
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 46: Pieces of Hope… (3)

Chapter 46: Pieces of Hope… (3)

~Rou POV~


That was my only response after having enough time listening to Future Levy –er I mean Future Mavis Ghost words coming out from her.

She explained everything perfectly about the future that I know for a fact events happening originally like it was intended but in more graphic and gory details nearing the end of the world by dragons.


I'm really starting to hate those overgrown-sized lizards…

Except for a partial few of course.

But yeah… fuck those Dragon bastards!

Listening to everything silence was felt throughout the area even Zeref had a look of disbelief on his face while my Mavis looks horrified at the details.

I'm not any better and I wasn't expecting any nightmare fuel like this thank you very much.

But it seems like the plans I left for them didn't matter much in the end… Fucking hell.

However, though it seems like my small actions here no matter how irrelevant they may be to me now had a greater impact on the future than I had anticipated originally.

Just wow…


Where the hell was I in the future?!

Blinking a bit confused I then finally responded to the Future Mavis possessing Future Levy's body after clearing my voice, "Ahem! Yeah… that's a lot to take in but… can you explain to me where the hell I was in your future?"

At this she shook her head and responded back to me never once seeing me in the future in a confused tone, "I'm sorry Rou was it? But from the time I was around I never really saw you. Then again you could've died of old age or something else, but I never once saw you after… you died during an S-Class Quest promising to return but never did..."

Wait what?

Blinking confused that was when the Future Mavis had a headache recalling tears rolling down her face seeing me again for real this time, "At the time in X700 you were taken away from me on a S-Class Mission with me… got taken by surprise losing your red gem as a Wooden branch attacked us consuming the stone returning that monster back to full strength and devoured you whole. Left with grief delusion I used Law on it with Fairy Alchemy to use all the magic to kill it for good… that fucking Wood Dragon God Aldoron…"

My eyes widen at this as if something actually killed me.


No, I should listen more.

Listening to Future Mavis's words tears streaming down her face using Future Levy's body holding her body close to me, "After I used the Law Spell… I was cursed with the Contradictory Curse and researched to find a way, to find you for years with my immortality to revive you…. Years before I came to the idea you won't come back again… wishing to die only to realize I couldn't anymore…"

Wooden God Dragon?

Is Mavis using Law to get it back for killing me?!

It took my Philosopher Stone EX and ate me?!!





There is no offensive or curse words in the OMNIVERSE to express how deeply PISSED or LIVID I am of Dragons as I am today to NEARLY borderline Acnologia levels of ANGER towards those lesser life forms now…

I'm soooo going to destroy that Wood Dragon God Aldoron and burn that fucker to the GROUND!

That Wood Dragon God is getting the fucking Overlord and Esdeath treatment the first chance I get to make it SUFFER!!!!


Pull back the murder boner and bloody intent for later…

That oversized wooden branch will get what's coming to him soon enough… hell I might even tip Acnologia to finish it off just to spite the fucker!!


I think that's all out of my system… for now.

Going towards her tightly hugging her despite my wrath I feel my concern for her beats any anger I have wanting to make sure she's safe as I began caressing her tightly talking to her whispering to her ears alone, "No worries…. I'm sorry I never came back but I won't let the future dictate me. With your words and advice, I know what I need to do. You always did have my back even coming back to the future to now huh? What an impressive woman you came out to be."


She only cried a bit louder calming down enough for her to be tired as I lay her down on a tree to lean on as I took in a deep breath gazing at Zeref and Mavis processing the information of the future.

Being the first to break the ice I decided to talk about this with them of the sudden revelation in a calm tone, "Ok… so…. which of us do you want to comprehend about this first?"

Taking in a deep breath Zeref soon began to speak first after deliberating the information we had on the future, "Anna… Sigh… you literally had one simple job to do once you were done with the Eclipse Gate. Just. One. Job. And yet you somehow screwed that up. I'm honestly in disbelief that I'm even having this conversation…"

Overhearing this Mavis wasn't one to miss that detail looking a bit surprised by this as she asked Zeref about it, "Wait Eclipse Gate? How exactly is that connected to you in any way Zeref?"

He sighs at this going farther from us as he began to explain with a defeated tone of his voice sounding tired, "Sigh… the Eclipse Gate is one of my creations with the intended use to travel back into the past at one point. But then changed the idea when the Heartfillia Clan of the past 300 years ago of Anna Heartfillia plan to send children of Dragon Slayers into the future where I guess in X777 would be the time they are appearing."

Blinking at this since Mavis is confused Zeref soon began to debrief us about Anna Heartfillia's plan 300 years ago to us, "I'll explain more in greater detail seeing this happened because of my fault. Indirectly or not, it seems like I have caused the world to plunge into a darker path in the future. It's the very least I could do seeing your Future counterpart gave us this important information."

Like that Zeref began to explain everything about Anna Heartfillia's plan for the future.

Anna Heartfilia is a Mage who is responsible for opening the Eclipse Gate four hundred years ago. She was the teacher of the five Dragon Slayers that were sent to the future in order to eradicate Acnologia.

Anna is a Celestial Spirit Mage responsible for opening the Eclipse Gate 300 hundred years prior to X777, as a part of a plan that was devised by the pacifist Dragons and Anna's clan to defeat Acnologia: send the Dragon Slayers with their foster parents sealed inside them to a period of time that was rich in Ethernano so that their souls, which were maimed by Acnologia's Dragon Slayer Magic, could properly heal.

This coincided with Zeref's initial plan to have Natsu become powerful enough to destroy him which surprised both us more so Mavis less than me.

Over 300 years ago, while Zeref Dragneel was gathering herbs, happening to stumbled across the Fire Dragon King Igneel, who, unlike many other Dragons, was not opposed to associating with humans at the time.

After acquainting with one another, the Dragon agreed to teach his soon-to-be foster son, Natsu, Dragon Slayer Magic, and raise him with the ability to harness it.

Sometime after their meeting, though, Zeref met Anna Heartfilia and began to concoct a plan with her that would require her power, in collaboration with the pacifist Dragons and Anna's clan to defeat Acnologia; humanity's greatest threat.

The plan was to send the Dragon Slayers with their foster parents sealed inside them to a period of time that is rich in Ethernano so that their souls, which were maimed by Acnologia, could properly heal. This, however, coincided with Zeref's initial plan to have his younger brother become powerful enough to destroy him.

With the three forces joined together, Anna would open the Eclipse Gate, one of Zeref's creations which, when empowered by Celestial Spirit Magic, has the ability to send beings to the future, allowing the five chosen Dragon Slayers Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Sting, and Rogue to be sent 400 years into the present time along with herself who followed after they entered.

By having the plan passed down through the Heartfilia clan, one Heartfilia family member will open another version of the gate with the help of contacting all the other 12 Zodiac key holders to connect the two time periods on July 7, X777, which in turn allowed the Dragons to replenish their health.

However, because Anna opened the Eclipse Gate in the past, someone from the Heartfilia family would need to tend to its opening at the specified date of exit.

With every successive generation of Celestial Spirit Mage after Anna, the family waited for the time that the Dragon Slayers were to purportedly arrive through the Gate until one member of the Heartfilia's time arrived, during which she successfully completed the 400-hundred-year plan.

Mavis looked shocked at the information along with Zeref paused looking at us with a slight smile on his face with his idea, "Hmm… question? Do you two perhaps want to take a request of mine to destroy the Eclipse Gate for the future?"


We both yelled out surprised with Mavis the first to ask Zeref in surprise by the tone of her voice and she wasn't the only one, "Wait! You want us to destroy the Eclipse Gate in the year of X777 when these Dragon Slayers are coming to the future?"

He nodded at this as I couldn't help but ask in pure confusion about this request he made before I realized why he had to ask us, "Why? Why ask the both of us to do this when you can do it – no you couldn't can you?"

He nodded his head in agreement as he began to explain to us why we had to be the ones to go as he goes over why, "It has to be both of you. It seems like fate or destiny intends to have our future bleak. Hence who else would be the ones to destroy that future than the ones who changed the course of history no matter how little or indirectly it happened? I'm sure you already have an inclining feeling about how to do it."

Turning around as he leaves, he gives us a vital piece of information that could only make me gulp because we are technically the ONLY ones to destroy the Eclipse Gate making us gulp of the info provided, "And besides Magic is useless to destroy the Eclipse Gate. It's completely made out of a super strong, Magic-resistant metal known as Maginium. The Gate requires a large amount of Magic to use and will absorb any Magic used within its immediate vicinity, however, the Magic-draining feature of the Gate ceases to function when it is open. But going by the rumors Fairy Saint and Fairy Tactician…"

He merely smiled giving us a sense of foreboding as he left making both feel a lot of weight suddenly dropped on our shoulders but more so the fate against us.


Clicking my tongue thinking meeting Zeref would prove somewhat eventful but it seems like there are lots of things to consider now.

Turning my head around to Mavis she seems shaken up by today's events and learning of the future as my head turns to Future Levy's body possessed by the Ghost of Future Mavis sighing at the situation given to us.

Going over carrying Future Levy's body getting Mavis's attention with a dissatisfied expression on my face, "Mavis… sigh… let's take her back to my home then meet up with the Guild. Will talk more about this when have private time together. After all, we have an important day to attend about Yuri becoming a dad today."

She nodded her head in agreement seeing we have lots of things to talk about this whole-time travel business.

Yare, yare daze.

But nothing will stop us from seeing the birth of a new family member born today and soon in the process.

No way I'm missing out on my friend's new son being born. What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't see and support my friend?