
Fairy tail the eternal phoenix

A man is born into fairy tails world with the powers of marco the phoenix. Is this a simple man or is he really..........

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

CLASH! The Drunken Hawk vs The Immortal Phoenix!

This chapter is going to be a relatively shorter chapter than usual. I'm sure you can already tell why. There is going to be some adult themes tackled here including rape and sexual assault. So if you're squeamish or simply don't want to read this chapter This is your warning! So without further ado enjoy the chapter!

" Master Gray still hasn't returned with natsu and lucy yet!" Mira said to makarov

" Damn it! Either he failed or he's joined them. If that's the case then there are only two people left who can bring those 3 back by force. Where's Erza and Marco?" Makarov asked.

" Erza's in town, but Marco is still out on his quest right now." Mira said.

" Get in contact with him immediately and tell him what's going on. I have a bad feeling about all this!" Makarov said


After the ruckus at the guild hall Marco decided that he needed to let off some steam, so he took on another request. This one in particular is a special request, that was sent out to most of the guilds in fiore. The mission is a simple yet dangerous one destroy the Dark wizards that kidnapped The daughter of Oak towns governor. This group is known for being particularly brutal in battle.

" Oh man this will technically be my second quest. Let's see The governor said his daughter was captured by dark wizards. 400,000 jewel. That's quite a bit of money I can only hope no one else will get in my way." Marco said as he turned into his phoenix form and flew towards Oak towns forest.

Drunken pov

"Oh maaaan. 400,000 jewel and I get to meet a hot babe. hic! My soul is shaking and stirring. WHAT ARE WE MEN!?"

WIIIIILD FOOOOOOUR! The guild hall exclaimed.

" I guess I should get going don't want to keep that babe waiting!" The man said leaving his guild hall drunkenly stumbling to Oak town."

Back to marco.

After what happened yesterday I really do need this." Huh? I can feel a number of signatures up ahead. I can see many strong signatures and one weakened signature. I need to hurry!" marco said as he approached the dark wizards Strong hold

As he approached Marco overheard something yelled that angered him far more than anything ever has. In his enraged state Marco dive bombed directly over the stronghold.

Dark guild

" You know bitch you should stop running that mouth of yours before I decide to use it for something else." The man said causing the woman who was currently begginf for freedom to stare at the man in terror.

" Hey diodora! Why don't we have some fun with her huh?"

" Because the boss said not to hurt her!"

" He said not to hurt her, so we just won't leave any marks !" The man said with a grin causing his partner to do the same.

" You know what, he didn't say we couldn't have fun with her." Diodora said grinning at the woman as well who was now shivering in terror.

" No, please don't!" She said to the two men approaching her. " NO!" She yelled as the two men started tearing her clothes from her body. Revealing her luscious body. Her breasts, not big but not small either, perky and soft with cherry red nipples. Her thighs thick and firm, her stomach a tone flat.

" Damn this bitch's got a nice body!" The man beside diodora said pulling out his erect member and forcefully shoving it in the girls mouth, causing her to gag.

The man looked down at the woman with tears falling down her face as she gasped for air and said to her " I'll make a deal with you, get me off with this pretty little mouth of yours and I promise not to go any further. Deal?" The man said

The woman with no other options simply nodded her head and began bobbing up and down on his member using her mouth to pleasure the man.

" Ah fuck man this is amazing! You must enjoy sucking dick, don't you slut?" The man yelled forcefully pushing the woman's head further down his shaft. Meanwhile the other man began grabbing her breasts with his right hand and slid the other down to the girls dry lips.

" Eh this bitch isn't getting wet! Oh well hey watch out man I'm done waiting I'm taking my turn." He said to the man as he threw the girl down and laid her on her stomach The girl looked up at the man in terror.

" You said you wouldn't!" Was all she could get out before being cut off.

" Yeah I lied!"

" Aw don't worry beautiful. I'm an ass man." Diodora said spitting into his hand rubbing the girls back side getting it wet.

As he did this the girl simply yelled " NO! GET OFF ME!"

Upon shouting those words something crashed through the roof of the strong holds dungeon.

Without even being able to utter a single word the two men were quickly incinerated by red and black flames.

" There are very few things in this world that I Despise, Rapists are at the top of that list. Burn in hell bastards." Marco said before turning to the crying woman on the floor. " I'm sorry it took me so long ma'am!" Marco said holding the girl in his arms.

" Who are you?" The girl asked still shaken up over the events that had just transpired.

" Call me marco. I was sent here to rescue you. You're safe now." Marco said as the woman cried in his arms. However as marco was trying to calm the woman another loud explosion rocks the base.

" This energy another strong one has shown up. Let's go!" Marco says as he picks up the unconscious woman and runs up the stairs of the dungeon killing all of the enemies that stood in his way. " Damn there really is a lot of these bastards, but they aren't anywhere as strong as I was lead to believe." Marco said as he arrived at the entrance to the dungeon leading outside.

However as marco found his way outside he walked in on a scene he didn't expect. A number of bodies were littered The grounds of the stronghold. The bodies clearly belonging to the dark guild.

" Looks like some one or something has been busy!" Marco said in shock seeing what appeared to be the entire guild dead on the ground. " Let's get out of here before Huh!" Marco said as a fist approached his face. Before the fist connected Marco managed to dodge out the way just barely missing the fist in his face.

" Well! Well! Looks like one of you losers has got some fire after all." The man in chinese style armor said looking at marco with a sly smile.

" Oi! Oi! Is that how you greet people! What's your problem man."

" Problem hic! My problem is with you abducting that babe there man."

" I didn't kidnap her I'm saving her idiot! I'm a wizard from fairy tail Look!" Marco said showing off the crest on his chest.

" Hic! Is that right well then let's see what you got fairy!"

" What!" Marco said as the man rushed towards him delivering a flurry of blows to marco

Marco dropped the woman and toppled over.

" Damn he's fast!" And his punches are heavy He nearly over powered my flames of healing. Marco thought to himself as he launched towards the man with his black flames

Seeing this the man rushed back towards Marco with his hands opened.

The two wizards collided with each other causing a massive explosion that was seen for miles. Shockwaves and balls of fire spread out everywhere as the two wizards battered each other with their fists.

" Damn who are you!?"

" You're quite WIILD man! You can call me bacchus. I'm an S-class wizard from quattro Cerberus, and I gotta admit I'm excited fighting you. Almost feels like I'm fighting erza. No, you might be stronger than after all You're still holding back." Bacchus said.

" Heh! So are you jerk!" Marco said

" So how about we get down to business!" Bacchus says fetching a gourd. " Last Call!" Bacchus said as he began downing a whole lot of alcohol.

Marco watches as bacchus finishes his drink and starts using observation haki to try and predict his attack, but It was all useless. As soon as bacchus dropped the gourd. bam! bam! bam!. Bacchus landed a series of fierce blows on marco.

" Argh!" Damn it I didn't even see him move he's fast and his blows, they're heavier than before. I didn't have time to activate my flames. Marco thought to himself as his flames began healing his broken ribs. " damn!" Marco says as his arms flash a deep purple.

" Oh what's that?" Bacchus asked.

" Come find out!" marco says with a grin as the two rush at each other once again unleashing blow after blow against each other.

" damn you are good Bacchus! PHOENIX BRAND!" Marco yells as his foot turns into a talon and strikes bacchus, Hitting the man with a shockwave sending backwards drawing blood from the man.

Bacchus however wasn't far behind as he rushed back into the brawl delivering another fierce series of blows drawing blood from marco while also pushing him back.

" PHOENIX ROAAAAAR!" Marco yelled flying backwards with bacchus dodging just barely as a fierce blast of golden flames rush past him destroying much of the forest behind him.

" Whoa you really are quite the monster! I never did get your name did I? Mind giving it to me?" Bacchus asked

" Marco! Marco the phoenix."

" Marco the phoenix ey well then Marco let's see what you really got!"

" With pleasure!" Marco said

Once again the two wizards stared each other down before running to each both clashing with their fists Sending a massive wall of fire shooting off into the air. The two wizards exchange blow for blow Marco crushing bacchus with his armament imbued fire, and bacchus in returning blowing away his flames of healing beating marco black and blue. The each collision of their fists crates a shock wave that rocks the surrounding forest.

The animals and citizens in the surrounding forest feel the shockwaves from the brutal battle

After Five hours the two wizards separate from each other both of them bleeding profusely.

" Damn man you really are Wild!" Bacchus said groggily

" You're really something of a beast yourself bacchus!" Marco exclaimed while exhausted.

" You ready to finish this?" Bacchus asked with marco nodding in agreement.

However before the two wizards could launch their next attack, both were distracted by their respective guild mates. Quattro Cerberus showed up to back up bacchus, and fairy tail had called marco.

" Bacchus!" The guild men all yelled seeing their strongest S-class wizard bruised and bloody

Marco on the other hand. " Marco! we need your help immediately!" Mira started before screaming having seen the condition marco was in. " Marco oh no what happened?" Mira said in a panic drawing the attention of the other guild mates as they now laid their eyes open the magic contact crystal, seeing the appearance of Marco, His blonde hair dyed red with bruises and cuts covering his bloody body.

"Marco!" What happened master makarov yelled in a panic.

" I'm sorry guys during the quest I ran into an S-class wizard from Quattro Cerberus named Bacchus and we had ourselves a little brawl. Don't worry guys I'm alright." Marco said with a smile before Bacchus ran over and knocked him out of the way.

" Hey is erza there?" Bacchus yelled into the contact card showing.

That's drunken hawk bacchus! Makarov thought to himself. You mean to tell me this young man is as strong as an S-class wizard of his caliber. " Bacchus I need to speak to marco can you give him back the card?" Makarov said

" Yeah hang on! Yo Marco it's for you! HAHAHAHA!" Bacchus laughed

" Oh I hate you so much!" Marco said with his head spinning. " What's going on master?"

" I need you to come back to the guild immediately and meet with erza." Makarov said

" Huh! Why what happened?" Marco asked

" Natsu, happy, and lucy snuck off with one of the deadliest S-class quests." Makarov said causing marco to turn pale and his eyes to widen in shock. " I sent gray after them, but he hasn't come back. Either they knocked him out and captured him or he's joined them. In either scenario you and erza are the only ones strong enough to bring them back by force. CAN YOU MAKE IT BACK MARCO!?"

" I'll be there soon master!" Marco said with a determined face hanging up the contact card. " Bacchus my guilds having an emergency I need to hurry back, Take the girl and return her back safely." Marco yelled to bacchus before he could take off.

" Marco hold up! Here take this." Bacchus yelled to marco throwing him a bottle and a note. " Drink that, it should restore your strength enough for you to get back with no problems."

" Thank you bacchus!" Marco yelled drinking the potion feeling his strength return slightly, but enough to activate his flames of healing and taking off towards the guild in his full phoenix form.

Damn it! You three why did you have to go and do something unbelievably stupid Marco thought to himself.


Oh man Writing the first half of this chapter was really hard. It's my first time writing a rated r scene and even though it was fictiong it made even me uncomfortable. I'm sorry if you guys didn't like it, but I wanted to make the dark guilds actually seem like real villains for once. Ignoring that I hope you guys liked Marcos first real battle against a fellow S-class warrior quite brutal if you ask me. Too bad bacchus doesn't really have any named attacks I could use.

Thomas_Hodgecreators' thoughts