
Fairy Tail: Evolution Start From The Black Dragon

Aegon, found himself in a crossover between Fairy Tail and a dragon-themed game that incorporated anime and gaming IPs. Due to intense gaming, he had evolved into a black dragon with a human perched on his head. Upon awakening, he realized he had transmigrated into the black dragon of Apocalypse, as well as into the world of Fairy Tail. ... I own nothing; all the rights to the original works belong to their respective owners. Original Book Title: 妖尾:从黑龙开始进化 I'm writing the (R18+) chapters by myself; you can skip them if you don't want to read them.

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Chapter 13: Another Way to Gain Experience (R18+)

Warning: Lemon Ahead. You can skip this chapter.


Aegon was sleeping soundly, even though his arm was being used as a pillow by Irene. But Irene's cool hand was fumbling around his face, and despite his deep sleep, he couldn't fall back asleep.

If viewed from above, the scene would be like this:

The two were sleeping facing each other, Irene curled up with her head resting on his left arm, her slender, cool hand still on his cheek. Since waking up, their breathing had been gradually getting a bit heavier, the warm breath from their noses faintly hitting each other's faces, and the scent of flowers from last night's bath lingered in the air.

They just stared at each other without saying anything, letting the silence flow through the room.

Aegon turned his head to look at the clock, seeing that it was only six o'clock: "Awake so early?"

Irene, slightly apologetic, gazed into his eyes at close range, her red lips parting slightly: "Sorry, did I wake you?"

At this moment, Irene was only wearing a simple sheer dress, her crimson hair cascading freely, her swan-like neck and partially visible flawless face.

"No need to apologize."

A kiss landed on her lips. "Good morni—"

Before Aegon could finish, she hooked her arms around his neck. "Stay with me," she whispered, her voice a plea.

Aegon leaned into her touch, savoring the warmth and intimacy of their connection. His strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer, and she reveled in the sensation of his muscular frame against her own.

"I don't plan on going anywhere," he murmured against her lips, capturing them in a deep, passionate kiss.

He responded eagerly, his hands tangling in her fiery curls as the kiss deepened. Irene felt a surge of desire coursing through her, her body humming with the need for his touch.

As their kiss broke, Irene gazed up at Aegon, her emerald eyes shining with a mixture of affection and longing. "You've bewitched me," she confessed softly. "In such a short time, I feel like I've known you forever."

Aegon smiled, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "The feeling is mutual, Irene. You've captivated me completely."

Irene traced the contours of Aegon's muscular frame, her fingertips gliding along his skin with a featherlight touch.

As their eyes met once more, Irene felt a surge of vulnerability. In this quiet moment, she allowed herself to be fully seen, her guard lowered, her heart open to the man before her. Aegon's gaze held her captive, his intense eyes conveying a depth of emotion that left her breathless.

Aegon's hand slid across Irene's stomach and down to her slit. He could feel the heat radiating from her as his fingers danced across the entrance. Her body shivered beneath him as he felt her become increasingly wet. His hips bucked against her ass as his excitement grew.

He moved in closer, brushing his cock against her cheeks as his hands moved up to find purchase on her breasts. His lips danced across her neck, planting kisses leading down towards where he would soon be buried deep inside of her.

Irene moaned at the pleasure Aegon was providing with just his hands and lips. She arched her back, pushing herself further into him, feeling every inch of him touch every inch of herself.

"Umm...," she breathed, her voice trembling with anticipation.

His head moved lower, his tongue snaking out to trace along the curve of one breast before sucking the nipple into his mouth. Another moan escaped Irene's lips as she continued to grind against him.

"Aegon," she gasped, her fingers tangling in his hair. "Don't stop."

Aegon's hand ran down from Irene's breasts and followed the curves of her body until it reached its destination between her legs again. His fingers brushed against her clit, causing a shudder to run through Irene's body.

"I couldn't stop if I wanted to," he growled softly, his voice filled with desire.

With quick movements, Aegon pushed two fingers deep within Irene's pussy, curling them up so that they pressed firmly against the front wall of her tight passage.

Another moan escaped from Irene's lips, her body trembling with anticipation now; she needed more than just his hands on her body and his mouth devouring everything above it, but thankfully Aegon was well aware of how much she wanted this too.

He pulled away from the embrace just long enough to drop to his knees before spinning Irene around so that she could lean back against the table for support while he used both hands once again on whatever part of herself she needed attention most right now.

The feel of Aegon's fingers wrapping around her thighs sent a ripple of excitement coursing through Irene's body. She needed him so badly, and he knew just how to drive her wild.

"Aegon...," she whimpered, her voice a mix of desperation and longing.

His lips parted, and his mouth closed over the swollen tip of her clit, sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth. At the same time, his fingers worked their way back inside her pussy, pumping in and out in perfect rhythm with each flick of his tongue against her clit.


Irene's moans grew louder as Aegon continued to ravish her. Her hips bucked against his face, desperate for more contact. Every stroke of his fingers and every swipe of his tongue sent waves of pleasure crashing over her. She was on the edge of release, ready to tumble over at any moment.

"I'm so close..." she gasped, her body tensing beneath his touch.

Aegon could feel Irene's body tensing beneath him; she was close, so very close. He increased the pressure with both hands and mouth, determined to push her over that edge and into bliss.

"Let go for me, Irene," he murmured against her skin. "I want to feel you come."

And then it happened. Irene's body went rigid as an intense orgasm ripped through her from head to toe. Her moans turned into high-pitched cries as she rode out wave after wave of pure ecstasy.

As Irene's body finally began to relax, Aegon stood up again before pulling away from Irene's embrace entirely so that he could push himself back inside her once more, this time using all nine inches instead of just two.

Irene let out a gasp as she felt Aegon's cock push deep inside of her. She was still reeling from the intensity of her orgasm when she felt him filling her up all over again.

"Ahh...Aegon, you feel so good," she moaned, her pussy clamping down around his shaft as he began to move in and out at a slow steady pace. Each thrust sent shockwaves radiating through Irene's body, reigniting the smoldering embers of pleasure that were still lingering from her earlier climax.

A low growl rumbled in Aegon's chest as he picked up the pace, driving into Irene with more force. "You're incredible, Irene," he grunted, his hands finding hers and lacing their fingers together as he pounded her relentlessly.

Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony as moans and cries of pleasure filled the air around them.

"Aegon..., I'm close again," Irene cried out, her voice desperate.

Aegon could feel himself getting close now; his balls were tightening, and his cock was throbbing. He could tell that Irene was on the verge of another orgasm too, her pussy squeezing him tighter with each passing second.

"Come for me, Irene," he urged, his voice a husky growl.

With one final thrust, Aegon buried himself deep inside of Irene one last time before he let go, spilling his hot seed deep within her as her body tensed once again and then went limp against his. The two dragons basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking for a few moments before finally separating from each other.

God knows, Aegon just wanted to give a good morning kiss.


[Ding~ Conquered "Dragon Queen", "Crimson Despair", "Mother of Dragon Slayers" Irene Belserion.]

[Gained 1,200,000 experience + 50,000 x 4]

[Interface upgrading, countdown to upgrade completion: 360 hours, experience gain not affected during upgrade.]