
Evolution begins with an ant colony

Author: Zurbluris
Ongoing · 1.4M Views
  • 387 Chs
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What is Evolution begins with an ant colony

Read ‘Evolution begins with an ant colony’ Online for Free, written by the author Zurbluris, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, REINCARNATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Akun, along with his classmates, was summoned as heroes by a goddess to save the world from the demon king. Akun, doubti...


Akun, along with his classmates, was summoned as heroes by a goddess to save the world from the demon king. Akun, doubting he has what it takes to save the world, asks the goddess to send him back. Little did he know that this request infuriated the goddess. "How dare a mere mortal go against my will," she thought to herself while maintaining her facade. She opens a portal for him to go back. Little did he know, the goddess had something else in store for him. As he passed through the portal, his soul was separated from his body, and he fell through the sky and earth until he landed in the body of an ant in the godforsaken forest. Left there to die by the hands of the goddess, Akun awakens the "Endless Evolution System." [Ding!! The Endless Evolution System has been activated!! Grind to gain evolution points and evolve yourself and your comrades!!] "Endless Evolution System? Evolution points?" "Does this mean there's more to my transformation? Can I evolve even as an ant?" [Ding!! Unique skill detected!! Skill: Super Gamer Shop!! Evolution points can also be used on this skill to buy items!!] Follow Akun on his new epic adventure, and find out exactly what awaits him, maybe some conquest and retribution. Tags: Evolution, Dragon, Magic, Action, Fantasy, System, Reincarnation, Weak To Strong, Demons, Supernatural

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :Becoming an ant and evolving the colony
Volume 2 :The path of a ruler
Volume 3 :The heroes and a certain adventurer
Volume 5 :A World In Flux
Volume 6 :The Outside World

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one of the best novels I've read yet, keep up the good work.


This is the first time I am genuinely given a book a five star review after reading the first five chapters, no wonder this book won in the WPC JUL2023 Keep up the good work


Review made at chapter 194 Welcome to my personal and honest review of my novel, as well as a place where you can ask all your questions. There are some things I want to point out to new readers of this work, and I hope after reading this, you will be able to enjoy the novel as much as I enjoy writing it. Okay, let's go. Firstly, I want to admit that when I started writing this novel, I never really did a lot of research on ants, regrettably so. The time my protagonist spent as an ant was rather short, which upset many of my readers, causing them to drop the novel. I was more into fantasy novels where the monster protagonist ended up taking on an amazing human form, which greatly influenced me while writing this novel. I wanted my protagonist to be something similar in the hopes I could achieve the greatness I loved and idolized. Maybe if I could turn back time, I would have done better to meet all of your expectations. Partly, this was also my first successful attempt at writing a web novel. Secondly, the dialogues. Being as experienced as I am now, I fully understand and realize that dialogues are the major lifeblood of a novel. They entirely determine the direction of most of the novel, so it's not something you just write down without properly analyzing the right words to use in that moment. Regrettably, I didn't do such analysis, so the dialogues of the first couple of chapters may come off as cringy, but please bear with me. As I mentioned earlier, this was my first successful attempt at writing a web novel, so I was majorly inexperienced and unable to write something truly praiseworthy. However, it gets much better down the line, so try to bear with it. Thirdly, the storyline. Regrettably, the early chapters of this novel were penned down from sudden bursts of imagination and inspiration, so it seemed like the novel didn't have a clear direction. I fixed this around chapter 20 when I started to realize I couldn't come up with random chapters from my head and actually needed to plan everything. So hang in there until that chapter. Finally, something I'm proud of. I kind of love how I was able to not only improve all of the above but also the complexity. The novel comes off as a nice balance of evolution with a touch of Isekai fantasy, featuring battle, bloodshed, conquest. I love the way I've been able to somewhat give this world of mine a unique and intriguing history with a slight touch of mystery, tiny doses of revenge, retribution, and an excellent showcase of power. I love the way I've been able to slowly but surely craft out a personality for all of my characters—how my protagonist relates to them and the overall world-building. Although I can't go into the details because that would be giving spoilers, I can guarantee that if you try not to let the beginning stages of the novel bother you, you are in for a fairly good read.


Hey! man love the synopsis...I'll be shameless and say the starting part of my novel is also the same.I am a newbie author...love your novel Keep writing...


Okay, so I was sorta expecting something like Chrysalis but nothing makes sense in this novel it has potential but the author is sorta fumbling with the ideas like for example naming parts of the power system after species, its bound to be confusing though personally I understood it, the author doesnt seem to know what or how ants behave so this novel makes no sense now some ppl will be like this is fiction its not supposed to make sense but how are you supposed to enjoy the novel when ever so often you have to pause your read and smack your forehead on why stuff happens. Maybe I'm too particular or judgmental, also I have a problem with the fact mc gains a human form by just eating another ant. That's just rubbish. It has potential but if I were to compare this to something like Chrysalis it would a score over 100 ratio of 1:70 that's just how bad the first 10 or so chapters. i didn't read further but if i find the strength to read more and I start to like it, then I'll change the review. until the its 2.4 stars for me


The grammar in the story is horrendous and could be greatly improved. The chapters had multiple miscapitalizations and wrongfully placed commas in many areas.


It's nice to meet another author from Nigeria


Interesting !!! very interesting I should say, I'm no perfectionist but I only find the story and concept interesting


I came for SL: Beru's Side Story, I got bottom tier isekai


the synopsis looks decent its worth a shot


nice synopsis ... great character design. since it's a Nigeria author ... a support is a must ...but please try and another fellow Nigeria book and give ur review...Omnific Tesseract ...I love what he has written down so read it and give ur best review...and for now u have gotten a fan


Hey I want you to know I’m about start reading your novel, but the main thing I want to say is don’t let other people tell you how to write YOUR story ok. Keep up the good work champ I wish I could write a story nice job man.


The story and MC have great potential, but the writing quality isn't detailed enough. The fight scenes are generalized, I can't picture character movement in the fights. It sounds like, they're just standing in place throwing attacks at each other. Besides that, there isn't a detail about Akun's interaction with the System, so it seems like he doesn't use it much. It doesn't show how many evolution pts he has nor how he spends them. We don't know any details about the gamer shop, what it looks like, what's in it, its limits nor how much the items are. I'd like to see more details on these things to feel more immersed in Akun's development. The glossed-over details make the writing feel rushed and inexperienced.


why does this cost money why it good too man author free up some chapters yea


Giving Nigeria some love. we deserve it.I also plan to win Wpc but not sure I have what it takes.I'll read your story to improve.


From what I read, it's very easy to find things that are easy to nitpick or have issues. That doesn't mean the novel is bad though, ultimately, I believe it's alright. Decent for the genre, not a new idea particularly but done newish enough. Don't give up on it just fix the mistakes in it in future chapters.


The actual idea is good. Fantasy mixed with evolution with a clear end goal. Plot, which admittedly is slightly overused, but is done in a weirdly refreshing way. The problem starts with the way it's been written. Unfortunately it reads like somebody is telling a third-hand story to a friend rather than an actual novel. The weird perspective changes and random inner monologue descriptions interceding the middle of sentences gives a rather disjointed read. Some sentences read as if a thesaurus had third-grader syndrome, especially those written in the perspective of secondary characters/creatures. Capitalisation and the odd grammatical error can be overlooked, as I often do with non-native English speakers. However there is a point at which it becomes slightly unreadable and that is when it crossing the threshold of corrupted flow. Unfortunately flow is something that takes time to get right and a LOT of practise.So keep going and I'll keep an eye out on any further stories you write.


This is a really good novel i can't wait till more chapters are out


Supposed to be about an ant, then turns into a human wanted, a non-human story, especially with the name of the novel


I didn't like it. Mostly because of the writing style. I found it cringy. You will find that the first couple chapters are insanely hard to get through mostly because of this one factor. Also, the story is very fast paced with almost no world building. The system also just gives the narrator explanations for free. I dropped it pretty early on and I probably won't come back if the narration doesn't get any better. Good idea just rushed and poorly executed.


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