
Extreme Sports Live Streamer

Lu Yu crossed. In this world where people lack wildness and are greedy for life and death, he has become the world’s leading extreme sports master! Shuttle through the prosperous urban forests and go deeper into the most dangerous and worst places on earth! Freehand rock climbing, rooftop parkour, wilderness survival, skydiving without umbrella bag! Cross Bermuda, head to the Amazon, drift around the sea, and wander the polar regions! He is the first person in the world to reach Mount Everest without oxygen! It is also the only man who has hosted a dinner at an altitude of 7,500 meters! He was once rated by National Geographic magazine: “The extreme master walking on the edge of danger, the godfather of the wilderness standing at the top of the food chain!”

Poison_Rage · Anime & Comics
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440 Chs

Chapter 369: Empty the battleship and leave the North Shore!

Of course.

  This is just one aspect.

the most important is.

in a sense.

  The treasures of Lebotalia cannot fully realize the capitalization.

   Even if it works, it is definitely a rather long process.

  If you want to put these valuable treasures.

   "Put it in" your own pocket.

   is the easiest and most effective way to register a charitable foundation.

   is a legal social organization that uses private wealth for public utilities.


   can not only exempt high taxes and treasury storage fees.

   can also be the fastest.

   makes these unexpectedly large amounts of wealth become logical.

To know.

   The escrow fees of many well-known banks in the world are very expensive.

   Even VIP customers like Lu Yu.

  To completely eliminate worries.

   Once and for all.

   is never easy.

and so.

   This is the best way to do two things at the moment.

   In addition to enhancing their visibility and influence.

   On the other hand, this means of monetization is also reasonable and legal.

  Rather than bear all kinds of heavy expenses, he deliberately guarded this treasure.

   might as well take out a part to make things easier.

   also has a good reputation.

  Probably for ordinary people, wealth is compared with fame.

   is definitely money first.

   But in Lu Yu's eyes, fame can be more valuable than cold treasures!

   After all, the only source of system gold coins is popularity.

  If you want to get gold coins continuously, strengthen yourself and complete tasks faster and better.

  Lu Yu had to make some movements.


   In the live room.

  'S remarks drew praise from many audiences.

   was busy for a while before stopping.

   Inventory the treasures that are full of capsules.

  Lu Yu casually found a treasure chest and sat down, saying nothing more:

   "Brothers, we are really lucky to want to come."

   "If I didn't find Avery's carry-on copper box on the shore at the time."

   "If I didn't come to the North Coast, these treasures would probably have been hidden here for a long time, maybe no one would discover its existence in a few centuries."

in those days.

   Avery and Thomas Tusa lay a lie.

   finally decided to flee Oridia on the North Shore.

   may be due to some accidents.

  May be lost when running.

   Perhaps it was dropped during the duel.

   may also be deliberately done by Avery.

   But no matter what the situation, this carry-on thing must have been left somewhere.

   drifted along the ocean current to the west coast with the passage of time.

   until found by myself.

   only saw the sun again.

   is really a coincidence.

   Thinking, Lu Yu shook his head gently.

   There was a smile that was hard to detect, and then just said:

   "At least, this surprised me."

   "The pirates struggled hard and tried to have wealth for their entire lives, but because of our unintentional loss, they finally surfaced."

   "To be honest, this is definitely the most bizarre and most reliable thing I have encountered in my life..."

   When chatting with the audience.

   Lu Yu's eyes.

   is always hovering over the two bones.

   The expression is thoughtful.

   I don't know what I'm thinking.

   But there is no doubt that his mood at the moment must be very complicated.

   has the joy of discovering treasures.

   has some contemplation and alertness to history.

   Live screen.

   Jin Cancan's cabin.

   Avery and Thomas, two thieves, sat opposite each other.

   Viking knight sword in hand.

   Did not relax half a point until death.

  Just look at the empty bones to make up the brain.

   at the time of checkmate.

   The fortunate and desperate eyes of the two...

   Fortunately, he finally held the treasure.

   and despair is that from now on, I will never see such a huge wealth.

  In this complex emotion, the two have completed the last moment of their legendary life.

   Guest died in another country.

  The soul returns to the sea.


   Running for days and running away in the mountains.

   Come to an end.

  Lu Yu also relaxed.

   After a while.

   He stood up, faced the camera, and contacted a studio far away in Fiji.

   "Hey, Anna. How is it, how are you recently?"

   "Well, things here need you to deal with."

   "Also, using my private mailbox, send an email to Citibank to tell them that I have a big business here..."

   Talking room.

   Studio screen, access to the live room.

   There was a lot of people inside.


   screams came one after another.

   After a while.

   Anna appeared in front of the camera, congratulating incoherently in Chinese:

   "Congratulations, Lu Yu..."

   "It's hard to imagine... maybe you don't know yet, this time you made big news..."

  The words were not finished yet, Chris's black face came together:

   "Hey! Man! This is so cool!"

"What's your mood now? Oh, yes, maybe I shouldn't have asked this question. How and how do I feel? Yes, that's enough formality. Wait, are you thinking, what kind of souvenirs to send to this trip? Me? OK, let me guess first, you must have already prepared, isn't it? Is it the pirate's sword? Or the big barrel of aged rum? None, please, man! Wouldn't that be the biggest one Ruby, right? Seriously, if you make a decision, then I can only be kind enough..."

   interrupted Chris Freestyle, Lu Yu said with a smile:

   "If you want, there are some delicious dried fish in my camp, believe me, if those guys are paired with your blueberry pancakes, the taste must be good..."

   "Come, Man..."


   chatted for a while.

  Lu Yu explained to the staff about the specific matters of the treasure.

   After hanging up even the wheat.

  Anna contacted Citibank for the first time and talked about Lu Yu's account.

   Since signing with Discovery Channel.

  All of Lu Yu's cash operations abroad are handled by Citibank.

   This time is no exception.

   Although there are many banks with higher security levels.

   But this one.

   Citibank is undoubtedly the most convenient and fastest option.


  Because of their relationship, Citibank's safe deposit box business is the most reasonable and reliable escrow fee among all banks.

   Plus Lu Yu is Citi's VIP customer, and it's also handy for doing things.


   With so many gold and silver jewelry, even the safes of all branches in North America are opened.

   I'm afraid I can't finish it.

   The only solution may be to manage in batches.

   Try to find branches in countries and regions with reasonable escrow fees and low taxes to digest this wealth.

   That night.

  Lu Yu did not choose to leave, but slept on the floor in the cabin.

   Accompanied by the two pirates who blew the wind and rain on the ocean and ocean hundreds of years ago, spent a special night on the "Friendship"...


   He told the audience a lot of history and anecdotes about the era of the great voyage.

   Until the night is quiet.


   The next three days.

   Things are on the right track.

   Citibank dispatched an inventory team and security team of more than 30 people.

   Divided the treasures in the cabin into different categories and carried out detailed statistics.

   and signed a depository contract with Lu Yu.

At last.

   They used more than twenty helicopters and pulled away more than one hundred boxes of gold bars.

   Ninety-five boxes of gold coins.

   Countless precious ornaments and countless priceless jewelry!

  Secondly, the precious cultural relics and antiques left on the "Friendship" also declined!

   Including dozens of boxes of unopened rum.

  An ancient wine is always popular in the collection circle.

   value is not low.

   If it's just an ordinary 100-year-old rum, even if it's shot, it might not be more than tens of thousands of dollars.

   But the thing of antiques is the source.

   Just the words Thomas Thomas on the barrel can make the price go to the rocket!

  After three days of negotiation and busyness, the Friendship was searched out by Lu Yu, and no hair was left.

   As long as there are no objects that can be used to participate in the auction.

   Come and go.

   The huge battleship Friendship became an empty ship in an instant...



  Lu Yu has never started broadcasting.

  When the audience saw him again, he had returned to the temporary camp on the north coast.

   Early morning on the thirty-ninth day of Dengdao.

   After starting live broadcast.

  Lu Yu sat in front of the campfire, drinking hot mountain grass tea, and greeted:

   "Brothers, long time no see."

  The words fall.

   There were countless barrage instantly, coming from the right side of the screen, one after another.

   "Feather God! Feather God!"

   "Powerful insertion!"

"the first!"

   "Here is the headline, the anchor is really developed this time!"

   "People are not bad at all!"

   "At this moment, I just want to say two words, awesome!"

   "Treasure Hunter-Short Xiaoyu!"


   North shore early in the morning.

   The weather is cool.

   When the wind blows,

   Chill overgrown.

   took a sip of hot tea, and Lu Yu greeted everyone with a red face.

   "These days, I have been dealing with those hot gold, I really have no time to start broadcasting, please forgive me."

   "Because of Lebotalia, the live broadcast was forced to be suspended for a few days, but the problem was not big. The total length of the show can be postponed for a few days."

   "After returning to the camp, I found out that the location of the Friendship is actually in a seaside cave on the northwestern side of Shuangzi Mountain. It is very hidden and cannot be easily found."

   "Speaking of that, Avery and Thomas Tu, most likely intentionally, chose this place."

"One was to facilitate the escape, and the other was not easy to be discovered. But in the end, the seemingly well-planned plan still had no greedful claws. In one thought, all of it was gone, and our two captains also paid for it. The price it deserves."

   Live broadcast here, the secret of the treasure, even if it came to an end.

   As for the legendary Lebotalia, Lu Yu is unknown.

   Of course, this is not important anymore.

  Whether this so-called utopia really exists, whether it has been brilliant, or whether it has been lost.

  Lu Yu is willing to give affirmative answers to the audience.

  Quan is to show that there is a good side in human nature...

  According to the description in the Thomas Tu sailing log, Lebotalia should be hidden somewhere in Olidia.

   However, it doesn't make any sense to discuss all this now.

   When the truth of history is revealed to the world, the most mysterious part of it takes time to cover up.


Even so.

  When Avery searched the huge wealth in "Lebotalia", seeing the sky and the outside world, the voice of the outside world never stopped.

   A wave is higher than a wave.

   was talked about by many experts and media.

  Worldwide, almost all well-known online media and newspapers and magazines have reported this incident.

   caused a huge sensation!

   shocked the world!

   has always been a pirate utopia that exists in literary works.

   This time it was finally placed in front of everyone extremely authentically!

   and the other side.

   In addition to being envious of the treasure of that ship, everyone has more understanding about this ultimate anchor who is keen on exploring nature and pursuing the limit of life!


nine in the morning.

   drank hot tea.

   warmed up.

  Lu Yu stored all his equipment in a bamboo rucksack.

   Immediately after leaving the tinder.

   He finally took a look at the Twin Mountains and the mysterious utopia hidden in the mountains and existing in fantasy.

   turned around and left the North Shore.

   left Lebotalia.

   Prepare to follow the river and return to the base camp on the island.

at the moment.

   Until the challenge is over, there are more than twenty days left.

   After arriving at the North Shore.

  Popular tasks and original technical tasks have been completed.

  Exploration mission.

   also unlocked 80%.

   Only less than 20% is left.

   Seen from time.

  To complete the remaining camp missions and refine missions.

   should be too late.

  According to the current progress.

   Within a maximum of ten days, all branch tasks are basically the same.

   And the main task, I am afraid that only the day of the island will be declared over.

   In the process of getting on the road.

  Lu Yu summarized his visit to the North Shore to the audience.

   completely opened the conversation box.

  From east to west.

   A lot of chats in the South and the North.

  Since the official start of broadcasting, after this period of time, Lu Yu has basically mastered the essentials of live broadcasting.

  Professional quality is getting better and better.

   has formed his own unique style of hosting.

   is deeply loved by the audience.

   tough appearance.

A wealth of knowledge.

  Three views of super positive.

   Even the muscular muscles have inadvertently become a bonus for his live broadcast.


   On the way back.

   Everything goes smoothly.

   The only problem is that the road is not easy.

   Therefore, the efficiency of walking cannot always be guaranteed.

   stumbled for a while, and in the blink of an eye, it was already noon.

   The temperature in the jungle,

Straight up.

  To avoid this period, Lu Yu randomly found a huge rock camp.

   Prepare to rest for a while.

  Wait until the temperature drops.

   The rock is a distance away from the river.

   Near the left.

   is all big and small gravel.

   walked to the side, Lu Yu put down his rucksack and looked around as usual.

   hasn't waited for his eyes to settle.

  Lu Yu's brow was just wrinkled.

   It seems that what was discovered.


   Without saying a word, he picked up a piece of copper-yellow ore with spots on the ground decisively.

  After measuring it twice with his hands said to the camera:

   "Brothers, I found a good thing, see what this is?"

   "Do you know what stone this is?"

   Close the drone.

  Lu Yu put the copper-yellow ore under the lens and asked softly.

at this time.

   In the live room.

   stared at the stone placed in the palm of his hand, the audience watched it for a long time, and could not see why it came.

   Then vomited:

   "Big fuss!"

   "Isn't it just ordinary stone?"

   "Anchor, this should be the top quality topaz, you can find **** hui to change equipment, brothers come to cut me!"

   "Awesome upstairs!"

   "Haha, wisdom!"

   "Won't it be another gem?"

   "Ming people don't tell secret words, this should be cow dung!"

   looked at all kinds of strange answers in the barrage.

  Lu Yu smiled helplessly.

  After putting the ore in his hand and weighing it a few times, he explained softly:

   "Everyone, this is not ordinary stone, it is a very good brass ore!"