
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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187 Chs

Chapter 183 : Even If The Whole World Denies It, I Want To Be With You Too

Her lips and teeth were filled with heat, and she responded to him unconsciously and entangled with him.

She didn't know when, but he had straightened her over, facing him, and her whole body was in his arms.

She didn't even realize that the sound of the fireworks disappeared.

Children's attention was previously focused on the fireworks.

Now that the fireworks were over, the children was still excited and their excited hearts have not yet calmed down. They were all very disappointed and clamoring for another round.

Qi Youxuan planed to find tonight's sponsor, Chu Zhaoyang.

As soon as he looked over, Qi Youxuan immediately let out an "ouch", and tugged at the corner of Ruan Danchen's clothes with his chubby hand: "Mom, Uncle Chu is also nibbling Aunt Gu's mouth! Dad always likes your mouth, why? Do all their men like to chew their mouths so much?"

Ruan Danchen: "…"

She was so ashamed and angry now that she quickly covered her son's eyes to prevent him from seeing such an inappropriate scene, even though he usually watched it at home.

It's all Qi Chenglin's fault that he didn't pay attention. No matter when or where he kissed her, Qi Youxuan always caught them.

"Mom, don't cover my eyes. It's not like I haven't seen you and dad before - um -"

It was true that he couldn't just cover his eyes, Ruan Danchen also covered Qi Youxuan's mouth.

Gu Nian's face turned red and her whole body felt bad.

It's over now, everyone had seen it.

Those with children covered their eyes, but the adults watched with interest.

Qi Chengzhi covered his son's eyes and his throat moved.

Turning her head, she looked at Song Yu with a pair of dark eyes, and slowly came closer, her hot breath touching the corners of her lips.

Song Yu blushed, panicked, hurriedly stepped back, and poked his arm: "Don't make trouble!"

"No trouble." Qi Chengzhi's eyes were dark, "I thought about it when I saw them."

Song Yu: "…"

Qi Chengzhi held Little Youjin in one hand and Song Yu in his arms with the other. He lowered his head and brought his lips close to her earlobe.

The long and thick eyelashes were slightly half-covered, and seeing Song Yu's white, translucent and pink earlobes, his breathing became heavier.

His lips touched with a sligh trembling, and he said hoarsely: "Ever since we got Youjin, you have been neglecting me."

Song Yu was particularly embarrassed in front of his son. But Qi Chengzhi's teasing made her body weak and unable to stand firmly.

"We'll talk about it when we get home." Song Yu whispered. After being teased by him like this, she also had some thoughts.

She raised her eyelashes tremblingly and looked at Qi Chengzhi's side face with a permed face.

Having been married for so long, every time she look at this man, she still find him very good-looking and she never get tired of him.

Probably, the other person's appearancewas also one of the important factors in keeping a marriage fresh.

Qi Chengzhi's eyes lit up and his breathing seemed to get hotter. He whispered, "Is it okay to go home?"

Song Yu blushed and punched him lightly.

She said just go home...why did this man have to ask so clearly?

Every time, it just didn't work as long as he turned her onto the bed, she let him do whatever he wants.

At that time, her words were of no use at all, right?

Qi Chengzhi chuckled softly and ironed Song Yu's waist with his palms, rubbing softly and soaking hard.

"I really want to go back now."

"You... pay attention to the surrounding!" Song Yu said helplessly.


On Chu Zhaoyang's side, Gu Nian secretly poked Chu Zhaoyang's waist and abdomen.

Through the heavy coat, it was too hard to poke, but it actually hurt her fingers.

Chu Zhaoyang kept thinking about the pity in his heart, and without saying a word, he stretched out his hand and wrapped Gu Nian's fingers: "Silly?"

"You're stupid." Gu Nian muttered, it's her birthday today, couldn't you praise her?

Chu Zhaoyang's eyes were full of love and smile, and even the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he gently rubbed her fingers: "Why did you hurt yourself?"

"Brother, stop showing off your affection. Everyone is going to die from the cold. Go to the banquet hall quickly!" Chu Tian's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Chu Zhaoyang's mouth twitched, and he silently took Gu Nian's hand and put it into his coat pocket, but his fingers were still squeezing her soft fingers, one by one, inch by inch, very intimately.

There was obviously no hint in that regard, but Gu Nian felt very ambiguous. Her body went limp and she could only hold on to Chu Zhaoyang.

The two of them looked at Chu Tian. Gu Nian didn't even know when she arrived.

Chu Tian straightened the scarf around her neck, put her hands in her pockets, and trotted over with her neck curled up: "Nian Nian, happy birthday, I worked overtime, that's why I just arrived."

"Let's go." Chu Zhaoyang said.

So everyone went down together.

Gu Nian followed Chu Zhaoyang to another banquet hall in Shengyue.

The banquet hallwas not big, at least not as big as the Yan family's.

Because Chu Zhaoyang didn't invite so many people, just good friends like Han Zhuoli and Gu Nian's colleagues.

He knew Gu Nian's temperament. It's boring to make things too extravagant. What matters was the intention.

Gu Nian prefered warmer things, which oouldbbe seen from the decoration of her room in Lanyuan.

He made the room very cozy. The furnishings in the room are not valuable, but they looked like a home.

After Gu Nian left Lanyuan, Chu Zhaoyang moved all the small ornaments in her bedroom to his room.

He will miss her whenever she's not there.

"Wait here." Chu Zhaoyang said, letting go of Gu Nian's hand.

Gu Nian grabbed him subconsciously, and it seemed to have become a habit.

As long as he was around, she will subconsciously rely on him. If he leaves, her first reaction will be to feel insecure.

Chu Zhaoyang squeezed her hand: "Wait a moment."

Gu Nian let go of his hand and watched Chu Zhaoyang slowly disappear through the door of the banquet hall leading to the lounge.


All lights in the banquet hall were turned off.

Slowly, soothing and soft music gradually sounded, and the sound became clear from weak.

Waiting for you under the camphor tree that shelters you from the rain

Meet each other at the corner on the overpass

Creating the accumulation of fate for every encounter

Finally I can hold your hand and protect you

The place with you is extra refreshing

The corners of my mouth will raise when I think of you

The outline of the alluring city is filled with my longing

The sky becomes transparent, hearing your personal permission

Declare to the whole world that I love you

 I just want to be with you

This heart is fearless and too determined

Happily I was able to meet you

Even if the whole world denies it

I want to be with you too

I want to hold hands, I want to hug you, I want to love you


As the celadon-like male voice sounded, Xu Moyan looked at Wei Zilin beside him in surprise: "Did you sing it?"

Wei Zilin nodded and held her hand: "Chu Zhaoyang came to me and asked me to sing a song and provide him with the background."

"It sounds great, much better than the original song." Xu Moyan's eyes shone and she looked at Wei Zilin with admiration.

Wei Zilin deeply felt that it was great that his wife was his fan.

He didn't have to do anything else, just talk casually and enjoy his wife's admiring gaze.

"I usually sing to you." Wei Zilin smiled warmly.

"But I can't get enough of it." Xu Moyan's eyes were full of stars, and she hugged Wei Zilin's arm. Every day, she could hear the male voice that no one else could hear. She was so happy.


Gu Nian didn't hear Xu Moyan and Wei Zilin talking quietly there. She only had Chu Zhaoyang in her eyes now.

The lyrics at this time seemed to be written specifically for the two of them.

Finally I can hold your hand and protect you

The corners of my mouth will raise when I think of you

 I just want to be with you

This heart is fearless and too determined

Happily I was able to meet you

Even if the whole world denies it

I want to be with you too

I want to hold hands, I want to hug you, I want to love you

Wasn't this what the two of them want?

With each other, there will be sunshine in the world. No matter how many obstacles there were, no matter how many difficulties and dangers there were, they couldn't stop them from being together.

As long as they were together, anything was okay.

Looking at him, he had taken off his coat, revealing a straight suit and dress, pushing a car, and walking slowly to the sound of singing. It was so dreamy and unreal.