
Fairy Tail: Evolution Start From The Black Dragon

Aegon, found himself in a crossover between Fairy Tail and a dragon-themed game that incorporated anime and gaming IPs. Due to intense gaming, he had evolved into a black dragon with a human perched on his head. Upon awakening, he realized he had transmigrated into the black dragon of Apocalypse, as well as into the world of Fairy Tail. ... I own nothing; all the rights to the original works belong to their respective owners. Original Book Title: 妖尾:从黑龙开始进化 I'm writing the (R18+) chapters by myself; you can skip them if you don't want to read them.

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38 Chs

Chapter 12: Bathing

Mera nodded in agreement, stepped forward, and a blue virtual frame projected in front of her, with various data and text swiftly scrolling across it.

"The Eastern Continent of Earthland, like Ishgar, is an ancient name. Unlike the language of the Alvarez Empire, it is now a unified, economically developed, politically open, culturally splendid empire called Xia, which has been established for over a hundred years. Its current national strength is roughly estimated to be on par with the Alvarez Empire."

"The empire's territory is vast... with significant regional differences, and like the Alvarez Empire, most wizards serve in the military."

"The top combat forces are led by one god, five saints, ten sages, and twenty-four generals... some of whom have already passed away."


"It implements an open policy and has much cultural and trade exchange with Ishgar and the Alvarez Empire."

As Aegon listened to Mera's report, he rubbed his chin thoughtfully: 'It sounds more like the Tang Dynasty...'

Irene was obviously more interested in the so-called top combat forces, narrowing her eyes slightly, murmuring, "One god, five saints, ten sages... interesting."

"Aegon-sama, I've reported all the available information."

Mera's voice interrupted Aegon's thoughts. He nodded, "Very well, it's enough."

The information about the Eastern Continent piqued the interest of Aegon and Irene,

Then... they immersed themselves in study.

Although Irene's study couldn't possibly cover all the books, it still had some. As Aegon flipped through the books related to the Eastern Continent, he gained a more direct understanding of its top combat forces.

The emperor was the Martial God, named Xia Chen. Under him were the Blade Saint Guan Siyuan, the Spear Saint Luo Qinghong, the Sword Saint Li Shuya, the Halberd Saint Xiang Lü, and the Fist Saint Chen Jiang. As for the ten sages, some had already passed away, and the same was true for the twenty-four generals.

"The Spear Saint Luo Qinghong, judging by the name, seems to be a woman..."

Hearing Aegon's soliloquy, Irene closed her book and teased him with a smile, "Do you want me to capture her for you?"

Aegon found her gaze somewhat strange, both annoyed and amused, "I haven't even met her yet, and besides, I'm not the kind of person who falls for every woman I see. At least... never mind."

She tapped her finger on her lips, pretending to think, "Hmm... at least she has to be a beauty and meet your aesthetic standards?"

"..." He was left speechless because Irene's words were spot on.

'Is she jealous? It shouldn't be...'

The thought flashed through his mind, and Aegon knew exactly how to respond: "You fit my aesthetic better."

Irene, expressionless, asked back, "For example?"

Aegon looked her up and down, "Hmm... a great bosom."

Irene's expression finally broke. She looked down at the mountainous curves that Aegon was eyeing, chose to ignore his gaze, and buried her head back into her book.

'She's rather cute...' Aegon smiled and shook his head, refraining from teasing her further.


When Aegon finally closed his book and glanced at the now completely darkened sky, Irene had long since left, leaving only Mira standing behind him.

"Mera, where's Irene?"

"Irene-sama went to bathe earlier; she's probably resting by now."

"Resting so early... I should take a bath first."

It was then that Aegon remembered he had been in Alvarez for quite some time and had only bathed once, when he left his previous island residence.

With Aegon's current magical power, he could essentially stay free of dirt, so bathing was more of a pleasure.

"Aegon-sama, please follow me."

Because Irene often soaked in hot water baths due to her fear of the cold, this castle had a hot spring pool.

Following Mera's lead, Aegon arrived at a luxuriously elaborate hot spring pool, with veils and bead curtains obscuring the view, steam rising, and the sound of water flowing into the pool audible.

From a distance, Aegon was already marveling at the luxury of the hot spring pool. From the pool to the steps, everything was made of high-quality stone. The water was sprinkled with a layer of petals, and the air was filled with their rich fragrance.

Aegon regretted internally that Irene bathed so quickly... she was already nowhere to be seen.

He extended his hand, and Mera helped him remove his clothes, watching intently as Aegon stepped into the steaming hot spring pool, and then she too stepped in with her long legs.

The temperature of the hot spring was just right. Aegon sat on the edge of the pool, with Mira also sitting behind him, enjoying her massage.

One had to admit, Irene had good taste.

Although Mera was a created personality, she was no different from a twenty-year-old woman. Her long red hair spread in the water, and her body, faintly visible, resembled a lotus emerging from the water. Aegon took this opportunity to enjoy some intimate contact.

"Aegon-sama, you don't need an excuse; you can do it whenever you like."


The bath lasted for nearly two hours.

Realizing he had spent too long in the comfort, Aegon suddenly thought, "If this continues, there's no need to sleep anymore."

Dressed in the nightwear Irene had prepared, Aegon returned to their room.

As Mera had mentioned, Irene was already back in the room.

Since her inability to sleep had been resolved, she would sleep for up to sixteen hours a day. Feeling quite drowsy while shopping with Aegon earlier, she hadn't disturbed him when he was engrossed in his books and had gone for a bath herself before heading to bed, eyes drooping with fatigue...

"Drip, drip..."

Since Aegon's return, Irene had felt her sleep quality improve significantly.

She said "felt" because she seemed to have been in a semi-dreamlike state before.

Thus, when Aegon climbed into bed and lifted the covers, she noticed, which was already a considerable improvement for her.

After all, she had been tormented by sleeplessness for over ten years.

Once they both fell asleep, the large house became even quieter.



Irene felt her pillow change, becoming somewhat uncomfortable. She furrowed her brow slightly, half-asleep, and reached out to adjust her position.

Her hand touched warm skin, a high nose, and slightly thin lips.

Awakening abruptly, she forced her eyes open and was instantly wide-eyed...

Their gazes met, his dark, deep eyes reflecting a faint light, and his slightly furrowed brows hinting at a touch of morning grumpiness.