
Facial Paralysis Husband, Good Morning

"Chu Zhaoyang, what are you doing unbuttoning?" Gu Nian stepped back. Chu Zhaoyang unbuttoned the last button of his shirt, "Sleep." "But it's daytime now, hey... weren't you going to sleep? Let me go first..." To outsiders, everyone thought that Master Chu was cold and face-paralyzed as if he didn't have any expression, but they didn't know that he was kidnapped when he was young and had nightmares every night. It wasn't until he met Gu Nian, that he suddenly felt that sleeping was quite enjoyable... He knew that there was someone living in her heart, and even if that person would never come back, all he had to do was to drive that person away and change the tenant in her heart. However, the person who should have been dead came back..... He said pitifully, "Gu Nian, I seem to be homeless." But Gu Nian pointed at his heart: "When you moved in, I signed a lifetime residence agreement with you." He laughed. .................................................... Hi guys, This time I'll try to translate one of my favorite novel that I've been a fan of. Since I can't find the novel in Webnovel, I thought about giving it a try to translate it. And, I would love to let you all enjoy this novel. Plus, if you know that this series is from the seven gentleman series. You may know that this novel is the third book before the story of Han Zuoli, The Long-awaited Mr Han

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192 Chs

Chapter 185 : You Seem To Keep Calling Me By My Full Name

Next to him stood a man in chef's uniform, who was shorter and thinner than Chu Zhaoyang. He was directing Chu Zhaoyang to make cakes.

"Nian Nian, my brother is making a cake for you!" Chu Tian's voice came from the video.

Chu Zhaoyang turned around when he heard the sound, saw Chu Tian, ​​frowned and said, "Don't take pictures."

"What are you afraid of? You have to show Nian Nian what you made with your own hands!" Chu Tian said, "Brother, it is not easy for you to do this. You can't just do it without saying anything, do you know?"

Gu Nian felt that Chu Tian was completely Chu Zhaoyang's love strategist.

Chu Zhaoyang couldn't control Chu Tian, ​​so he simply ignored her and let Chu Tian record him to beat the eggs, mix the flour and egg liquid in the adjusted proportions, pour them into three molds of different sizes, and then mix them together and place in oven.

Then, the chef taught him how to whip cream.

After the cake was baked, unmoulded, cooled, and spread with butter, Gu Nian saw Chu Zhaoyang frowning, as if he was facing an enemy, and he was extremely serious, as if he was doing something important.

As she was watching, she suddenly felt warmth coming from her side.

Turning around to look, it was Chu Zhaoyang walking over.

Gu Nian put her arm around Chu Zhaoyang's waist: "If you don't let me know, how do I know you put so much effort into doing this?"

Chu Zhaoyang looked down at her for a while and said, "In my opinion, you just need to enjoy the results. As for how much effort I put into the process, you don't need to know."

Man, just let his woman enjoy the ultimate happiness and joy.

There was no need to work together, endure hardships, and share joys and sorrows.

Only if he was incompetent, will a woman bear this with him?

Real suffering was fine as long as he endures it alone.

When he endured hardship, he ate it alone. No matter how much or how great the hardship he endured, his woman could not know about it. Even when he was going through hardships, he still had to support his woman lovingly. Once the hardship was over, he will have to pamper his girl even more.

Gu Nian was stunned, her eyes were red, and she suddenly poked his waist and abdomen. It seemed hard, but when she really touched it, she couldn't let go.

Knowing that this man has developed a strong body of muscles, his waist and abdomen were even more strong and good-looking, and the lumps of abdominal muscles were simply criminal.

Such a hard muscle, even if he was poked into it, it would feel like a mosquito bite and would not hurt at all.

But she was still reluctant to let go. When she really fell on it, she softened her strength and changed to a light touch.

"Chu Zhaoyang, you are so annoying, you always make me want to cry." Gu Nian choked.

Chu Zhaoyang sighed and rubbed her hair: "That's why I don't want you to know."

After saying that, he glared at Chu Tian.

Chu Tian was unjustly accused. It was simply her own fault that she had to stay here and be abused by these two people.

However, Gu Nian still didn't want to let go of the way Chu Zhaoyang was making cakes, so she stuck her head out of Chu Zhaoyang's arms.

Seeing Chu Zhaoyang carefully arranging flowers, when he failed, his face darkened with annoyance. When he succeeded, although nothing could be seen on the surface, Gu Nian could see the brilliance in his eyes.

He was so nervous that he seemed to be completing some detailed scientific research, and his hands were shaking a little.

When the cake was finished, under Chu Tian's camera, the man actually blushed silently.

After the video was played, Gu Nian lowered her head and looked at the cake on the plate a little stupidly. She forked another piece of cake heavily and put it into her mouth, reluctant to swallow it.

There was cream inher mouth, it slowly melted and disappeared betweenher lips and teeth, and then she slowly chewed the cake.

"This is the most delicious cake I have ever eaten," Gu Nian said.

Chu Zhaoyang suddenly lowered his head, rolled the inadvertent smear of white cream between her lips into his mouth, and tasted it carefully: "It's very delicious."

Chu Tian couldn't bear it anymore, so she covered her eyes and ran away.

As a result, without looking at the road, she ran straight into a hug.

Just about to fall back, her waist was firmly supported, and the scalding temperature hit her through her palms, which made her feel unusually secure.

"Keep your eyes open when walking." A gentle male voice sounded from the top of her head, and there seemed to be a thin layer of warm breath pouring on her forehead.

Chu Tian took her hand away and looked up, it was Mo Jingsheng.

Under Mo Jingcheng's expressionless black eyes, Chu Tian felt that her face was getting hot, and she quickly stepped back: "No... I'm sorry."

Mo Jingcheng smiled slightly, let go of her, took a step back, nodded to her, and went to find Yan Beicheng and the others.

Chu Tian subconsciously followed Mo Jingsheng's back, looked at him for a while, shook her head and walked away.


The birthday party was over, Chu Zhaoyang wanted to see Gu Nian off, and Gu Nian asked him to take Chu Tian with him.

But Chu Zhaoyang really didn't want to bring this extra-large wattage light bulb with him. Unexpectedly, Mo Jingcheng said out loud: "I'll send Chu Tian."

Chu Zhaoyang was naturally very happy, but Chu Tian hesitated to speak, and finally followed Mo Jingsheng.

Chu Zhaoyang and Gu Nian walked out of the banquet hall. Gu Nian noticed that Yan Chuwei's party had finished early and the waiters had begun to clean up in full swing.

Nan Jingheng was indeed a journalist, and he wanted to find out everything.

He stopped a waiter and asked, "Is everything done over there?"

The waiters were all very familiar with this group of people. Regardless of their identities, they were all friends of Yan Beicheng, so naturally they dudn't dare to neglect them.

He said respectfully: "Everyone left there an hour ago. Neither the Yan family nor the guests seemed to be interested, so we ended it early."

"It's surprising that they would be interested if we interfered." Han Zhuoli snorted and said sarcastically.

Yan Chuwei had to drag Gu Nian over today, but she didn't have good intentions, and ended up getting herself involved.

This was a self-inflicted crime, and the cleverness was misled by the cleverness!

"Thank you for tonight." Gu Nian said sincerely.

As the host tonight, Chu Zhaoyang and Gu Nian saw them off before they got into the car.


Downstairs of Gu Nian's house, Yan Lui's A8 was parked under a tree, obscured by the shadows cast by the trees. It lacked lighting and was inconspicuous at all.

You won't find him if you don't look specifically.

He had been waiting here for more than two hours. He looked at the time, it was 10:35, but Gu Nian hadn't come back yet.

Yan Lui felt extremely depressed and clenched his teeth.

It's been such a long time, where had Gu Nian been and she still haven't come back?

Could it be possible she just go back to Lanyuan with Chu Zhaoyang?

Yan Lui couldn't help but wonder, during the more than a year since he was away, had Gu Nian slept with Chu Zhaoyang after being together?

Yan Lui clenched his hands into fists, and the joints creaked under the force.

If he said that, there was a real possibility that Gu Nian may not come back tonight.

He smiled with a sarcastic tone.

In the past, he respected her so much and was so cautious that he didn't even dare to hold her hand for fear of offending her. But now she was with Chu Zhaoyang, and he was afraid she had allowed Chu Zhaoyang to use all kinds of postures on her!

Yan Lui trembled angrily, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and bit it between his lips, lit it, and took a strong puff.

At this time, the headlights of the car in front swayed past.

Yan Lui squinted his eyes and saw clearly that the Bentley in front of him was the one belong to Chu Zhaoyang.

The two of them were finally back.

However, the Bentley was parked under the shadow of the trees in front, deliberately avoiding the bright street lights. The car lights were turned off, but the people inside didn't get out.

Gu Nian had just unbuckled her seat belt and was about to say goodbye to Chu Zhaoyang when she called out: "Chu Zhaoyang——ah——"

Before she could finish her words, she was suddenly pulled into his lap.

At the same time, when the seat slides back, the entire space becomes larger.

"I suddenly discovered a problem." Chu Zhaoyang looked at her with burning eyes.

There was no light, and the car was dark, but his dark eyes were extremely bright.

Gu Nian was nervous when he saw her, and the temperature in the car seemed to start to rise.

"What...what?" Gu Nian asked nervously, and subconsciously hid behind him.

Every time when Chu Zhaoyang's eyes were deep and scorching like this, she seemed to get no good results.

Chu Zhaoyang's hot palms were clasped on her lower back, and he immediately held her back so that she could not escape.

"You seem to keep calling me by my full name." Chu Zhaoyang's voice was deep and hoarse.

Calling him Chu Zhaoyang, it always sounded like he was separated by a layer of distance and a little less intimate.

From time to time, he would call her Nian Nian.

Gu Nian blushed: "Then what should I call you?"

Chu Zhaoyang raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Gu Nian hesitated, "humming" twice, and glanced at him: "I haven't forgotten that up to now, Yan Chuwei still calls you Zhaoyang, Zhaoyang. This name almost makes her called until it was numb, I don't want to be the same as her."