
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Movies
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44 Chs

the death of a spiderman [chapter 41]

Chapter 41

He observed the people around him, young adults with faces lit up in awe and wonder. Their carefree spirits were contagious, and Alucard found himself smiling, feeling a sense of connection to their joy. He marveled at the way music and celebration could unite people, transcending differences and creating moments of pure bliss.

Amid the spectacle, Alucard's thoughts wandered, contemplating the transient nature of happiness and the juxtaposition of beauty and impending disaster. He recognized the fragility of such moments, their fleeting existence, yet their ability to captivate and uplift.

"It's in these moments of sheer beauty that we find solace and forget about the darkness that looms," Alucard mused to himself. The fireworks continued to light up the night sky, captivating both his eyes and his soul.

As the dazzling display reached its grand finale, showering the crowd with a cascade of lights, Alucard couldn't help but ponder his existence. He reflected on his ability to adapt to different eras and cultures, grateful for the unique experiences it afforded him.

The fireworks gradually faded, leaving behind a profound silence. Alucard took a deep breath, inhaling the lingering scent of excitement and joy. He knew that, despite the uncertainties that lay ahead, he would continue to embrace and cherish these moments of beauty, finding solace in the ephemeral magic of life.

-scene change-

Inside an underground structure, alucard leaned against a wall as he watched the fight below, where three men fought, all with astray, 'so they corrupted the Vanarastra' though alucard as one Junoon's men named Raftaar possessed the astra now with a tainted red color instead of the yellow.

'This one possesses the agni astra, the astra that controls fire' though alucard as he looked a the young while the other older gentlemen, 'and this guy possesses the Nandi Astra, which imbues the wearer with the strength of a thousand bull, which is about 2,000 tons' alucard said as he had already extracted the artifact.

Suddenly, the door on the lower got busted open as Junoon herself appeared, but the guy who possessed the nandi astra punched the fountain below him which collapsed as it turned out to be existing, 'their next target should be the Himalayas, where other astra wearers are located' though alucard as he sighted, his journey slowly coming to an end.

-scene change-

Alucard could now be seen, standing on the opposite side to a group of people, gathered together, they were the brahman's council, responsible for keeping the Brahmans, alucard watched as each of them held their castra up high, as a trail of energy escaped from the astral, creating what seemed to be a galaxy, 'they are like the justice league,' alucard as he extracted each astra.

Suddenly, an idea popped inside his head as he smiled, "looks like I need to take out the house of Mysterious" he muttered to himself, 'since the house of Mysterious has infinite rooms, I could arrange all of the artifacts that I extracted in categories,' though alucard as he wanted to create some sort of a collection, 'each room could certain themes and each artifact would be labeled' he thoughts further becoming deeper and deeper as he smiled.

With a determined smile, 'alright, after I am done with my adventures across universes, then I will start organizing my inventory' he thought as he finished extraction of the brahman's council, 'well, this is it,' he thought as he conjured up another portal, 'what happens next is nothing worth extracting, I already have all the three pieces of the brahmastra,' he said as he entered the portal, ready for this next world.

-scene change-

Alucard stood beneath the towering billboard in the heart of Brooklyn, his gaze fixed on the news of Spider-Man's daily untimely death. Among them, women and young individuals were particularly affected, some shedding tears while others recorded the scene on their phones.

Clad in worn-out clothes, Alucard stood out amidst the sea of people. His long red hair cascaded over his shoulders, contrasting with the pristine condition of his body. Holding a guitar in his hands, he positioned himself in front of the crowd, preparing to share his voice.

With a gentle strum of the guitar, Alucard began to sing. His voice, as if blessed by angels, resonated through the air, capturing the attention and emotions of those who listened.

As the heartfelt lyrics escaped from his lips, Alucard's voice carried a sense of raw emotion, weaving a poignant story of love and fleeting moments:

A/N Golden hour

Alucard's voice reverberated, filling the space beneath the billboard. His soulful performance transported the listeners into a world where time stood still, where love and loss intertwined.

With each word, his voice soared, painting a vivid picture of a summer romance, of stolen moments and precious memories. The crowd, captivated by his performance, felt the weight of the lyrics, their own experiences and emotions echoing in the music.

Alucard's voice carried the pain of heartbreak and the longing for someone lost. His delivery was infused with a bittersweet tenderness, a reminder of the fragility of life and the fleeting nature of love.

As he reached the chorus, his voice soared higher, radiating hope and beauty:


It's your golden hour

You slow down time

In your golden hour"

The lyrics resonated with the crowd, evoking both a sense of melancholy and a glimmer of optimism. Alucard's angelic voice continued to fill the air, enveloping the listeners in a moment of shared emotions and collective reflection.

As the final notes of the song hung in the air, a hushed silence fell over the crowd. Alucard, still holding his guitar, surveyed the faces before him. There was a mix of sadness and gratitude in his gaze, acknowledging the power of music to heal and unite.

At that moment, beneath the Brooklyn skyline, Alucard's voice became a balm for the mourning souls, a reminder that even amidst darkness, beauty and hope can emerge.


yes it is Earth 1610