
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Movies
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44 Chs

ASSHOLE [chapter 10]

"So this ability is currently useless, but, the way he can use it is by tapping into his life force, which he seems to regain possibly draining it from others?" Alucard was deep in thought, feeling both intrigued and aggravated. "Then again, it makes sense since I am immortal. It wouldn't matter if my life force is drained or not," he concluded. Suddenly, a golden light interrupted his thoughts as he looked at Diana, who had her lasso wrapped around Max, now standing in the center of the communication center.

Turns out, Diana was able to convince Max and the rest of the world to renounce their wishes, which was great for Alucard. He didn't want to deal with the whole world or have to forcefully convince anyone who made a wish to take it back after dealing with Maxwell. To his surprise, Max turned out to be a good guy, just a little misguided.

"You do have the ability to inspire people," said Alucard after undoing his transformation, surprising Diana, who struggled to get up. Alucard helped her up, and Diana remarked, "Alucard, you look the same." She hugged him, and he hugged her back. "Well, I am immortal," he said as he used his healing powers on her, immediately nursing her back to health. "Thank you," she said. "It's not a problem," he replied.

"You saved the world, Diana," he said as they exited the facility. "Please, it's not like you wouldn't do the same," she said, genuinely meaning it. "Not in this way, at least," he chuckled. "Where have you been, Alucard?" she asked, genuinely curious. "To a lot of places, Diana. A lot of places," he said as they left the facility, flying, of course.

"So you stuck to your word, huh?" she said, to which Alucard replied with a small chuckle as he backpedaled in the sky. "Yeah, I've been to a lot of places. By the way, did you know that Atlantic City existed?" asked Alucard.

"Have you been there?" she said, sounding surprised. "No, but I did meet Atlanta, the princess of Atlantic City," said Alucard as he reminisced about his memories. "Sounds like you had quite the adventure," she said as she laughed, but the sadness in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

"What's wrong?" he asked, to which Diana said nothing. "Come on, if you're feeling sad, I know just the place," he said. "Really, where is that?" she asked. "I'm not going to spoil it, but you're going to love it," he said as Alucard himself excitedly went back home.



On a beautiful sunset on a beach, two chairs could be seen overlooking the seemingly endless seas. A woman, Diana, princess of Themyscira, was occupying one of the chairs, currently laying on it and soaking up the sun in her bikini dress. "You seem to be enjoying yourself, Diana," said a voice as Diana was handed a drink, which she gladly accepted without turning her head.

"It's beautiful," said Diana as Alucard sat down in the chair next to hers. "Yes, it's one of the reasons why I bought this island," he said as he took a sip of the drink, and they both enjoyed the sunset in silence.

"Thank you for helping," Diana suddenly broke the silence. "No problem," replied Alucard as he continued to watch the sunset. "I'm serious, if it weren't for you, I don't know how long it would have taken me," Diana said. "But you would have eventually figured it out, I just gave you a shortcut," Alucard said as they both lapsed back into silence. They had been doing this for an entire year, and it had become therapeutic for Diana.

"Well then, it's time to go. Although I'd love to stay here, I can't keep hiding from my problems. The world of men needs me," Diana said as she got up and started to walk back. Suddenly, she stopped and turned towards Alucard. "Alucard, is it okay if I come here again?" she asked. "Sure, it's a big island. I can't be the only one living on it," he replied, still watching the sunset. Not long after, Diana could be seen taking off.

"I can't believe you would do something like this," said a sudden voice. But Alucard didn't seem surprised at the sudden appearance of another person who sat in the position Diana had been sitting in.

"What now?" sighed Alucard, finally looking at the owner of the voice. The man had a similar build to Alucard, but he didn't have signature red hair or beautifully tan skin. He had dark hair and pale skin. "You slept with a grieving woman," said the man who also started to watch the sunset. "It was consensual," replied Alucard, seeming genuinely tired of the man. "What are you even doing here, Mike?" asked Alucard. "Why? Can't I just visit myself?" said Mike. "I thought I gave you a mission," said Alucard. "You did, and I completed the mission, but I decided to take a break. It's not easy training in every martial art," said Mike.


[ ENERGY: 1,000/1,000 ]


[ healing: 300M] [paralyzing poison: 836,034 ] [ cyanide poison: 30M] [ mustard poison: 10,000 ] [ money: 145B ]

[ telekinesis: the user can move, hurl and manipulate objects' movements to an immense degree with mere hand gestures, this also allows the user to transmute matter. off/on(active: cost 2 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]

You might be wondering, who is this man? Well, Mike is Alucard's duplicate, created using the duplication skill. The reason why Mike looks different from Alucard is that Alucard can change the features of the duplicate. Plus, the duplicate is capable of using the extraction system, which was the main reason why Alucard wanted to create a duplicate. Now he is twice as effective, as the duplicate serves as an additional helping hand. However, the duplicate would age like a normal person and eventually die like a normal person, as Mike only inherited the telekinesis ability from Alucard.


do not be like Alucard, children, he is an ass hat, 😒, anyways, keep the stones coming