
Evolving Demon Naama

Naama is a newly born demon in the ever-chaotic demon realm. With nothing but her thoughts, and a screen floating in front of her, she decides that she will survive in this new world. Follow along to see how Naama will progress through this life. (This isn't a Fantasy Romance, I'm not sure why it's listed as that.)

Oakus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Freaky Encounter

I rested for the next 2 or so hours.

Most of the other slugs I was with have formed smaller groups and left. I figured my fatigue had been taken care of, so I took one last glance at the few slugs left behind, and went on my way.

In these white lands, Wild Demons were a constant issue. It was hard to tell that there would be so many, judging by how empty the land seemed, but I'd be fighting at least multiple times an hour. It was thanks to this that my skills and overall level have been steadily rising.

| Name - Naama , Species - Infantile Demon , Race - Slug Demon , Level - 8

STR - 10 , DEF - 10 , VIT - 10 , INT - 15 , AGI - 13

Skills: Language Comprehension Lv. MAX, Inspect Lv. 4, Mana Manipulation Lv. 5, Flame Magic Lv. 4, Fireball Lv. 3, Rest Lv. 2 |

I looked at my stats smugly. I was feeling pretty strong. I was almost level 10 as well, and my intuition was telling me that that was an important number for me to hit. Everything was going as well as it could be for being a slug.

Well, almost everything.

I seem to have gained a stalker while leaving the temporary slug camp. I wasn't sure what the slug wanted, but they weren't attacking me, and the even helped me a few times in fights. So I decided to not go after them, but they were getting pretty annoying. It's very taxing mentally to constantly have your guard up, and I was not sure I could let my guard down with my slug stalker so close.

For some time this situation continued, except there was a noticeable drop in other demons. That was when we saw them. It was a large group of other slugs, being lead by a ferocious looking... man? Thing? I decided to inspect it.

| Species - Greater Demon , Race - ??? , Level - ??? |

If I had a mouth, I surely would've made a noise of shock. This was definitely not someone I could handle. The slug that was following me also seemed to realize that, as it was motionless besides me. The Demon's eye seemed to twitch towards us, but only to ignore our presence. Clearly we weren't that important to it.

"MOVE FASTER! You are not allowed to rest until we reach Urkhanur!" Shouted a vile and coarse voice. It came from the leading demon, waiting for the other Lesser Demons around it to finish off a few Wild Demons up ahead.

Urkhanur sounds like a place, so I guess the unfortunate slugs are being brought there? Whatever this place might be, I'm not interested. I waited for the scary demon to get far away from us, and then went onto the pathway that they were travelling on.

Stalker followed as well (of course), and I inspected the bodies of the wild demons that were killed.

| Species - Lesser Demon , Race - Hellhound , Level - 24 |

What!? That's 16 levels higher than me, and the Greater Demon didn't even have to fight them itself! How powerful are they truly?

While still shocked by the power difference between the two of us, I heard movement. Looking over at the noise, I instinctively used inspect on the creature.

| Species - Lesser Demon , Race - Hellhound , Level 12 |

This was concerning... While the level difference shrunk significantly when comparing it to the dead Hellhound, this was still a 4 level difference. Even with Stalker, this is going to be a very difficult fight. I can't even be sure that Stalker will stay...

Before I could finish my thought, the Hellhound lunged at us both. As fast as I could, I moved my body out of the way to dodge, and so did Stalker, but even a moment slower and we would've been caught.

I'm not standing still! One of us has to die and it will not be me! Fireball!!

The sudden surging of flames seemed to surprise the Hellhound, but before it could regain its composure, the spell had finished casting and had already hit it.


The Hellhound let out a yelp of pain but was still able to move, and it did not hesitate this time. It began sprinting towards me with its teeth bared.

I jumped out of the way again, but this time it changed its course by jumping off of a large rock I was near, redirecting itself back at me again.

FUCK! I can't dodge this!

The Hellhound pounced on me, digging into my body with its sharp claws.

AGHHH!! It hurts so bad! It hurts so fucking bad!!

| Skill Created - Pain Tolerance Lv. 1 |

The pain decreased slightly, but there was still a big problem. The Hellhound was moments away from biting into my soft little slug neck. I looked around frantically for Stalker, and assumed that they finally decided to leave me alone. Well I guess I can't blame them, they might as well live if I'm not going to.

Wait why am I giving up like this!?

If I'm going to die, then you're going to die too! Take this you stupid dog!

I started to charge my Fireball once again, but the Hellhound was suddenly shoved off of me. The sudden removal of its claws caused me an immense amount of pain, but I wasn't about to die now!

When I got up and looked over to find the culprit of the removal of the wolf, I found a familiar slug. Stalker had charged the Hellhound and shoved it off of me.

Maybe it was a good thing to not get rid of Stalker. But now's not the time to be thinking about that. I finished charging my Fireball, and this time it had reached more than enough power. Stalker seemed to notice that my magic was ready, and moved to the side.


It wasn't as cool as I wanted it to be, but the Hellhound still died from its fur being ignited by my fireball.

| Fireball Lv. 3 ---> Fireball Lv. 4!

Your Fireball skill has leveled up!

EXP Has been granted. |

| You are now Level 10! |

| +10 Stat Points |

Woah... I hit level 10! This is awesom...-