
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Movies
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44 Chs

leaving the spider verse and a new world, plus an system update [chapter 42]

Chapter 42

In a classroom that was enveloped in darkness, the lights turned off to create a cinematic atmosphere. Rows of students sat attentively, their eyes fixated on the projection screen that displayed a movie. At the front of the classroom stood Alucard, his hair neatly tied in a bun, and he exuded a devilish charm in his suit.

As the movie played, a latecomer, Miles Morales, entered the classroom. Alucard paused the projector, his piercing gaze fixed on the young student. "You are late, Mr. Morales," he said, his voice carrying a hint of authority.

Miles glanced up and muttered, "Oh, a sub," before finding a seat. He couldn't help but add a playful remark, "You know, Einstein said that time was relative, so maybe I'm not late, maybe you guys are early."

A chuckle escaped from a blond student only to receive a glare from Alucard as he resumed the movie, which happened to be about Doctor Octavius and her formidable tentacles. Alucard muttered to himself, "Why do I have a feeling she's going to appear on a teenager's bedroom monitor."

Curiosity got the better of Alucard, and he accessed the information about Gwen Stacy's spider physiology. A knowing smile formed on his lips as he realized it held no extraordinary abilities compared to Miles's powers. "Gwen's spider physiology has nothing special about it, unlike Miles's," he stated bluntly to himself, deciding to extract it and keep only Miles's unique abilities, such as camouflage and venom blasts when he receives them of course.

(Scene Change)

Alucard now found himself in an office that did not belong to him. As Miles entered, Alucard gestured for him to take a seat. His gaze fell upon an exam paper, displaying a striking red mark indicating a score of 0/100. Miles feigned shock and said, "A zero, a few more of these, and you'd probably have to kick me out of here, huh?" anticipating disappointment from the new substitute teacher.

Alucard's mind swirled with mischievous thoughts as he contemplated playing a little prank. "Let's rip off a teacher," he mused silently. Breaking the silence, he asked, "Look, if a blind person took a true or false quiz at random, what would they get?"

"50%," Miles blurted out before realizing his mistake. Alucard seized the opportunity and said, "Right, so for you to get everything wrong, that means you know which answers are correct." With a flick of his hand, he corrected the result to a perfect score of 100/100, leaving Miles in defeated disbelief.

Alucard then leaned back in his chair, removing his glasses, which only added to his charm. Alucard began to offer some advice, acknowledging the challenges of transitioning from Brooklyn Middle to a school filled with equally intelligent peers. "Think about the benefits of benefits, Miles," Alucard advised, his tone gentle yet firm. "Think about your father, your mother. This assignment I'm giving you isn't about maths or biology; it's about you."

As Miles prepared to leave the office, Alucard stopped him with a final remark. "And Miles," he said, a perplexed expression crossing his face, "don't let anybody else teach you how to write your own story."

With those words lingering in the air, Alucard watched as Miles exited the office, leaving behind a mix of contemplation and newfound determination.

-scene change-

Alucard stood outside a house, his eyes fixated on it while prompts filled his floating screen. "Yeah, just as I thought, Miles's spider physiology is superior to theirs," he muttered, a sigh escaping his lips. "Well, this was a short visit," he chuckled, reminiscing about the events of this spider-themed universe. "Maybe I'll come back here in a year or so," he pondered aloud as a portal materialized behind him.

However, before stepping through the portal, Alucard hesitated. His attention was caught by a billboard displaying his face and the words "singing sensation." A smirk tugged at his lips as he contemplated the idea. "Hmm, maybe I should continue singing," he mused to himself before finally stepping through the portal.

As he arrived in the vibrant city of San Francisco, Alucard glanced around, his eyes momentarily glowing white with surprise. "A giant monster," he chuckled, his thoughts drifting to a massive lizard-like creature with glowing dorsal fins. standing stunned, "Yes, I'll take my time here," he declared with a smile, his attention shifting back to the information displayed on his floating screen.

Alucard's screen revealed his current status, displaying various attributes and abilities:


[ ENERGY: 103,300/103,300 ]

[ Essence: 25,430 ]


[ healing: 500B] [paralyzing poison: 15 B ] [ cyanide poison: 550M] [ mustard poison: 15,000 ] [ money: 799B ]

[ heavenly brain: the heavenly is an amalgamation of many mental skills such as solar radiation absorption (A: 0/500), wish-granting (F: 0/5,000), invisibility (D: 0/150), teleportation (B: 0/450), telekinesis (B: 0/450), telepathy (B: 0/450), dimensional-travel (B: 0/450), time-travel (A: 0/500), precognition (D: 0/150), Reincarnation: (S: 0/4,000), Power-Of-Axis (S: 0/4,000), Power-Of-Chaos (S: 0/4,000), chronokinesis (S: 0/4,000), golemmancy: (D: 0/150), necromancy: B: (0/450), cosmic-energy-manipulation: (A: 0/500), Reality-Alteration: (S: 0/4,000) (active/passive: off)]

[ heavenly body: the heavenly is an amalgamation of many physical skills such as true-duplication (E: 0/2,000), superhuman-condition (A: 0/500), self-repair (B: 0/450), regenerative-evolution (S: 0/4,000), Envy: F: (0/10), Shazam: B (0/450), Shazam: B (0/450), Titan-Physiology: A (0/500), Immortality: A (0/500), ghost-physiology: (C: 0/400), Demon-Physiology: B (0/450), Spider-Physiology: (A: 0/500), (active/passive: off)]

[ elemental shard: elemental shard is a collection of different types of elemental skills such as illusion casting (D: 0/150), weather manipulation (C: 0/400), pyrokinesis (B: 0/450), electric manipulation (A: 0/500), electric-healing

: (D: 0/150), wind manipulation (C: 0/400), Hydrokinesis (D: 0/150), thermokinesis (C: 0/400), energy-transference (A: 0/500), Sonic-Scream: F: (0/10), Sonic-immunity: (B: 0/450), Power-Of-Elements (S: 0/4,000)

(active/passive: off)]

[Ding!] [Update 2.1 available] "Oh" was Alucard reaction upon seeing the new update.