
Eye of Aragos: The Darkness comes

[ ... In a momentous evening, Christopher Salvatore, a compassionate person who often feels manipulated by others, experiences a profound change when he encounters a mysterious woman. In a twist of fate, this unexpected meeting grants Christopher supernatural abilities as a vampire, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Not knowing what powers he owns, he later discovers that there is an individual residing within his very soul. The individual is known as Ardelean, a servant of The Darkness, the embodiment of Evil, who possesses an intense thirst for revenge upon his previous love partner, The Light. After Christopher is chosen by Ardelean to become his host, The Darkness is determined to possess Christopher's body and unleash its vengeance upon the Universe. If such an event occurs, his life will be lost. However... Is that truly going to happen? Or Christopher breaks free from his puppet strings and emerges as an indomitable Vampire, striking fear into the hearts of all in the Universe ... ] ________________________ ! Warning: Narcissism, Manipulation, and other Toxic behaviors are present in the later development of this book together with R-18 Chapters ! ! Reader is advised ! ________________________ [ Cover is mine. All covers are made by myself or at least edited if they are done by someone else. If an Author wants, I'll change it but only if you have proof the cover is yours :) ] ________________________ [ This story is fiction and any connection to the RW is mere coincidence... ]

Patrik_Crown · Fantasy
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88 Chs

The hidden truth

[... The top floor of the Empire State Building: New York ...]

A beautiful woman about 35 years old was standing in front of big windows looking at the city with an emotionless expression.

She was 190cm tall, red hair, dangerous crimson red eyes with a mature curvy body, a big juicy ass, and gorgeous J-Cups.

She wore an elegant but at the same time, sexy and tight red dress unzipped between her beautiful ding-dongs.

With just one look at her, every man would change from a normal and loyal guy into horny pigs in milliseconds.

She held a cigarette in her right hand but when a loud knocking sound disturbed her, her emotionless face changed into an annoyed one and she squeezed the cigarette in her hand.

The wound healed in a second because of her enormous healing abilities.

"What did I say? turning around and looking at the door she was waiting for the one who disturbed her to come in.

A man in a black suit with a jin-jang mask on his face came in and when he looked at his boss his body trembled in fear at the same time, he felt a little desire towards her, but then remembering what happened to the previous one who did it, he stopped.

But it was too late because he was already held by the woman in red.

Her grip on his neck tightened and she wanted to squeeze it until his head would explode.

Understanding he might die he mumbled ''B-Boss y-your daughter''

When she heard that, she threw him against the wall on her left, saying "What is wrong with my little girl. ANSWER ME!?" as she looked at him like a tiger looking at a little powerless rabbit.

"S-she got married" he mumbled again and her expression worsened while her body released an enormous killing intent making the entire building tremble under her pressure.

"She did WHAT!" she screamed, picking up the table and throwing it out of the window.

'Well well WELL! My little daughter is married. It's not Lazarus, she doesn't want him and he is a total idiot who is just obsessed with her, so who could it be?' the woman thought as she suddenly picked the man from the ground again saying "Found out who is that man and watch her. You are going to report me everything. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

The man nodded as she threw him in the opposite direction where he crushed against the wall again.

Then she left the room.

"Ahhhhhh, I should find another job." said the man, but suddenly "WHAT DID YOU say?!" was heard as he replied "N-Nothing boss" and he left the room too.

[... In the meantime: The Bathory residence ...]

"You're going to die!" was heard as Christopher teleported from the mansion doors towards Lazarus.

When he appeared in front of him, Christopher's right fist punched the vampire in the stomach as he flew into the air, towards the dark barrier that was covering the entire mansion-like dome.

But before he could touch it, the tentacles of the darkness flew from Christopher's back towards him and caught his legs, pulling him back and smashing him against the ground next to his car.

Lazarus crawled to his car doors, pulling a weird old-looking sword from the seats.

He stood up and started running towards Christoper, leaving Rose unprotected lying on the ground as Vicki and Claudia ran towards the trunk and picked up her body, taking her to the safety spot of Vicki's limousine.

Lazarus' wives were just looking at Christopher with fear, interest, and lust.

For them, he looked like a literal angel of Death, an ancient warrior bathing in the blood of his enemies, the God of war, etc.

When they saw that sometimes Christopher looked at them, while he fought Lazarus like he was just a child in front of him, they blushed a little and became excited.

But when Claudia saw the girls drooling at Christopher when he was not looking, in her hands appeared two, ancient-looking daggers with ancient runes engraved on the blades as she silently sneaked behind them, killing one 'bitch' after another.

The daggers were one of the four weapons that could permanently kill any vampire, no matter how old or powerful the vampire might be.

Any vampire who would fight against someone who has these blades would become mortal.

Every wound made by them would not heal.

They were the tressure of the clan Dark family and were passed on the strongest vampire of each generation.

The Lazarus' wives were so immersed in the battle that they didn't even feel that someone was slowly killing them until the last two disappeared.

One of them appeared and formed a weird blue barrier around them and they started running and looking for a spot where she could hide with her 'sister'.

Claudia started running after them as ancient armor started forming on her wrists, legs, chest, and back.

In the meantime, Vicki was putting Rose into her limousine, when she felt someone's hand on her shoulder.

Turning herself, she saw Lorie in really bad shape and the remaining three maids that were in Rose's mansion, slowly walking towards her.

"Oh my god, LORIE!" was all she said before she put Rose into the car and started helping her while her driver ran towards the remaining three maids.

Lorie's body was covered in bruises that were extremely slowly healing, her outfit was torn, and "L-L-Lord C-Christopher helped us ugh" was the last thing Lorie said before she fell unconscious with the other maids.

"Ohhhh Darling. You always look for others, not like others" said Vicki looking at Christopher with love as he still fought Lazarus.

He could let them die but even when he didn't know them, he helped them.

He was raised like that by his parents and that's almost impossible to change.

But then Vicki's gaze fell on Claudia running around the mansion chasing two girls who were protecting themselves with a blue barrier.

"No one can look at my darling with those eyes YOU BITCHEEES!!!" she screamed hysterically, adding "You know what? You should just die so you can't look at him anymore!!" as she started running faster after them, slowly closing the distance.

Her black hair was imitating a beautiful scent of blackberries that flew towards Christopher as he suddenly felt his thirst coming back.

Looking then in Claudia's direction, he heard "DON'T RUN AWAY AND JUST DIE YOU WHORES!" as he smiled and thought 'I finally understand them. I finally understand everything. And I'm not going to leave them. Never again...'

[... Christopher's soul ...]

A man and his shadow were standing in front of a big totem covered in black flames.

"When you were walking home after the night with your friend, I was nearby, being hunted by Second Inquisition light hunters."

"As I said before, I'm a small amount of essence of my master's soul, sent to find a suitable host for him and then with the host's help, free my master from the light prison."

"You know, my previous host was just garbage, letting himself be fooled, wanting just money and fame. Without powers, he died miserably"

Looking at the totem I asked "Without powers?" hearing "Yes, he didn't take my deal. If you don't take my deal, swearing you are going to help my master, I would become just a voice in your head and it's up to you if you would listen to me or not."

"You need to swear to acquire The Darkness powers~"

"The bad thing is, I need to pick the host~ carefully because after I pick someone, I'm trapped in him until he dies."

"Letting my previous stupid host get killed was the easiest and best thing to do. I had enough, so when I was finally free, I found you."

"You were different somehow so I picked you, letting the light hunters think they killed me."

"But why I don't remember it?" I asked getting a little creepy answer "Because when I pick someone, I own his body for 24 hours, I can do anything I want."

"It's like a day of a normal life. I can look through your memories or walk into a bar and buy a drink hehe."

"I feel everything and can do anything, until the host's soul wakes up after the 24-hour limit, taking back the control over the body. Then I'm just a voice again until the host takes the deal."

I shuddered a little about the thought of what I might do when Ardelean had control over me hearing "Don't worry. I didn't do anything bad" A sigh of relief escaped my mouth, but after a few seconds he added "I just picked and made you marry your three lost girlfriends from your past"

"What?" I said with a look of disbelief on my face. "HAHAHAHAHAHA" Hearing just Ardelean's laugh in this deep darkness of my soul, I felt this was going to be a long journey...

[... The front of The Bathory Residence ...]

Two vampires were fighting fiercely as the ground around them was badly destroyed and explosions were heard all around.

Lazarus left the right side of his face unprotected, letting Christopher punch him so hard that Lazarus' jaw disappeared from existence, while his left knee which he wanted to kick Christopher was shot by Christopher's pistol that appeared in his right hand.

Then Christopher let the pistol disappear again, piercing Lazarus' stomach with his big claws, pulling his guts and throwing them on the ground.

Lazarus didn't have time for a break because suddenly, his face had five holes from Christopher's pistols that appeared in his hands again.

When after three seconds Lazarus's eyes regenerated themselves again, he saw Christopher's foot near his face and when it landed on his cheek, he flew towards the mansion entrance, destroying the front stairs of the residence.

*COUGH *COUGH *COUGH "Hehe well I wanted to save this for someone else but, I don't have a chance against you in this form," said Lazarus as he stood up from the ground taking a little bottle from the inner pocket of his suit.

"HAHAHAHAHA, do you think some bottle with weird shit in it is going to save you from me? After what you've done to my WIFE?!" shouted Christopher but Lazarus opened the bottle saying "Let's see..."

*PLOP *GULP GULP GULP *COUGH *BLEAH weird sounds were heard as the corpse of a vampire named Lazarus fell back on the ground when he drank the substance from the bottle.


"Well I think that's it-huh?" said Christopher as he turned around but suddenly ["DANGER HOSSSTTT~!"] Ardelean screamed as a piece of wall from the residence flew towards Christopher sending him flying towards the black limousine, crashing on the ground a few steps from the car.

"DARLING!!!" screamed Vicki in a worried tone as she ran towards him, helping Christopher stand up.

[... Christopher's soul ...]

"What did you do?" Christopher asked as he saw Ardelean laughing like a maniac.

"I made you marry your three beautiful and obsessive vampire girlfriends hahaha" Ardelean answered as his gaze fell on the flaming totem.

"Do you remember what I said about the hosts?" he suddenly asked as I answered, "Yeah, you chose the host and when you possess him, you control his body for 24 hours."

"Then if the host takes the deal he acquires the powers of darkness and if not you would become just a voice in his head until the host dies"

"Correct," said Ardelean, adding "But with you, it was different"

Hearing what Ardelean said I asked "How?" with a little hesitation, getting another scary answer for me.

"I controlled your body two times"

[... The Bathory residence ...]

In front of the mansion stood Lazarus with enormous killing intent as he was looking at Christopher with a hostile gaze.

He gained height his muscles were bigger and his skin changed from pale to red wearing only his pants.

On his hands were big claws and all his teeth were now sharp.

He looked like some demon who escaped from hell more than a vampire.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Finally, you are a worthy opponent for me!" Christopher laughed as he stood up and his eyes suddenly landed on Vicki's body.

His lust for his wife exploded as he remembered the memory from when Ardelean was in control, saying "Wow, the dress is more beautiful than that day we got married~"

"I want you~" When the last sentence he whispered reached Vicki's ears, she blushed and her face changed to red like her dress.

Christopher then pulled Vicki closer to him, kissed her and she melted in his arms.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!!! YOU DARE IGNORE ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!" "CATCH!" screamed Lazarus with his now demonic voice as he pulled another piece of that residence wall, throwing it at Christopher and Vicki.

Claudia saw it as she ran towards the two of them but before she could do anything, she was held gently around her waist by Christopher's right snake-head tentacle as he pulled her to him.

When she was next to him, his 'friend' released her and with the other snake-head tentacle it looked at the approaching wall and opened their mouths forming two black balls of darkness and throwing them at Lazarus.

One destroyed the piece of wall in the air and the other flew towards Lazarus as he formed a shield that broke immediately when it collided with the darkness ball and the explosion sent him flying deep into that destroyed mansion covered in flames behind him.

Christopher then pulled away from Vicki as his right hand caught Claudia's waist, pulling her closer and his lips then connected with hers, letting Claudia be shocked at this sudden action.

After a few seconds of an intense fight between their tongues, he pulled away as the sweet taste of blackberries mixed with the taste of cherries from Vicki soothed his unbearable bloodlust a little.

"Girls, hah, I want more later," he said as his arms released his two wives and his body teleported in front of the mansion where he waited for Lazarus to show up again.

He knew he wasn't dead. That maggot was too annoying to just die like that...


... ... ... ... ...

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