
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Movies
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44 Chs

Man Of Steel [chapter 11]

Inside a bar in a small town, a man sat at the counter. He was wearing a jacket to protect against the cool breeze in the town. The man had black hair that peeked out from under his hat, and he had a strong, handsome appearance.


[ ENERGY: 20,000/20,000 ]


[ healing: 1B] [ paralysing poison: 900,000 ] [ cyanide poison: 45M] [ mustard poison: 10,000 ] [ money: 200B ]

[ telekinesis: the user can move, hurl and manipulate objects' movements to an immense degree with mere hand gestures, this also allows the user to transmute matter.(active: cost 2 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]

This man was Mike, a duplicate of Alucard, who was currently on a mission. The mission was to keep an eye on a humanoid alien that had crash-landed in 1980, which Alucard had kept hidden.

Initially, Alucard and Mike thought that whatever had come to the town was here to conquer it, but they soon realized that it was actually a baby humanoid alien that had been adopted by a couple. After that, Alucard and Mike kept their distance since the baby was not a threat.

It was later discovered that this baby alien, whose name was Clark Kent, could absorb radiation from the sun, which made him stronger over time. This piqued Alucard's interest, and he decided to wait until Clark reached his full potential before extracting his abilities, That's why Mike was here in the bar.

One of Clark's abilities was a superhuman condition, and Mike couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of a regular human picking a fight with someone who had superpowers. "Ignorance is bliss," Mike said out loud. The guy who was picking on Clark overheard him and responded, "What was that, pretty boy?"

"Are you talking to me?" asked Mike, pointing to himself.

"Who else, pretty boy?" replied the guy.

"Come on, man, stop calling me pretty boy. If it was coming from this lady over here, I would accept," Mike said, pointing to the waitress. "But coming from you, I don't swing that way," he finished.

The guy responded angrily, "Oh, you think you're funny, huh?" He swung his glass of beer at Mike, but Mike quickly blocked it and stood up, towering over the guy.

Mike twisted the guy's arm and grabbed his neck, saying, "Where's your ego, boy?" He let go of the man, who foolishly tried to swing at Mike again, but Mike easily dodged the attack thanks to his martial arts training. Mike then delivered a clean uppercut, knocking the guy out cold. This impressed the military men nearby and elicited laughter from other patrons at the bar.

"Thanks for the drink," Mike said to the waitress.

"But you didn't order anything," she replied.

"Doesn't matter," Mike said as he walked away. But before leaving, he stopped by Clark and said, "Showing mercy doesn't mean you can't break some bones." Clark looked confused but then came to a sudden realisation.

[ extraction completed ]

-scene change-


[ ENERGY: 20,000/20,000 ]


[ healing: 1B] [ paralysing poison: 900,000 ] [ cyanide poison: 45M] [ mustard poison: 10,000 ] [ money: 200B ]

[ telekinesis: the user can move, hurl and manipulate objects' movements to an immense degree with mere hand gestures, this also allows the user to transmute matter. (active: cost 2 p/m) TIER 1( active: off)]]

[ kryptonian physiology: Kryptonians are one of the most powerful aliens in the universe under a yellow sun, the Kryptonian physiology gives the user access to superstrength, speed, stamina, hearing, nigh invulnerability, heat vision, telescopic vision, ice breath, self-sustaining and solar radiation absorption, tier ( passive: off) weakness: kryptonite) ]

"Well, I'll be damned," Mike thought to himself as he read through the description of the ability he had just extracted from Clark. He was currently flying using his telekinesis, and he looked down at his hand holding an object. "Growth coded, came from Clark," Mike said to himself as he headed towards a certain island.



Sorry about the short chapter, as an apology, i will release the second one as well later today, so, throw me some stones would you,