
Extreme Sports Live Streamer

Lu Yu crossed. In this world where people lack wildness and are greedy for life and death, he has become the world’s leading extreme sports master! Shuttle through the prosperous urban forests and go deeper into the most dangerous and worst places on earth! Freehand rock climbing, rooftop parkour, wilderness survival, skydiving without umbrella bag! Cross Bermuda, head to the Amazon, drift around the sea, and wander the polar regions! He is the first person in the world to reach Mount Everest without oxygen! It is also the only man who has hosted a dinner at an altitude of 7,500 meters! He was once rated by National Geographic magazine: “The extreme master walking on the edge of danger, the godfather of the wilderness standing at the top of the food chain!”

Poison_Rage · Anime & Comics
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440 Chs

Chapter 370: Nut torch, secret in the hole!

   In the live room.

   A group of water friends, staring at the little fruit in the hands of Lu Yu, looked at it for a while.

   didn't guess the punctuality.

  Finally, they said they had never seen it.

   Seeing this, Lu Yu chuckled twice, organized the language, and explained:

   "Everyone, this is actually a kind of nut..."

   "The scientific name is Queensland chestnut, some people call it macadamia nuts, and Chinese people like to call it macadamia. How about this name, everyone should be familiar with it?"

   "But in fact, the original origin of this thing is not in Hawaii at all."

   "The reason why this name is called a gimmick."

   Wild macadamia is an evergreen tree.

  Dicotyledonous plants.

   The canopy is tall.

   likes to grow in mild, humid, and windy places.

  Maturated macadamia nuts are not only extremely rich in nutritional value, they have always enjoyed the reputation of "the king of dried fruits".

   At the same time, the oiliness of the nuts is also very large.

   Extremely flammable and burn-resistant.

  In the wild, macadamia nuts are the best choice for making torch and wild lighting equipment!

until today.

  Aboriginal people living in the rainforest of northern Australia.

   is still used to making torch lighting with Queensland chestnuts.

  How to make nut torches.

very simple.

  Choose a large and ripe nut, and spread it with bamboo sticks or branches.

   Then light it with fire.

  Quality and mature Queensland chestnuts can burn for nearly two or three hours, which is very powerful.

   The most important thing is that it is not effort at all.

   can be produced anytime, anywhere.

   does not need too complicated materials.

   "There are many varieties of Queensland chestnuts. The one we picked up is very different from what is usually sold on the market and sold. Although it can be eaten, the taste is not as good as expected."

   "So, don't think I have picked up any rare delicacies, these macadamia nuts are not for eating, it has more uses..."

"Queensland chestnuts are very oily and are good materials for making torches. Aborigines living in Australia are still using this method to make torches. The reason is that they are simple and not so complicated. Compared with beeswax torches and Song Ming lamps, Nut torches are definitely the best choice for lighting needs during the adventure."

  When explaining to the audience.

  Lu Yu is not idle.

   Take out a piece of ore from the bamboo basket, smash all the nut shells picked up, and take out the nuts inside.

   Just looked at it that way.

  Queensland chestnut nuts are almost exactly the same as the usual macadamia nuts.

   makes little difference.

   But in fact, after a long time of drying and frying, the taste will not be any better.

   has been busy for a while.

  Lu Yu put all the nuts aside, he touched a fairly straight green branch from the ground, and then pointed to the camera:

   "Okay, now just string the nuts on top of each other, and a nut-shaped torch with a different surface is enough."

   "It should be noted that the main body of the torch must be a new branch."

   "The reason, I have explained to you many times, nothing more than to increase the burning time of the torches, remember, don't use those dead branches, otherwise there will be a farce of playing with fire and self-immolation..."

   "Li Shizhen's skin!"

   "Is it okay to play with fire and self-immolate?"


   "Lying trough! Want to see! Yushen show the big guy?"

   "Which is leather! Don't talk about it!"

   "Sooner or later I will die at Douyu!"

   After skewing the nuts in turn

  Lu Yu solved the tinder box around his waist and found some firelighters.

   lit a fire.

   Ignite the torch.


   Two or three minutes later, he didn't take the torch away from the fire until the nuts on the wooden skewer were fully burned.

   "Brothers, I said more than once."

   "The function of torches is not just lighting."

   "More importantly, it can avoid a lot of unnecessary risks. Therefore, before exploring the field, nothing can be considered, except fire..."

   Picking up the rucksack, Lu Yu took a nut string torch and walked towards the hole with a big step.

   "In the 17th century, the mine workers in Yingguo discovered that canaries were very sensitive to gases like gas. Even if there was a very small amount of gas in the air, the canaries would stop singing."

  "When the gas content exceeds a certain limit, although the blunt humans are unaware, the canary sparrow has already died of poison.

"Under the relatively simple conditions of mining equipment at that time, the workers brought a canary as a'gas detection indicator' every time they went down the well, so as to evacuate in a dangerous situation. At present, our situation is similar, this small The small nut bunch torch is my canary. If it goes out, I have to withdraw from the cave no matter what."

   "666, something!"

   "Inexplicable thought of ghost blowing lights!"

   "A person lights a candle, a ghost blows a lamp, a hole will be drilled, and a feather will not be spared!"


   "The posture is up, Yushen's live broadcast is really full of dry goods!"

   "True details determine success or failure!"

   "The torch is on!"


   The trend of the cave.

   all the way down.

   After entering the cave.

   The long-lost chill hit us head-on.

   All hairs on and off.

   stood up instantly.

   The temperature here.

   is at least two grades lower than the outside.

  Thanks to the bonus of [Strict Cold Lineage].

   Otherwise, this straw skirt alone.

   is really difficult to resist.

  On the way of exploration, Lu Yu observed the inner wall of the cave through the flickering fire.

   found traces of artificial chiseling all over it.

   It seems that he guessed right.

   This cave should also be made by Oridians.

  In addition to the rock walls, the road at the foot is also unique.

   is not big or small.

   happens to be a gentle **** of 45 degrees.

   leads straight to the endless dark abyss.

   The air was filled with a strong cold smell.


   Very uncomfortable.


   The inside of the cave is filled with large and small pieces of gravel.

   Hundreds of states.

  Very diverse.

   Some are as small as goose eggs, while others are as large as ore.

   didn't know that it was formed naturally.

   was intentionally done by someone.

   In short, very strange.

   walked for a while.

  The wind in the cave is getting bigger and bigger, and the flames on the torches are beginning to drift.

Seeing this, Lu Yu hurriedly protected the flame, and then said:

   "My friends, this is an artificially excavated rock cave, and the traces on it are still clearly visible today."

   "Very rough."

   "It looks like it should have been done by the original cutting tool, and it has nothing to do with the pirates of Lebotalia. But the question is, why did the Oredians dig such a big cave, does it make any sense?"

  Zai carefully observed every detail of the cave.

  Lu Yu said thoughtfully.

   was puzzled.

   is always puzzled.

  In any case, the project of drilling a rock cave can be more time-consuming and labor-intensive than carving a stone statue.

  Depending on the level of productivity at that time, such a big cave might have to be dug for several years...

  What do these people want to do?

   Are you engaged in authentic warfare?

   Don't say it.

   really has this possibility.

  According to the temple frescoes, at the end of civilization, Oridia encountered several large-scale invasions, and the entire tribe was seriously affected.

   Faced with this situation, the ruling class of the tribe exhausted their efforts and built a refuge.


  This is just a family statement.

  What is this underground cavern used for?

   is still unclear.

  The only way to know the ins and outs is to go deeper and see what happens.

   Put the torch in front of you.

  Lu Yu continued to walk deep into the cave while thinking wildly.


   is more than ten minutes.

   The ramp at the foot turned around.

   became more and more gentle.

   And this time.

   is also suddenly bright.

   A bigger cave going north and south suddenly entered the line of sight without warning!

   In the middle of the cave, there is a turbulent underground river flowing across.

   The river is very wide.

   The water level is also deep.

   compared to Yamauchi's.

   Most of the sound of water I heard before came from here.

   saw this scene.

   Lu Yu frowned, made two steps in three steps, and walked straight over.

   "Everyone, there is an underground river here."

   "Want to come."

   "It should be one of Oridia's huge groundwater systems..."

   Raise the torch.

  Lu Yu scoured the cave around with a faint light, carefully surveyed it carefully.

   This cave is never artificially mined.

   but through river erosion.

  Naturally formed.

  Look at the current situation.

   Oridians struggled.

   The purpose of digging underground caves.

  Eight achievements are to get through here.

   But what is this for?

  Do you want to find the Underwater?

  What do these people want to do?

   Thinking, Lu Yu shared his doubts with the audience in the live broadcast room.

   also said his views.

   But everyone has discussed and discussed, and has never got a more reliable answer.

   In order to understand all this, Lu Yu expanded the search scope.

   toward your right hand.

   is also the upper reaches of the river, looking for a circle.


   really found something.

   On both sides of the river channel, Lu Yu found many primitive bronze utensils.

   Copper axe, copper adze, spear gun, stone chisel.

   There are even many bottles and cans made of clay and countless broken fragments on the ground.

   The surface is covered with cobwebs and moss.

   is long gone.

   looked at it for a while.

  Lu Yu casually picked up a debris from the ground and put it in his hand to measure it twice.

There is nothing special about   .

   is a very common utility.

   "A trace of someone living in a cave."

   "Production tools and living utilities are everywhere on the ground. These tools are very simple holding tools and cutting tools."

   "In the primitive society where technology is not developed, similar tools can already meet the initial production and life. If I guess correctly, the Oredians should have lived in this cave for some time."

   "But the question is, why do they burrow underground?"

   "Are you really playing authentic battles?"

   Lu Yu raised his eyebrows in disbelief at the camera.



  Whether it is primitive society or modern times, people always like to run underground when they avoid war.

   Similar ancient war tunnels are very common in Europe and Oceania.

   In 2015, German archaeologist Heinrich Kush discovered a large number of underground tunnels in dozens of Neolithic human settlements in Europe, all of which were left over from tribal wars.

   In modern times, the most famous in the world is probably the Kuchi Tunnel in Yuenan.

   During the Vietnam War, the Cu Chi Tunnel was a very difficult place to overcome.

  During the war, people in the United States and America had to drop bombs and spray dead leaves.

  Yuenan soldiers used to control this area through the tunnel system that these modern people seem very legendary.

   left a war tunnel with a length of about 250 kilometers and all the infrastructure is very complete.

   presents a history of blood and sweat against foreign forces.

   At that time, Lao Mei naturally knew the existence of this tunnel.

   However, due to the complicated structure of the tunnel, it was impossible to grasp the whereabouts of the army correctly.

   In this way, might the Stone Age Oridians probably also survived the war, so they had no choice but to get through it.

  Although it is possible, Lu Yu always feels that there is a problem.

   Among them, the biggest problem is that after searching for so long, he barely found any weapons.

   as a refuge.

   walked around without weapons.

   This is a bit abnormal.

   for a while.

   couldn't find a strong point of rebuttal.

   Therefore, I had to stop.


   walked almost four or five hundred meters along the upper reaches of the river.

   But there are no valuable clues except for bottles, jars and various production tools that can be seen everywhere.

  So, after resting for a while, Lu Yu returned.

   Continue to the downstream.

   along the way.

   may be due to the terrain, causing the flow of the river to be extremely heated.

   is extremely fast.

   This is not difficult to understand.

  The topography of the North Shore itself is high.

   also has a huge drop.

   Such a drop, on the way back, Lu Yu had already learned.

  Affected by this, the dark river in the cave is naturally surging.

   is fast.

   Judging from this flow rate, the current water level should not be a peak yet.

  When the rainy season arrives, as the groundwater skyrockets, the place will change dramatically.

   The whole water level rose by half a meter.

   doesn't talk at all.

   Observed it, and it turned out that Lu Yu was really right.

   The inner wall of the rock cave has very obvious traces of erosion.

   It seems.

   When the water level reaches the peak.

   There should be no problem with the river flowing over the bank.

   If it were really that time.

   The cave must be another scene.

   Accompanied by the sound of water.

  Lu Yu was chatting with the audience while holding torches and walking carefully downstream.

   Talking room.

   Less than a cup of tea.

   ahead A black paint "monster" suddenly appeared in the field of vision!

what's the situation?

   The light of the torch.

   is minimal.


  Let Lu Yu open his eyes again, it is still hard to see the reason.

   is even more indistinguishable.

   "thing" is dead or alive!

   But no matter what, standing such a "thing" in the dark for no reason makes people feel guilty!

at the same time.

   The other side.

  Wait for Lu Yu's opening, the audience who always stood in front of the screen also clearly saw this mysterious scene!

   expressed one after another.

   Too thrilling!

   Dark cave.

   Weak fire.

   Motionless unknown!

  Thinking about it is terrible!

   These many elements are integrated.

   Plus the situation right now.

  In an instant, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became tense for no reason!