
Fairy tail the eternal phoenix

A man is born into fairy tails world with the powers of marco the phoenix. Is this a simple man or is he really..........

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


After A long and peaceful night, Mirajane and Marco Both decided it was time to end it. Marco walked Mira home.

" So mira did you have fun?"

" Yes I did! Thank you for taking me out marco." Mira said giving marco a kiss on the cheek before walking inside. Leaving the poor man in a smoky state.

Alright guess it's time for me to turn in too. Marco thought to himself while rubbing his cheek.

The next day.

After getting ready and dressed for the morning, Marco started his walk towards the guild. However when he arrived he saw the tragedy that had befallen the guild hall.

" What the hell!" Marco said angrily staring at the metal pillars jutting out of the guild hall.

Arriving just behind him are Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and erza.

" No way!" Gray said.

" What's happened to it!" Erza asked

" Our Guild. Someone did this to our guild!" Natsu said angrily

" Marco what happened?" Erza asked

" I don't know!" He growled

." It was phantom." Mira answered.

" Mira!" Marco yelled while running towards the woman. " Are you ok?" He asked worriedly pulling the woman into a hug

" Are you serious?" Gray asked

" You mean phantom did this!" Natsu asked angrily Sharing Marcos rage

" We couldn't do anything to stop them. They really got us good! She cried into Marcos arms.

Mira guides the group of wizards into the guild halls basement.

The fairy tail guild hall while, usually used for storage it is no used to house the guilds broken spirits.

" Yo! What's up kids?" Makarov asked.

" Hi." Lucy said

" Sorry we didn't get here sooner!" Erza said

" Why are you all just sitting around down here!?" Natsu asked

" How did it go lucy, did you finish the job like a good girl?" Makarov asked drunkily

" yeah I guess so!" Lucy answered

" Master do you understand the severity of this situation?" Erza asked

" The guild has been completely destroyed!" Natsu said

" there's no need to get yourselves all worked up, It's not the end of the world or anything."

" What?" Gray asked

" Just goes to show how cowardly those dunderheads in the phantom lord guild really are. They struck when no one else was here, does that sound like anything worth bragging about?" Makarov both said and asked.

" Nobody was here?" Erza asked

" It was after everyone had already left for the night." Mira said sadly holding onto marcos hand as he stood beside her fuming. Trying her best to console him

" I suppose we can be thankful for that, at least no one in our guild was hurt in the attack." Erza said

" We shouldn't trouble ourselves with people who don't even have the guts to face us head on. Forget about those fools." Makarov said

" Ain't gonna happen gramps, we can't let them trash our place and get away with it!" Natsu yelled as he punched a whole in the wall.

"I'm not talking about this any longer. We'll handle job request down here until the upstairs is repaired."

" We shouldn't be worrying about jobs right now!"

" Natsu that's enough out of you." Makarov said.

" Master! While I understand you're need to keep this peaceful Natsu is right. If we let something like this go they'll keep trying to walk all over us." Marco said finally coming down from his rage.

" That's enough!" Makarov said as he spanked lucy.

" And why did you spank me?" Lucy asked

" Hands to your self master!" Mira said with a glare.

" Hahaha!" Makarov laughed as he jumped up

" where are you going old man?" Natsu asked

" oh keep your dress on I need to wee." Makarov said

" I don't understand why he's being like this." Natsu said

" Listen this is just as hard on him as it is on you, but conflict between the guilds is forbidden by the council." Mira said

" It's not fair those phantom freaks started it!" Natsu yelled

" I know, but it doesn't matter." Mira said

" If the masters decision is to not retaliate, then we must respect it." Erza said

Marco however was taking this harder than anyone. He put one of his hands on the wall and in an instant flared his magical power to it's fullest cracking the nearly shattering the wall and shaking the entire guilds foundation.

This action shocks everyone in the room, even Erza is afraid by how much magical power is pouring out of him at the moment. However before his power does any damage. Mira simply gives him a hug.

" It'll be ok. We'll get through this together!" She said clinging to him.

Upon hearing her words Marco calmed down and relaxed his magic power.

After calming down the master decided to have every one stay together in groups.

" Marco are you ok!?" Mira said as they walked towards her house.

" No! I'm absolutely furious!" Marco growled squeezing her hand. " Mira I've seen what happens when you roll over to an enemy, This isn't going to end well. I just know it! Is it ok if I stay with you tonight?" Marco asked

" Yes!" Mira nodded holding onto his arm. He's really worried about all this I've never seen him this angry before. Oh marco please be ok.

Marco and mira arrived at their place, both took their turns washing up. Once they were done they got into bed. Marco wearing Purple sports underwear fitting to his skin. Showing off his rock hard body. And Mira in black lace. The two climbed into bed together Mira holding onto marco for safety, and Marco Holding onto her tight, almost as if she'd vanish if he let go. Nothing happened for the rest of the night in their world.

However the events that took place after that would be known as the trigger for a war between two wizards saints, and the arrival of a new S-class wizard.

The next day.

The magnolia south gate park.

" Excuse us we're from their guild please let us through!" Erza said As Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Makarov, and Marco all arrived to see three of their guildmates. Jet, Levy, and Droy Crucified to a tree with the phantom lord guild mark burned on their bodies.

The sight of the bodies sent Natsu and Marco into a rage.

"Levy!" Lucy yelled

" Jet! Droy!" Gray said

" Phantom lord did this!" Natsu growled

" I Knew this would happen! Marco yelled as his Magic power erupted from his body. Shaking the area around him. His red and black flames burning the Air around them.

" I can take our headquarters being reduced to rubble, but I will not let harm come to my children without taking revenge." makarov said snapping his stick and flaring his magic power as well. " We have no choice but to go to war!"

Marco assisted with getting Team shadowgear to the hospital. Once that was done he went back to the guild hall with everyone else and got ready for battle.

" Marco!" Mira said getting his attention. " Please be careful." She said hugging the man

" I will. Don't worry This won't take long." Marco said smiling at the woman and returning the hug.

The couple getting wide eyes and stares from everyone in the guild.

" Alright! Let's kick some ass!" Natsu yelled as the guild began their march to battle

As fairy tail approaches phantoms guild hall Natsu and marco pick up their pace. Marcos arms flash a darker purple than every before His black flames covering the arm fusing with the haki emitting a red aura. Natsu on the other hand covers his arm in his fire. They both pull back and Unleash on the guild hall doors causing a massive explosion that can be seen for miles. Once the smoke clears Natsu and Marco leading the entirety of Fairy tails roster steps into view.


YAAAAAAAAA! The wizards of phantom lord charged at the fairy tail guild.

Natsu Being the first to jump into battle attacks with his wing attack.

" ALRIGHT WHO WANTS TO PLAY WITH FIRRRRE!" Natsu yells as the charred bodies of phantom lord fall to the ground.

" GET THEM!" The phantoms yell

" PURPLE MIST!" Macao yells chaining and holding the phantom lord wizards in place. " NOW WAKABA!"

" On it. Here comes SMOKE CRUSH!" wakaba yells as smoke comes out of his pipe knocking out the wizards.

" GUNS MAGIC! Yeah." Alzack yelled as he shot multiple wizards. " That one was my spark shot.

" Eat this!" One guy yells attacking alzack before being shot down by bisca.

" Homing shot!" Bisca yells taking down multiple wizards with an explosion.

The wizards of phantom all attack Makarov.

"RAAAAAAH!" Makarov yells as he turns into a giant slamming the phantom lords into the ground.

" He's a monster!" They yell


" He's so powerful, all the members are strong too!"

" Yeah and they're totally nuts."

" I didn't know fairy tail was like this." They all said as Erza cut more of them down

" PHOENIX BRAND!" Marco yelled crashing through a pile of phantom lord wizards

" Picto magic Wilde beast!" Reedus said bringing his pictures to life.

" Wood make magic! Jam of passional love!"

" What's that supoosed to mean lady?"

" " RAAAH1 Let's get the cat!"

" Piece of cake!"

" Oh yeah! Don't forget I'm a wizard too!" Happy yells as he beats the wizards. " You got a problem with that?" Happy asks as he holds up a watermelon.

" Of course not sir!" The poor wizard replied.

" JOSE! SHOW YOURSELF!" makarov yells.


" GAJEEEEEEEEEEL!" Marco Yelled shaking the guild hall, Pillars of fire erupting from him. Scaring everyone in it.

" Ah! The legend herself Titania Erza, and Fairy tails Marco the Phoenix! I guess laxus and mystogan are too scared to play, or do they not care? Either way Master jose Knew exactly how this was going to go down."

" Of course he did!" The man with blonde hair and long ears said to gajeel.

" Looks like they're pretty good fighters, for a bunch of scumbags." gajeel finished

" How do you like this!" The phantom lord wizard yelled shooting fire at natsu with the latter eating the flames.

" OH Yeah now I got a fire in my belly!" Natsu said

" that can't be good."

" He just ate fire!"

" You don't think he's one of those?"

" I'm gonna blow you away! FIRE DRAGON ROAAAAR!" Natsu yelled roasting the wizards in front of him

" ICE MAKE! LANCE." Gray said taking out multiple wizards.

Erza simply continued cutting down her foes.


" I still don't know what you're talking about lady."

" GUNS MAGIC! MAG SHOT" Alzack yelled

" Requip. MAGIC SHOTGUN. WILD SHOT!" Bisca yelled taking down another group of wizards.

Ace Forgive me, but I'm going to borrow this! " PHOENIX FISSSST!" Marco yelled as he launched a giant raging fist of black and red flames at the phantom lord wizards.

" You're not doing too bad for being a snowman." natsu said to gray

" I was just about to say the same thing to you ya pyro1" gray retorted

" We got them right where we want them!" Wakaba said.

" ERZA! MARCO! I'll leave the rabble to you two." Makarov said making his way upstair

" YES SIR!" They both replied

" Be careful Old man!" Marco said.

" Now that their little boss mans out of the way, I think it's time we joined the mix!" Gajeel said to his partner as they both descended the rafters.

Back at the guild

" Marco! everyone Please be ok." mira said

back to the action

Gray, natsu, and Marco continued their assault.

" CARD MAGIC! LIGHTNING, REVERSE TOWER, RAIN OF LIGHTNING!" Cana yelled raining down lightning on her enemies.

" RING magic! TWISTER!" Loke yelled creating a tornado

" RAAAAH!" Elfman yells as his arm changes. " Come on Man up, don't you wanna be like MEEEE!"

" Whoa that guy's a brute."

" What happened to his arm?"

" It's take over magic! Why would anyone let a monster take over their arm?"

" You guys thats elfman!"

" I've heard of him, he kills monsters then takes over their powers. They call him beast arm elfman.

" Hehahahaha!" Gajeel laughed dropping down.

" YAHAHAHAHA!" The man beside him laughed as he fell

" Is that? It's gotta be!" The wizards said

" That's black steel Gajeel! It's gotta be

" EL THOR!" The man yelled Shooting a giant blast of lighting towards natsu before the attack is intercepted by Marco.

" Oi! Oi! Why don't you play with me first!" Marco said regenerating from the attack.

" you attacked levy!" Nab yelled as he attacked gajeel before being sent flying into phantom lord guild mates.

" What the! he just took out his own team mates with that attack! Gray said.

" Hehehe! Show me what you got unless you guys are scared to take on a real dragon slayer." Gajeel taunted.

" TOO SCARED! REAL MEN HAVE NO FEAR!" Elfman yelled as his arm changed into stone and he attacked gajeel.

" Not bad big guy!" Gajeel said as elfman caught his attack

" That's because I'm a real man!"

" Yeah! Then let's see how a real man handles this!" gajeel says as he started attacking his own men.

" they're phantom, you attacked your own men?"

" Because I knew it'd distract you!" Gajeel said knocking elfman back With natsu using him as a spring board before hitting Gajeel.

" iron dragon club!" Gajeel yelled attacking natsu, an attack that natsu caught.

" Natsu!" Erza yelled

" You destroyed our guild hall and attacked levy and her team. I'LL MAKE YOU PAY! YA ARRRH!" Natsu yelled as he sent gajeel flying again.

" whoo the kids fired up now." Wakaba said

" Yeah I'd hate to be that other guy!" Macao replied

" Hmph!" Elfman grunted

" He's quite the wizard!" Erza complimented

" Fine you're manlier than I thought, but you gotta promise that you're gonna." Elfman started before being cut off by natsu

" Sure! I'll beat him to a pulp." Natsu said

However every one in the guild quickly got scared as they felt the raw power coming from marco and the other man.

The two wizards stared each other down as Fire and Lightning Danced around each other. The other trying to overpower their opponent with their sheer magical power.

" What the hell is that! Their magic power is off the charts!" wakaba said

" Yeah! These guys are real monsters!"

" HE'S A REAL MAN WORTHY OF MY SISTER!" Elfman yelled cheering on Marco.

After Flaring their power at each other, Trying to bare down on the other in front of them, Marco and the Lightning Wizard Ran at each other. Their Collison created a massive explosion blowing the roof off the guild hall entirely. A resulting pillar of Beautiful blue, yellow, black, and red flames and A piercing blue lightning Could be seen all around the town. The two traded blows with each other as Marco noticed something in the mans hands.

He's using HAKI!? Marco thought to himself. I see so I'm not the only one who ended up here.

" What's your name!" Marco asked demanded from the man

" You don't deserve to know it, but you can call me Kami!" The man said arrogantly

" God huh!? Well we'll just see about that!" Marco said coating his legs in haki before attacking the man. " PHOENIX DARK BRAND! Marco said as his attack nailed the arrogant god in his chest sending him flying across the town.

" !00 Million volt jomboule! The man yelled as a lightning in the form of a dragon hit marco in the chest.

" Haki! damn it that actually hurt a bit!" Marco said

" Whoa look at those four go. dragon slayers tearing apart the guild down here, and those two Tearing up the sky up there."

As the wizards all watched the two battles taking place everyone felt what was left of the guild starting to shake.

" What's going?"

" This is what happens when you make master makarov angry!" cana said

" It's called the giants wrath!" Loke said

" nobody will be able to stop him now!" nab said

" When he gets angry, the masters even manlier." elfman stated

" Prepare to fight we cannot lose as long as master makarov is with us!" Erza said

Each step makarov took shook the building to it's core.

" Jose! Why have you attacked fairy tail? Tell me!" Makarov yelled at the man in front of him

" I haven't seen you in quite awhile makarov, 6 Years ago at a guild conference. I remember that day, I was a completely mess. I can't hold my liqueur as well as the rest of you." Jose said smiling

" RAAA!" Makarov yelled attacking jose. " I didn't come here for small talk, I came for answers.

" hehehe!" Jose laughed

" A projection you coward! I should have known you'd flee with your tail between your legs."

" It's not cowardice. I'm simply trying to avoid a fight between two wizards saints. In loo of that mess, I prefer a sensible victory without all of the commotion."

" why are you hiding come and face me like a man! Huh! Lucy!" Makarov said as lucy appeared beside jose.

" Why you ask? You mean she's a member of your guild and you don't know? I'm surprised thay miss Lucy Heartfillia never told you the truth!" Jose taunted threatening to hurt lucy.

" No don't! Makarov yelled When suddenly a man appeared behind him. " Where'd he come from i couldn't even sense his presence.

" It's so sad!" The man said as he attacked makarov

" AHHhH! makarov yelled as he fell from the top of the building landing down below in front of the other wizards.

" What the something fell from the rafters!"

" It's heartbreaking! Why am I suddenly feeling melancholy? It must be because the world has just lost a great wizard. Such sorrow."

" Master!" everyone below yelled.

" Makarov is powerless now thanks to aria of the heavens of the Element 5 in fact, not 4. He has the ability to make others power disappear into thin air. I think it's safe to say we won this round fairy tail." Jose taunted

" My power! My magic power is!" Makarov tried saying

" Master! Calm down!" erza said trying to ease the master.

" What happened to him?" cana asked

" I don't know, but I don't sense any magic power coming from him at all!" Gray said

" gray are you saying he's just a regular old man now?" elfman asked

" no that can't be!" happy said

" Come on gramps you can pull through this!" Natsu said

" Guess the fun's over just when things were starting to get good!" Gajeel said disappointed

" I don't understand gramps is so powerful, how did they beat him?' Gray asked

" Only one way to find out is to go up there." Elfman said

" Their masters been defeated."

" What for real"

" that's right!"

" their half as strong without their master"

" And we got gajeel and eneru on our side."

" this is bad! erza said

" MASTER!" Marco yelled as he rushed back down towards his guild mates.

Appearing behind him

" 200 Million Volt Lightning stab!" Eneru yelled as he pierced straight through marco.

" Arghh!" Marco yelled

" MARCO!" everyone yelled as they watched marco get run through by the lightning.

" I'M FINE! Everyone retreat Back to the guild NOW!" Marco yelled as he recovered with his flames.

" What, but We can still fight?" Natsu yelled

" You Heard him! The master is down and the morale is on their side. We're falling back!" Erza yelled as the fairy tail guild retreated.

" There they go, I knew it wouldn't be long before those gutless cowards gave up and started running for their lives!" Gajeel said

" They are retreating with sorrow in their hearts!" aria said

" Aria, I see you're just as creepy as ever. I gotta commend you on taking down that fairy tail geezer."

" I just followed master jose's order, but thank you!" Aria said crying

" Damn it!" eneru said landing beside Gajeel and aria blood coming from his mouth and nose.

" Damn eneru that bird boy really did a number on you. How'd that happen?" Gajeel asked shocked that someone was able to even touch eneru.

" He's a master of my weakness. If he hadn't gotten distracted when he did. He would have beaten me. Those fairies are strong!" eneru said nursing his wounds.

" Anyway what happened to that lucy girl?"

" the poor wretch is being held in a gloomy cell at headquarters." Aria said shocking natsu

" No way! Gajeeeel!" Natsu yelled

" we'll finish this someday salamander." gajeel said as the three men left

" Those jerks kidnapped lucy!" Natsu said

" everyone out now! Erza yelled

" No way! I'm going back until I get revenge. they gotta pay for what they did to us!" Gray said

Erza simply put her hand on gray. " Please!" She said

" Erza!"

" I'm sorry it's our only option. We need him. We're completely helpless without the master!" Erza said as everyone continued their retreat. Everyone but Marco and natsu.

Natsu having heard gajeel grabbed one of the phantom lords and dragged him off somewhere else. Marco on the other hand!

" Marco! Come on!" Erza cried out.

" Erza go! I'll cover you guys. Get to safety!" Marco said standing his ground.

" NOT WITHOUT YOU! Gray yelled

Marco turned to The group and smiled at them. " Please guys trust me I got this!" He said

" Ok, Focus, I need to focus on the enemies in front of me only. I've never been as fine tuned with this as Red-hair or pops, but right now I need it's power." Marco said As the group of phantom lord wizards all ran towards him ready to kill him. Marco grit his teeth, steeled himself, and focused intently Causing an invisible shockwave to burst from him. Spreading it's way all over the guild hall, Knocking out the phantom lord wizards.

This action surprised gray, and erza who were still behind waiting for natsu.

" There's no way!" Erza stated

" He knocked them all out at once!" said gray

After knocking out their chasers, Marco, Gray, and Erza all left with their guild members.