coming this far!" Marco yelled as his flames continued pouring into the ice body now Sharing part of his own soul. The souls of Ur and Marco mixed stabilizing the Ice body turning it from pure Ice into a person.

" No way! I don't believe it!" Gray said As he now stared at the naked body of the woman in front of them.

" Huff huff!" Marco wheezed heavily. " Haha! I did it! How about that you bastards?" Marco said

Seeing what had just transpired Erza could only stare in astonishment as Marco had just revived the dead.

" Marco! How is that possible? You can revive the dead, but how?" Erza asked shocked.

" I didn't revive the dead. Ur was never dead she sacrificed her physical body to trap deliora. As long as her ice remained, her soul was still in this world. I used my powers to take her soul into my body and healed it with my flames of life. I then Used those flames and transferred her soul into the ice body. At first it wasn't gonna work so I had to give the body something else to stabilize it."

" That's amazing!" Lucy said as she

" Not really. She's alive yes, but she isn't human anymore. I honestly don't know for sure what she is now. Her body isn't just that of ice magic now. It's now apart of me as well. half ice/ half phoenix flames. My flames of life can burn forever as long as the source is still alive. There's really no way to tell. Besides everyone. You all got a demon to kill now!" Marco said as he finally collapsed.

Deliora roared drawing the attention of everyone as they now noticed that the Ice that was holding the demon in place had vanished, meaning the demon was free.

" Guys! get back I'll stop him." Gray said as he began casting a spell. " ICED SHELL!" Gray yelled preparing to sacrifice his life.

" GRAY!" Everyone yelled

However before he could finish the spell Natsu stepped in front of him to stop him.

" Why don't you let me handle this?" Natsu said to gray

" Don't be stupid get out of my way!" Gray yelled.

" If I didn't let you use it before, what makes you think I will now?" Natsu asked gray. " I'm not gonna let you go out like that. Go ahead and cast the spell, but I'm not moving."

" Natsu."

The demon deliora once again released a vicious scream that caused nearly everyone to wince in pain.

" Ahhhhhhhh!" Lucy, toby, happy, and erza yelled as the demons roar nearly burst their ears. Marco, however had passed out from using up almost all of his magic saving Ur.

" NATSUUUUU!" Gray yelled as Deliora launched an attack towards natsu.

" I'M NOT GIVING UP TILL THE BITTER END! Natsu Yelled as he met Deliora attack head on " ARHHHHHHHH!" He yelled before noticing that deliora had stopped.

The great demon of destruction Deliora had started to shatter and crumble away into nothing.

" Deliora was already dead!" Lyon said crying. " For 10 years Ur has gradually depleted the demons lifeforce and what we just saw was the demons dying breath." Lyon cried.

" Man your teacher is awesome!" Natsu said to gray with a smile.

Gray began walking over to Marco and Ur who were laying beside each other still unconscious. Gray picked up her body and simply said " You saved me again! Thank you Ur. You too Marco!"