
Extreme Sports Live Streamer

Lu Yu crossed. In this world where people lack wildness and are greedy for life and death, he has become the world’s leading extreme sports master! Shuttle through the prosperous urban forests and go deeper into the most dangerous and worst places on earth! Freehand rock climbing, rooftop parkour, wilderness survival, skydiving without umbrella bag! Cross Bermuda, head to the Amazon, drift around the sea, and wander the polar regions! He is the first person in the world to reach Mount Everest without oxygen! It is also the only man who has hosted a dinner at an altitude of 7,500 meters! He was once rated by National Geographic magazine: “The extreme master walking on the edge of danger, the godfather of the wilderness standing at the top of the food chain!”

Poison_Rage · Anime & Comics
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440 Chs

Chapter 369: The method of smelting, the cave in the bush!

   The ore volume is not large.

   Just one hand can hold.

  The feng shui sun all year round,

   makes the surface covered with soil stains.

  However, if you put it in the sun, you can still see the gloss hidden inside.


   Yingying shines.

   The unique metallic luster of this ore.

   is by no means common pebbles.

and so.

   is very easy to distinguish.

   Common copper ore.

   is generally an assembly of copper sulfides or oxides and other minerals.

   reacts with sulfuric acid to produce blue-green copper sulfate.

   Based on this generation characteristic.

  Chalcopyrite is distributed all over the world.

  The specific cause of copper mine.

   is very complicated.

   But in the final analysis.

   is mostly acid rock.

   For various reasons.

   The result of oxidation.

  Lu Yu's Olidia Island is in line with this condition.

  Because the sea floor crust changes.

   led to dramatic changes in marine volcanic rocks.

   formed the mountainous landforms on the island.


   After a long geological change.

  The porphyry and fine birch in the crust are organically combined.

  After a long period of oxidation, the ore is finally formed.

   This way.

  It is not surprising that copper mines can be found here.

Not surprisingly.

   There should be many near here.

  Ore of similar origin, copper grade is generally greater than 1%.

   Although the quality is not the best, but it is easy to smelt.

   Primitive people in the late Stone Age.

   used this most primitive, roughest rock containing copper sulfate to smelt a variety of bronzes.

   thus greatly improved productivity and made human civilization move to a new level.

   In the live room.

   A group of water friends.

  After listening to Lu Yu's words, he later realized that there was one sentence in the barrage, one sentence after another:

   "Copper mine?"

   "If the gold mine is perfect!"

   "Upstairs, what do you want?"

   "Looking at the expression of Yushen, I'm really afraid that he can't control how much to send, and bite hard, and then come again: six times the beef!"

   "Haha, who are you trying to laugh at TM?"

   "Visualize the high energy ahead!"

   "I feel that Yushen is going to live again!"


   near the rock.

   There are many similar ores.

   varies in size.

   Regular shape.

   also contains a considerable amount of copper.

  So care.

  Lu Yu did not do anything endlessly.

  Until all the ore suitable for smelting was collected, he explained to the audience in the live broadcast room:

   "Why can the Oridians build amazing stone statues in an era of limited productivity?"

   "The reason is that they have mastered the smelting technology and can produce tools at their disposal."

   "Although the pure copper cutting tool has a soft texture, if it is applied to production and life, it can also create a brilliant civilization."

   "For Oridians, metal cutting tools can increase their productivity."

   "But for me, the same is true of the metal cutting tools at our disposal. Being on an isolated island, in order to cope with hidden crises, we must maximize our resources."

   "Whether it is to improve the quality of life or your own combat effectiveness, this is the root of your life when you are isolated and helpless!"

   "So, it's time to show real technology."

   "Perhaps we can also try to smelt pure copper from these ores in the most primitive way, and make some weapons and cutting tools. If that's the case, the efficiency of hunting will definitely reach a higher level."

   smeared the wooden arrow that saw the blood sealed throat.

Although    lethality can not be underestimated.

   But compared with the arrowhead made of copper, the penetrating power is almost meaning.

   When hunting wild boars by the river, it was because of the penetrating power of wooden arrows.

   So Lu Yu chose to go shirtless.

   At that time, if you had a copper arrow in your hand, you might not have to be so troublesome.

   Powerful beauty hunting, with metal arrowheads, even the adult boar with thick skin and rough meat, no longer talk about it.


   in this world.

  Most people's established impression of metal smelting still stays in the mechanized heavy industry.

   thought he was defenseless.

   is simply not competent for such high-end metal work.

   Therefore, after listening to Lu Yu's words, the barrage in the live room suddenly increased.

   Some are marveling.

   is also questioning.

   does not understand the mystery of the original smelting technology.

   "Lying trough!?"

   "Anchor, are you kidding me?"

   "Make copper freehand? Would you like 6?"

   "Bull Break! Bull Break!"

   "Congratulations to the player, the plot: the Stone Age mission has been completed! The next level will open soon!"

   "Anchor is going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age!"

   "Earth people can no longer stop the footsteps of Yushen!"

   "Unimaginable, I feel the anchor is bragging, but I can't find evidence..."


   Faced with the doubts of the audience, Lu Yu smiled lightly.

   did not go to heart.

  Maybe for them, this kind of assignment sounds a bit ridiculous indeed.

  Relying on only two hands, you can temper metal.

  How can such specialized operations make those specialized smelters feel?

   Of course, this should not blame the audience.

   In this era when primitive technology has long since ceased to be unconcerned, it is normal for everyone to have this reaction.

   But as long as you think about it, the reason is not puzzling.

   Wasn't the primitive man inventing all this without any defense at all?

   We who also have high wisdom, why not?

   In fact, as early as the late Neolithic period, humans began to try to use metal utensils.

   first copper.

   followed by alloy bronze.

   After that, because there are suitable forging tools.

  Ironware has also taken root and germinated, and it has been popularized all over the world.

   So far.

  Human society has entered a stage of rapid development.

until today.


   Speaking of it, smelting metal is really a big project.

   Without professional knowledge and corresponding equipment, it is extremely difficult to achieve.


  Put the collected ore into the bamboo basket.

  Lu Yu casually found a shade to sit down, and finally spoke slowly:

   "Everyone is right, smelting metal is not an easy task."

   "But it doesn't mean anything."

   "The ancestors of mankind obtained bronze as early as four or five thousand BC."

   "So, smelting metal sounds outrageous, but in fact, this kind of operation is not as complicated as we think."

At this moment.

  After listening to Lu Yu's words, many audience members discussed in the barrage, how did the primitive people learn to make copper?

   This question seems simple, but it is not.

   involves a lot of knowledge points.

in other words.

  In the natural world, primitive people seem to have no chance at all to experience the chemical phenomenon of ore melting at high temperature!

   Lightning fell and fire was found.

   Grilling food with fire will make the food more delicious

  Throwing the dirt into the fire will burn it into pottery.

   Finally, the question came.

  How to find and master the difficult technology of metal smelting?

  The audience was puzzled.

   Various opinions are emerging one after another.

   has a strong sense of technology.

   Some people say it was taught by aliens.

   Others say it is the invasion of higher civilization.

   What's more, actually took out the God of Romance.

   said that there are noses and eyes, and there is nothing wrong.

   is really speechless.

   leaned against the stone wall.

  Lu Yu saw the discussion in the barrage, and could not bear to interrupt.

   After a while, I spoke to the audience about the ins and outs of this place.

   "Brothers, interrupt you a bit, how can it be more outrageous."

   "This question is actually very simple and not as complicated as you think."

"Smelting, first of all, there must be fire. This is necessary. As for how the fire was discovered, I have already told you about science in the previous live broadcast. After the fire, people found that burning something with fire would be unexpected. Surprise."

   "For example, food and clay."

   "All are products of this time."

"Learning to use fire, mastering the use of fire to make clay containers And more powerful than the stone tools in your hand!"

   "So people started to build clay kilns and learned to use charcoal and simple blowers. After one or two visits, copper was naturally smelted."

   "Later, because of the emergence of a centralized regime that controlled a large area and population, with certain human use, people have also entered the right track for metal smelting and began mass production in a true sense."

   After mass production.

   The soft copper is not enough for life.

and so.

  People added a small amount of tin into it, which became a copper alloy.

   is here.

  The primitive people completely bid farewell to the stone production tools and entered the bronze age in one fell swoop!

   Under Lu Yu's commentary.

   An easy-to-understand history of human development has suddenly come alive.

  The water in the barrage 666:

   "6666, the anchor knows so much!"

   "Talking with Jun is better than reading ten years!"

   "Douyu TV Distinguished Professor!"


   "I like listening to Yushen tell stories!"

   "A crosstalk actor who was delayed by the ultimate live broadcast..."



   1:11 in the afternoon.

   The sky gradually overcast.

   The hot sun.

   is blocked by thick clouds.

   made Lin Zhong's temperature a lot more comfortable.

  The sky above my head, from time to time, a few seabirds will fly over.

   left a desolate and mysterious cry.

   After a while.

   It's almost the same chat.

  In order to return to the camp as soon as possible, Lu Yu carried his rucksack on his back and continued to go west along the river channel.

When he was on his way, he said while walking:

   "If I didn't guess, Oridia's mineral resources should also be very rich, not only brass, but rare tin-copper and copper, there should also be distribution."

   "Because of brass alone, it is difficult to handle such a complicated engraving process."

   "In fact, half of the metal traces we found in the quarry were left by bronzes."

   "So, smart Oridians must have developed smelting technology a long time ago."

   "It may be earlier than any ancient civilization in the world, it is unbelievable..."

   Talking room.

   The light in the woods began to dim.

   The terrain is steep.

   Completely one-sided situation.

   must be very careful.

   Otherwise, it is very easy to fall.

   when I came.

  Lu Yu walked to the right bank.

   Right now he is on the left bank.

   Don't look at only one river apart.

   But the scenery on both sides is quite different.

   Unlike the right bank, the landform here is much steeper.

   is all very rough rock belt.

   Very difficult to walk.

   struggled all the way, and it took an hour for the soil to return to his feet.

   gasped while holding a tree.

  Lu Yu wiped her sweat, just about to speak.

  'S eyes were attracted by the dark things hidden in the bushes!

   Seeing this, he took three steps and made two steps, and immediately rushed over.


Not surprisingly.

   Take a peek at the grass.

   was discovered.

   It turned out that what was hidden under the grass was actually a huge, dark lacquered, downwardly inclined cave!

   The opening is a few feet square.

   is enough to hold the next car.

   There are many vines and moss on the edges.

   looks slightly vicissitudes.

   The light in the cave is very poor.

   reached out and missed five fingers.

   doesn't even know where to go.

   The most amazing thing is that there is a long ear stone statue at the entrance of the cave.

   The long-eared stone statue is the auspicious object built by Oridia to protect the Sun Goddess.

and so.

   This inconspicuous cave should also have some unknown origin with Olidia civilization...

   "Brothers, there is a hole here."

   "A stone statue also stands beside the cave..."

   While speaking, Lu Yu stood in front of the cave and looked out inside.

   But because the light is too bad, I can't see the specific situation at all.

   Only felt the breeze.


   is out of step with the sultry heat in the jungle.

  Second, the humidity in the cave is also very large.

   It seems that there is still sound of water.

   Other than that, there is nothing more to discover.

   stood in front of the cave and weighed it. Finally, Lu Yu said again:

   "This surface cave is very unusual..."

   "What might be hidden inside..."

   Looking at the dark cave.

  Lu Yu put on a thoughtful expression.

   Finally decided to take a look:

   "How about, are the brothers interested in going down with me?"


   "A hole must be drilled online?"

   "Upstairs, I seriously doubt you are driving!"


   "Is the hole wall drill OK?"

   "Go to the Northeast to dig for coal, Station ticket, go now!"


  After receiving affirmative responses from the audience, Lu Yu left the hole.

   searched in the woods.

  Cave exploration, you can not need any equipment, but you can't do without the torch.

   Even if you have perfect lighting tools in your hand.

  Without a gas mask, the only way to monitor air quality is to rely on torches.

   Only in this way can the oxygen content in the cave be accurately judged.

   No accidents.

   "Before I go in, I have to find a way to be a sustainable burning torch..."

   "Right now, we don't know anything about this cave, so torches are essential..."

   Talking room.

   Lu Yu Yuguang swept away.

   found several chestnut-shaped gray-brown tree nuts at his feet.

  All these nuts fell from a tall evergreen tree beside them.

   Seeing this, he squatted hurriedly, picked up a few and put it in his palm, and asked the camera:

   "Does anyone know this thing in the live room?"