
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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190 Chs

Chapter 184 : Because Of You, I Can Feel The World Better

Gu Nian's eyes gradually became wet, the singing touched her heart, and she watched Chu Zhaoyang coming from the darkness.

Everything was so touching.

There was a three-layer cake on the cart, and the candles on the cake were shining softly.

The light yellow light cast a hazy and soft halo on Chu Zhaoyang's body, turning his black suit into a light golden color.

Even the face with deep features was covered with a hazy light gold. Under the illumination of candlelight, the features became more three-dimensional.

The candlelight, which flickered on and off as he walked, sometimes flickered on his face and sometimes in his eyes.

Chu Zhaoyang gradually approached, and Gu Nian could see Chu Zhaoyang's eyes clearly, which were particularly bright against the candlelight.

At this time, there were no lights in the whole place. It was completely dark, and only the faint candlelight illuminated it.

Chu Zhaoyang in the candlelight had become the center point of the banquet hall.

When Chu Zhaoyang stood still in front of Gu Nian, the halo of candlelight surrounded the two of them.

Soft and hazy, the atmosphere between the two was peaceful and long-lasting, with the tranquility of time.

The tall and straight body and the petite body stand face to face, the picture was so beautiful.

All the guests could not help but be quiet, and did not dare to make any sound, for fear of breaking the beautiful scene in front of them.

Lin Chu turned to look at Yan Beicheng. Yan Beicheng held her in his arms without saying a word, lowered his head and kissed her gently on the forehead.

Lin Chu smiled softly, turned to look at Chu Zhaoyang and Gu Nian, her eyes were a little moist, and she hugged Yan Beicheng's waist tighter.

It's great to find a man who loves her so much in this life.

"Happy birthday." Chu Zhaoyang said warmly.

Gu Nian looked down at the cake with tears in her eyes.

Looking closer, she realized that the cake was not delicate and pretty.

Although there are three layers, the surface was not that smooth. It could be seen that the cream has been smoothed out hard, but there are still some bumps.

The decorations on the edge of the cake were mixed with two or three pieces of different sizes, but it could be seen that the work was getting better and better. The decorations on the lower layer were not so good, but in the middle and upper layers, they were much more refined.

The edge of the cake did not have a delicate and neat texture, but was covered with fruits.

In the middle of the top layer, there was a familiar strong font: Happy Birthday.

Written by Chu Zhaoyang

Chu Zhaoyang's calligraphy was too familiar to her.

Because she liked it very much, she always read the words Chu Zhaoyang left over and over again.

Chu Zhaoyang came back from G City before and hurried back to G City the next day. She didn't get up in the morning and Chu Zhaoyang left a note for her.

The note was still in her wallet and she took it out to read from time to time.

Gu Nian suddenly had an idea, raised her head and asked Chu Zhaoyang: "Did you make this cake?"

Chu Zhaoyang's ears turned red, and he was silent for a long time before nodding: "Yes."

Gu Nian looked at him in disbelief.

This man who had been cared for since he was a child and rarely even entered the kitchen actually made her a birthday cake with his own hands.

"It's the first time I've done it, it didn't look good." Chu Zhaoyang said in surprise.

Gu Nian quickly shook her head: "No, it looks good, it looks good!"

Gu Nian covered her mouth and choked: "I just... I just didn't expect that you would prepare so much for me. You are so busy and you are still thinking about this. And I haven't done anything for you yet."

Gu Nian sniffed, her moist eyes were hot and painful: "Chu Zhaoyang, why are you so good?"

"Who said you didn't do anything for me?" Chu Zhaoyang whispered.

For him, even if he wanted to get engaged to someone else, she would never leave him. She would rather be the shameful one than let go of his hand.

Knowing about his past, she only feel heartbroken. It's obviously dangerous to be with him, but she still have to face it with him.

She could actually live a very stable life without him, but it was always because of him that she encounter so many dangers and suffer so much hardship.

Because of him, she has to carry so much.

How could she still say that she haven't done anything for him?

Chu Zhaoyang held Gu Nian's hand and pulled her over: "Compared to what you did for me, these are nothing. Gu Nian, I don't talk much, thank you for being so patient. I don't know how to say anything nice, Thank you for always being there for me. I feel so good because of you."

Gu Nian kept shaking her head and tears fell.

This was not a math problem that he could calculate them one by one and compare the sizes.

For him, she was willing.

She didn't feel at all that she was paying anything for him, she just wanted to be good to him from the bottom of her heart.

She didn't think about it at all, she didn't measure anything.

Having done this before she even thought about the pros and cons.

What she did for him was not considered a sacrifice at all to her.

Just because she love him, she should do this as a matter of course.

Gu Nian didn't care that there were so many people watching, she threw herself into his arms and hugged his waist tightly.

The one who was so powerful seemed to want to embed a person as big as Chu Zhaoyang into his heart.

Chu Zhaoyang lowered his head, held her face in his hands, and carefully wiped away the tears on her face with his thumbs.

Because he knew that his fingertips were not as delicate as hers, and her face was so soft that not even a pore could be seen, as if a little force could hurt her.

So the force was gentle, and he didn't dare to use any strength, just like touching a fragile piece of tofu.

"Stop crying, it's your birthday today." Chu Zhaoyang whispered, his palms burned by her tears, and his heart ached, "I don't want to make you cry."

Gu Nian shook her head: "No, I'm either sad or moved."

Chu Zhaoyang sighed heartbrokenly, lowered his head, and slowly sucked away the tears on her face.

Slowly moved up to the corners of her eyes, sucking into his mouth the tears that had just slipped out.

This time, no one disturbed, even the little babies were controlled decisively by their parents and could not make a sound.

"The candle is about to burn out." Chu Zhaoyang whispered, his voice was smooth and elegant, and his lips were pressed against the corners of her eyes.

The hot breath fell on her eyes, making her eyes even hotter.

Gu Nian sniffed and whispered, "It's a joke."

"No." Chu Zhaoyang said, with a warm smile in gentle's voice.

Gu Nian turned around and saw the half-burned candle. Chu Tian took the opportunity to say, "Make a wish and blow out the candle."

Gu Nian closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and said silently in her heart: "I hope that the people of Organization R can be caught soon, so that Chu Zhaoyang's life can be restored to peace, and he will no longer be troubled by the shadow of the past."

Then, she opened her eyes, lowered her head, and blew out all the candles in one go.

Gu Nian took the cake-cutting knife and made the first cut on the cake, and the waiter did the rest.

And shared the cakes to everyone.

Han Zhuoli held the plate and took a fork: "Hey, come and try Old Chu's craftsmanship."

"This guy can't even make the simplest scrambled eggs with tomatoes, but he actually learned to make cakes." Wei Zhiqian shook his head and said "tsk tsk".

"I'm still making scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Brother Chu, can you boil water?Nan Jingheng turned around and asked.

Chu Zhaoyang: "..."

Nanny Yu boils water, why did he need to learn to do it?

"Hey, look, he can't." Nan Jingheng held the fork and said proudly.

Gu Nian: "..."

"Nephew Chu, can you make instant noodles?" Yan Huaian's son, Yan Ningbai, asked with a shy belly.

Chu Zhaoyang's brows twitched and he looked at Yan Ningbai with an unkind expression.

Yu Zi quickly dragged back his son who had gone to stroke the tiger's fur when nothing happened. This little guy took advantage of Yan Huai'an's seniority and was the uncle of Yan Beicheng. He was also the uncle of Yan Beicheng. He called this one his nephew and that one all day long. His eldest nephew and neice-in-law.

Chu Tian was holding the cake, and came over to her in a sly voice. She whispered to Gu Nian, "Nian Nian, let me show you something good."

Gu Nian was curious. Seeing Chu Tian smiling so wickedly, she couldn't help but become curious.

At this time, the waiter came over and said, "Miss Chu, the projector is ready."

Chu Tian nodded quickly, her smile became brighter, and she pulled Gu Nian to the slide projector, connected the camera, and clicked the play button.

The light of the machine shone on the white screen that had been pulled up at some point on the opposite side. After a while, a picture appeared on the white screen.

Gu Nian took a look and saw that it was the restaurant of Chu Zhaoyang's family in Lanyuan.

The person holding the camera should be Chu Tian, ​​because she heard Chu Tian's laughter.

The camera followed Chu Tian into the kitchen and saw Chu Zhaoyang's back.