
Eye of Aragos: The Darkness comes

[ ... In a momentous evening, Christopher Salvatore, a compassionate person who often feels manipulated by others, experiences a profound change when he encounters a mysterious woman. In a twist of fate, this unexpected meeting grants Christopher supernatural abilities as a vampire, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Not knowing what powers he owns, he later discovers that there is an individual residing within his very soul. The individual is known as Ardelean, a servant of The Darkness, the embodiment of Evil, who possesses an intense thirst for revenge upon his previous love partner, The Light. After Christopher is chosen by Ardelean to become his host, The Darkness is determined to possess Christopher's body and unleash its vengeance upon the Universe. If such an event occurs, his life will be lost. However... Is that truly going to happen? Or Christopher breaks free from his puppet strings and emerges as an indomitable Vampire, striking fear into the hearts of all in the Universe ... ] ________________________ ! Warning: Narcissism, Manipulation, and other Toxic behaviors are present in the later development of this book together with R-18 Chapters ! ! Reader is advised ! ________________________ [ Cover is mine. All covers are made by myself or at least edited if they are done by someone else. If an Author wants, I'll change it but only if you have proof the cover is yours :) ] ________________________ [ This story is fiction and any connection to the RW is mere coincidence... ]

Patrik_Crown · Fantasy
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88 Chs

The hidden truth 2

[... Christopher's soul ...]

"What? How?" Christopher asked as he looked at Ardelean walking around them.

'Hmmmm, I never saw something like this in my previous hosts' souls. It looks like it came from hell. Hmm, and these flames. I saw them in the past, but where?' thought Ardelean looking at the flaming totem near them, and then turned his gaze at Christopher.

"The first time was when you were walking home from your friend's house. You were eight years old" answered Ardelean.

"Wait, so that's why I went to the forest?" I said and Ardelean nodded "I went for a quiet walk, enjoying the feeling of freedom again when Rose found me. So I helped her"

"And the second?" I asked as my mind was finally started to understand everything.

"The second was when you died as a human"

[... The Bathory residence ...]

Christopher was standing in his white suit in front of the destroyed residence of his wife Rose, waiting for Lazarus to come out from the ruins of that mansion like a good dog.

["DANGER! On your left"] said Ardelean as Christopher looked at the flying piece of wood trunk, covered in flames and aiming for his head.

The time around him slowed down as he just pushed the wood trunk a little to the side, making it miss him.

Then a scream "AHHH!" was heard as he looked towards the voice, seeing Lazarus running at an absurd speed towards him.

From shadows, two beautiful engraved pistols appeared in Christopher's hands, but then a purple light enveloped them and changed their appearance into two Western-looking swords.

Christopher positioned himself waiting for that vampire monster to be in his range.

When Lazarus was about to hit Christopher in the face with his big fist, Christopher moved his face to the right, dodging the blow and then cutting off Lazarus' arm with the sword in his left hand, while piercing his neck with the sword in his right hand.

Lazarus just screamed in pain "AAAAAHHHHHHH" as he flew towards the ground outside the mansion and Christopher turned the time back to normal.

Vicki and Claudia were looking at Christopher's fight as Rose was slowly healing with her maids in the black limousine.

Then suddenly, Claudia remembered her previous task: KILL THE WHORES IN BLUE BARRIER!!!

"Vicki? I need your help on this" she said looking at her 'sister' with a serious gaze.

"What do you need?" asked Vicki as Claudia slowly explained her plan.

"Okay," she said as the two of them suddenly disappeared into thin air.

'Heh, well... Yanderes are yanderes' thought Christopher in amusement as he heard his wife's 'mission' with his enhanced Vamp hearing.

Ardelean just shuddered when he heard it and thought ['The future is going to be interesting for this boy. And I want to be present!']

[... Christopher's soul ...]

"Died as a human?" I asked in disbelief, waiting for Ardelean's response.

Seeing my gaze, he said "You were walking home from your friend's house again when it happened"

[... A Lost Memory ...]

A young man lost in his thoughts was walking home from his friend's birthday party.

After a few minutes, he came to the dark alley.

In the middle, he saw a weird silhouette, leaning with its back against the wall.

Its face was hidden in darkness as a strong charming and mysterious aura was emitting from its body.

"Hey boy," it asked with a male voice "Do you know what time it is?" still standing in the same spot.

Christopher took out a phone from his pocket.

Litting the screen he said "11:45 PM" and put his phone back.

In the blink of an eye, the silhouette pulled Christopher into an embrace and bit his neck.

After a few seconds, the silhouette threw away his body on the ground, saying "Thanks man" as it turned and walked away.

Christopher's body lay there for a few minutes until a beautiful woman walked to him and kneeled on the ground.

"Uhhh you are so beautiful my dear. It would be a waste to let you die here" and pulled him into an embrace too as she bit his neck.

But instead of taking, she was giving something to him.

It lasted for a few seconds when Christopher suddenly opened his eyes and bit her neck too as she moaned.

'Mmmnn~ It was a long time since I felt something like this' she thought.

After a few minutes she pulled away, but Christopher was still biting her as she said "Enough dear" and threw him against a wall behind him.

"I-I'm sorry but... I-I need more... MORE!" said Christopher, throwing himself on her.

She dodged easily, but looking at his eyes that were fully black with red glowing irisis, she started running thinking 'W-What have I done, I never saw someone with those eyes... maybe I should let him die there.'

Then she stopped 'Wait, I-I was... scared? WHAT? ME? 10,000-year-old vampire feeling a FEAR?!'

She looked back, seeing Christopher's silhouette with only blood-red irises and a big wide smile full of sharp teeth visible, walking slowly towards her as shadows of at least ten tentacles were crawling on the wall at each side towards her.

Seeing this, she prepared herself to kill him, but then he stopped and looked in a random direction.

The woman launched at him and in the blink of an eye she appeared in front of him.

She wanted to punch him, but Christopher caught her hand and smashed her against the wall to his right as he was still looking in that random direction.

Still holding her hand, he pulled her into a hug, whispering something into her ear, and that made her blush.

Christopher then pulled himself away and jumped towards the roofs of the buildings in that alley.

When that woman regained her sanity, she jumped after him but landing on the rooftop, Christopher was nowhere to be found.


"That's when I regained control over your body again," said Ardelean looking at the flaming totem again.

"So this is how I became a vampire?" I asked and Ardelean nodded.

"Correct, but that's not how this story ends" and when he looked at me with a big devouring smile, the same smile formed on my face as only one thought crossed my mind.

"My three wives"

[... The memory of the incident in Night Club named Atlas: 11:58 PM ...]

An incredibly pale but handsome man walked towards the back doors of a famous nightclub in New York.

Opening the door, he saw four muscular security guys, sitting around the table looking at him while saying "What are you doing here boy? Get the fuck out before we beat you to the death!"

"Let's find out if your fists are as sharp as your words" Christopher (with Ardelean now in control) said as he stretched his hands.

[I will write it as a Christopher but it's Ardelean in this memory who speaks and does everything]

The four security guys got up from their chairs as they launched their fists at Christopher.

Time around him suddenly stopped as he just walked between them to the closest chair, breaking its four legs and throwing them at the security guys like stakes and piercing their chests.

When the time turned normal again, they were hanging on the wall, pierced by the four legs, every one having one 'stake' in their heart.

They were vampires, but they didn't die by normal wooden stakes so they were just paralyzed.

Ignoring the security guys and entering the club full of humans, vampires, werewolves, and other creatures, Christopher saw three beautiful ladies sitting and drinking across the dance floor.

The dance floor was big and full of dancing humans and creatures hiding their true nature.

Little left from the dance floor was the stage where the DJ was playing the best songs and on Christopher's left was a bartender mixing exotic drinks.

On the right, a little further from Christopher were two security guys, standing in front of the main door entrance.

But Christopher's attention was glued on that three beauties, located across the dance floor.

They were sitting elegantly with crossed legs, wearing white, black, and red dresses and drinking red liquid from expensive glasses.

Behind them were six security guys watching the dance floor.

"Hmmmm I'm going to stay here for a while," said Ardelean, taking out Christopher's phone and calling an unknown number.

"Who's there?" asked a male voice in Christopher's phone and Ardelean answered ''Senshea mere'' in forgotten language with a dark almost demonic voice.

[ This language is a mix of random words I formed in my mind. I don't want to copy some old language so I formed my own instead :) ]

[What Ardelean now basically said was 'Darkness is back' ]

After a few seconds, the man replayed in a happy tone "Welcome back Master, It's been a while since I heard your voice."

"Hi Gabriel, come to the club named Atlas in New York. I'm waiting, Bring Sara and Nicole with you"

"As you wish Master" was the last thing the man said before Ardelean ended the call.

[... On the other side of the Dance floor ...]

A large, semi-circular couch in red was placed across the dance floor.

In the middle was sitting a beautiful woman in a red dress with a deep neckline showing her perfectly shaped F-Cups.

Her dress ended under her knees and her name was Victoria Phoenix, the owner of this club.

On her right was Rose Báthory in a long white dress with a deep neckline and opening, going from her left thigh to her feet while on Victoria's left sat Claudia Dark in a black tight leather dress that had a smaller neckline and that dress ended in the middle of her thighs.

"Vicki?" Claudia pointed at the back doors of the club, seeing Christopher (Ardelean) ending a call, then walked and leaned against the bar where he bought a drink.

"What? He was at his friend's birthday party 30 minutes ago. I even installed cameras in his friend's house to know where he is and if he is safe. But wait... what is he doing here?"

"I don't know but... something is wrong," said Claudia and after a few seconds added "He... He's a vampire"

Rose's and Vicki's mouths and eyes opened wide saying "" HE'S WHAT?! "" at the same time.

But they quickly repaired their cold expressions as Vicki continued "H-How is that possible, Is he some magnet for troubles? We let him without protection for one night, making the preparations for the ritual and he at that time becomes... ugh the Destiny is a bitch!"

"Haah, let's ignore what happened for now. We need to-" and before Rose could say more, the doors of the club opened wide as four masked individuals stepped inside.

Three men and one woman were looking around.

When their gaze fell on the girls on the red couch, they approached them and their leader said "Victoria Phoenix, we need to talk"

Vicki nodded, got up from the couch, and looked at Claudia.

Understanding what Vicki wanted, she nodded as Vicki accompanied with Rose, walked with the three masked men to her office in the hidden part of the club.

The masked woman stayed near the dance floor and looked around.

Her eyes fell on one man, leaning against the bar and drinking a bourbon.

His presence was that of a bad boy and his eyes were flashing indifferent gazes to everyone.

Claudia's eyes glowed red for a few seconds when she saw the woman looking and suddenly walking towards Christopher with obvious desire.

The woman's aura suddenly became flirty and her look changed from sharp to more seductive-like, which pissed off Claudia even more.


... ... ... ... ...

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