
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 45: Pieces of Hope… (2)

Chapter 45: Pieces of Hope… (2)

~Third POV~

"Ah! First Master!"

Future Levy yelled out surprised to see Future Mavis again expecting a childlike appearance, but her eyes widen slightly seeing an adult form asking surprised again, "Wha—First Master! You… look older…"

She smiled at that, but she knew what Future Levy meant replying to her equally as confused though of her current predicament, "Yup! I look cool grown up although I'm quite curious who's this person next to me? Precht, Warrod, and Yuri I know quite well but…"

Observing the person next to her in the photo in her ghost form something in her mind screams at her she recognizes the person with a frown, "Rou… Ake… that's the only thing coming to me. But I know for a fact I never met this person—wait…"

Future Mavis mind worked overtime trying to recognize the place wandering around as Future Levy began to question her, "Uh… First Master… what exactly is this place? Wasn't this supposed to be the Fairy Tail temporary building but now… it's not?"

Future Mavis also wondered the same before she replied to Future Levy quite easily the response forcing her to pause looking equally shocked as well, "No duh. This was mine and Rou's home together living under the same roof –!!"

Freezing on the spot she immediately noticed something wrong with Future Mavis's words just then looking at her hands trembling lightly, "Wait… how did I even know that? I don't remember this Rou till just now. And yet…"

Yet the feeling she felt for him still remains despite the changes happening she shook her head as memories of the change of events entered her head, "No wait. That doesn't matter at the moment if what I remember is correct then…"

Tilting her eyes towards the bookshelf Future Mavis's frown turns into a smile already having her gears turning in her head as Future Levy questions Future Mavis, "Uh… First Master, please tell me you have a plan. After everything that happened during… THAT… day… what do all the changes happening to mean?"

Recalling everything happening the changes in the past are conflicting with her original history floating around a book finally replying to the confused Future Levy, "I don't know… everything is a mess. The very past is changing that's what's happening. Someone is changing the past directly altering the very future we stand on."

Future Levy's eyes widen at this as Future Mavis finally remembers an event happening with Rou mentioning of time travel to the past revealing the very book as her frown turns to a grin expressing on her face, "There…! That magic tool is our key to changing things around! Levy come here please."

Listening to this Future Levy sighs heavily heading towards the book and seeing the backbone of it as she reads it out loud, "The Memory's Day Book? First Master what exactly will this book do to us in the present… everything is already ruined…"

Shaking her head Future Mavis's eyes shine after seeing death after death of her fairies losing hope in the dire times as the chance of opportunity revealed itself as she explains to Levy, "No Levy. That book will allow the user to time travel back in time for the caster that forgotten something they want to forget."

Hearing this Future Levy flinches back and goes into a fetal position having a mental break down causing Future Mavis to frown seeing her state having flashes of that 'fated' day ruining everything she ever knew, "NO!!!! Nonononono! I don't want to remember that day….! I lost everyone please no!!! Nononononono…! Ahh… I don't want to go through that hell!!! Not again! I can't lose anyone again…"

Weeping breaking down Future Mavis gently flies down patting her lightly with a defeated expression on her face trying to calm her down, "I'm sorry my little fairy… I'm asking too much of you… but… if you would allow me… but will you allow me to take control. You can sleep at ease dreaming of better days…"

"I'm sorry…"

"I'm sorry…"

"I'm sorry…"

Future Mavis could only patiently wait for Future Levy to calm down seeing how dark their future is going as her ghostly hands merely phased through her fairy eyes shadowed mumbling to herself, "No worries my little fairies… as your mother I'll do everything I can to at least save you of this fate. Despite fighting the fate we're given we will stand up against it to the very end. Just hush my little fairy…"

Future Mavis could only wait before Future Levy falls asleep before using something she never tried before as her finger glows brightly using Enchant to take over Future Levy's body determined to save her fairies to temporarily take control of her body…


Future Mavis's head began to throb as new flashes of memories entered her head recalling certain events happening as she recalls the two accepting the S-Class Request from the Magia Dragon Guild towards the Guiltina continent.

Flashes of them meeting Elefseria entered their minds along with flashes of memories leading towards the two facing against Dragon the Water Dragon God Mercphobia first with him slain by Rou using water against the Mercphobia with Water Alchemy boiling the Water Dragon God alive till the Dragon died by having its brain matter coming out.

Flashes of Dogramag the Earth Dragon came up as Rou and she dealt with him immediately being one of the weakest of Dragon Gods with their understanding of Alchemy of known minerals and ores it was an actual easy feat but hard effort to defeat him.

However, when her mind flashes to the Wood Dragon God Aldoron…

Future Mavis's eyes dilate as if remembering a nightmare against Aldoron ghostly tears coming down her face, "R—Right… it was the third one that got us. Him. We underestimated the Dragon and managed to return full power after taking Rou's gem… then it wasn't a… fight but… slaughter…"

Having remember why Rou didn't exist Future Mavis takes her time to cry recalling the despair she faced when the Wood Dragon God Aldoron devoured him when it absorbed Rou's Philosopher Stone…


Mumbling to herself in disbelief with anger lit in her eyes her ghostly fist tightening of the nightmare and reason she used Law to be immortal purposefully to kill Aldoron and save herself, "Never again… I will make sure he will be alive… I won't let him die like that. I will change the past if it's the last thing I do!!!"



6 years soon passed making Rou and Mavis both 23 years old as the two grew up more mature and more adventurous finally with both accomplishing many things in life.

The two grew to be very influential people as Mavis Guild Wizard Leader of Fairy Tail gained more members along with helping kids or orphans in need gathering talented Wizards under her cause.

Rou finally relented from publishing the works from his old world that were big sellers along with sci-fi books and famous novels providing interesting books that were truly out of this world.

Currently, the two were having a nice walk around Magnolia's outskirts of the forest when the two soon encountered someone from the past Zeref as Mavis claps her hands together happily, "Ah it's you! The black wizard from so long ago! How have you been?"

Moving towards Zeref Rou raises his arm up waving as a form of greeting the man but is also cautious at the same time with Zeref, "Hello again Black Wizard. A pleasure to finally meet you again. How's life been treating you."

Zeref seeing Mavis getting close reminds her to stand back placing both his hands outward at her, "Whoa! Hold it!!! Don't you remember the curse I'm under?!"

Mavis replies finally remembering as she responded to him, "Oh! Right of course I do!"

Rou with a deadpan expression replies to Mavis making her sweat, "You just remembered, didn't you?"

"Uh… no comment."

Mavis mumbles a bit before finally speaking with Zeref sighing at the two with Mavis thanking him for his help, "You were the reason we won back then! You helped me save my friend's lives! We should talk about what happened after meeting you Black Wizard!"

Zeref merely blinks at this with just himself nodding and replying to the two of them…


Somewhere else in a different part of the forest, Mavis was surprised to hear the black wizard's name in a surprised tone, "Zeref?! The Black Wizard Zeref? That's you?!"

Rou raised his eyebrow but looked surprised as Zeref calmly replies, "That's why I didn't want to mention my name."

Rou leans on a nearby tree replying to Zeref as Mavis sits on a rock near him, "Really? So, are you ancient then? People say Zeref is 300 years old…"

Zeref for his part merely looks down on the ground in self-reflecting responding, "Yeah… well… I guess it's been about that long."

Mavis being the open-hearted kind woman she is tries to defend Zeref from the rumors, "You're nothing like the bad rumors say!"

Zeref merely looked at her but responded honestly about it as he looks at her, "Bad rumors? Actually, those are probably true."

Mavis soon tries to defend him with Rou looking at their interaction as even Zeref fell for her spell being surprised, "That can't be true! You've got such kind eyes! So, I don't believe a single word of those rumors!"

Zeref merely replied to her shaking his head about her kindness, "And you're a little too open-hearted."

Rou took the moment to finally respond with Zeref listening to his words as he gazes at the morning bright sky, "Right… those rumors weren't based on nothing you know Mavis. Then is it correct for me to assume that you also created the Demons called Etherious?"

At this Zeref merely replies in a neutral tone shocking Mavis as he looks towards Rou for any reactions, "When you get cursed like I do one does need to change their way of thinking. I used some of mine to create demons called Etherious as you say Rou. Yes… inhuman beings, who might have the power to kill me. Although they haven't produced the desired results yet. Presently speaking I'm currently building a country."

Blinking in genuine confusion Mavis spoke out, "A country?"

Zeref eyes cast down towards the grass flowing of the wind passing ahead as he thinks of creating a country like a game, "On another continent. I'm issuing orders, expanding my territory… it's more fun than it sounds. There, I am the emperor, and the people are the units. Yes. Just pieces on a game board. So Ankheslam's curse has no effect. This is just a simulation. A game."

Rou remains silent listening to Zeref's words with Mavis stunned as he continues to ramble on his words, "I'm preparing for battle… maybe? Don't misunderstand me. I take no pleasure in war. On the contrary, I hate it. Even this expansion of my country's territory is not –!!"


Suddenly Zeref stopped his head darts to the side surprise as Mavis and Rou notice the change of his demeanor with Zeref himself in disbelief along with Mavis and Rou's eyes widening sensing the Magic Power suddenly appearing out of nowhere.



Coming out of the woods Mavis expresses her confusion seeing a bright flash of green light recognizing it immediately, "Wait… has someone used the book? If so… why does this person feel eerily familiar to me… Did I time travel again?"

Zeref raised an eyebrow at that confused but didn't bother to question it sensing the Time Magic being used of the person coming towards them.


Rou comes out prepared with his Alchemic Weapon Transmutation of his battle spear twirling it around with caution in his voice, "I don't know what's going on or why you have Mavis Magic Power signature… But I know for sure you ain't her physically so you better reveal yourself or else."

Pointing his spear to prove his point quite literally the voice soon comes out revealing to be Future Levy's body with blank eyes as she spoke out to Zeref, "I see… This is the memory I wanted to forget Zeref. Or I guess what it was meant to be…"

Rou for his part is surprised and confused as did Zeref but his eyes narrowed detecting Time Magic on the person his specialty voicing the stranger, "You seem to know a lot about me, stranger. But I have no memory of you. Would you please identify yourself?"

Future Levy sighs at this before she takes out a Magic Item that appears to be a small transparent cube that can be easily concealed in one's pockets inside the cube sits a dark orb that emits light when activated.

The Magic Item was easily recognized by Mavis and Rou as they both yelled out surprised, "The Judgement Field!"

The Judgement Field when activated, the Judgment Field creates a spherical barrier several meters wide wherein one cannot utter a lie. In addition, a person inside the barrier cannot answer questions to which they do not know the answer as answering such questions would still count as lying.

Future Levy smiles at this nodding finally responding to the trio with surprised expressions on their faces as she activates the Magic Item, "I'm Mavis Vermillion the First Master of Fairy Tail Ghost in the year of X792. I traveled back in time to give you all important information to help change the dark future where Dragons Rule Earthland."


All three of them had their eyes widen at the news…