
Evolving Demon Naama

Naama is a newly born demon in the ever-chaotic demon realm. With nothing but her thoughts, and a screen floating in front of her, she decides that she will survive in this new world. Follow along to see how Naama will progress through this life. (This isn't a Fantasy Romance, I'm not sure why it's listed as that.)

Oakus · Fantasy
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3 Chs


I opened my eyes to nothing.

Where am I?

~ Evolution Tree ~

1. Hellhound - A demon resembling a canine, Hellhounds are known for their immense speed, and their sharp teeth. Evolving into a Hellhound will result in increased agility and strength.

2. Imp - A small humanoid demon, Imps are best known for their inclination to cause trouble, but also have a natural talent for using fire magic. Evolving into an Imp will result in increased intelligence and strength.

3. Goblin - A small humanoid demon, Goblins are similar to Imps in nature, however have less natural talent for magic and are stronger in return. Evolving into a Goblin will result in increased strength, defense, and vitality.

4. Arachnid - A demon with 8 legs and a small body, Arachnids are best known for their usage of webs that they produce in order to trap their prey and create their homes. Evolving into an Arachnid will result in a small increase to all stats.

5. Fiend - A demon slightly smaller than the average Human, Fiends are best known for their quick speeds and natural talent for fire magic. Evolving into a Fiend will result in increased intelligence, agility, and strength.


After reading all of the options given to me, I really feel like I almost have no choice but to pick fiend. Being a spider would be cool and all but I do want to have a human-like body... Plus the other humanoid forms say small, while the fiend is only slightly smaller than a normal human...

I guess I'll go with fiend!


I opened my eyes again, and found myself in a familiar situation. As I looked down at my body, I watched the black goo (which actually happens to be demon blood) drip off of my body, revealing a form I was more familiar with. I wasn't able to see my face unfortunately, but I had white hair, a slender but sturdy body, two legs, two arms, and I could feel some horns on my head.

| Species - Lesser Demon , Race - Fiend , Level - 10

STR - 13 , DEF - 10 , VIT - 10 , INT - 25 , AGI - 23

Skills: Language Comprehension Lv. MAX, Inspect Lv. 4, Mana Manipulation Lv. 5, Fireball Lv. 4, Rest Lv. 2, Pain Resistance Lv. 1 |

"I'm so powerful!!", I shouted.

Wait... I shouted? WORDS CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH?

"Ahhhh... A E I O U... The quick brown fox jumped over the moon... Lorem ipsum d- nevermind. I CAN SPEAK!!"

"Congratulations.", said a deep male voice behind me.

"Wha! Who are you?!", I yelled while turning around to face the man.

He was easily 2 feet taller than me, tattoo-like designs symmetrically travelling on his body. He had a dark purple skin, and eyes that matched, along with pupils that remind me of a snake eye. To top it off he had hair almost as long as mine which was a deep black.

"Who are you?", he asked.

"Me? I'm Naama! Now answer me!" I said, irritated.

"I'm Guros." He replied in a calm tone, "I'm glad I can finally introduce myself to you after spending so much time together."

"You mean... You're that Stalker Slug?!"

"Yep. I wouldn't say I'm a stalker though..."

"Then what else would you call it?"

"Following? Protecting? Assisting? If I was stalking you, would I have saved your life?"

He has a point... I stood there for a second not really sure of what to say.

"Well, now that we can talk to each other... Would you like to officially be in a group with me?" He said, "You'd be the leader of course."

I don't really have a reason to say no to him, we've both evolved and it's not like he wasn't a big help to me. Plus he's super polite...

"Fine." I replied after a moment, "Sounds like a good idea."

He reached out his hand, and I shook it.

"Onwards! We will level up and become stronger!" I shouted.

"Hahaha! Of course, Leader!" Guros responded.

So just like that, we began hunting together. Time passed quickly, our levels were increasing, and we kept exploring the unknown land that we found ourselves on. Guros couldn't use magic like I did because he evolved into an Incubus. I thought Incubus were sex monsters, but apparently they're only freaky when it comes to the amount of physical strength they possess.

I was finally at level 15, and Guros was at level 14. He leveled slightly slower than I did because he wouldn't always be able to attack the Wild Demons before I killed them. My stats were really starting to look impressive.

| Species - Lesser Demon , Race - Fiend , Level - 15

STR - 15 , DEF - 12 , VIT - 15 , INT - 33 , AGI - 30

Skills: Language Comprehension Lv. MAX, Inspect Lv. 5, Mana Manipulation Lv. 6, Fireball Lv. 5, Rest Lv. 2, Pain Resistance Lv. 2 |

I did get hurt a few times, which caused my pain resistance to level up, I'm still not sure if I should be happy or sad about that.

We found a cave, and decided that we would recover there for a while. Demons don't need to sleep, or even eat, so all we had to do was get our stamina back. Through talking to Guros, I found out that we both have the rest skill, and it seems to automatically activate whenever we take a break. It's probably thanks to this skill that we've been able to level up so fast, It doesn't tell me what it does exactly but it has to be doing miraculous things.

3 hours went by, and we both were in our best conditions. But when we left the cave we were in, we were introduced to our next troubles.