
Everything i Do...

Candy joins Carter High and meets rich, handsome Matt Kane. What are her secrets? Matt finds his life changing unalterably as he discovers Candy's truth. As the years pass, where will Matt and Candy find themselves in the twists and turns of life? And can their love endure and triumph over the challenges they face?

Vidya_Narayan_2200 · Urban
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41 Chs

Touch Me, Do

Matt stood behind her, leaning indolently against the doorway, hands in pockets, surveying her reflection in a leisurely manner.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Candy faltered, turning around. He began advancing towards her, making her back away till she came up against the bathroom counter. He stopped just inches away from her, his eyes glittering with amusement.

"Scared, Sarah?" he drawled, putting his hands on the marble top counter on either side of her, effectively trapping her there.

"I – I -" Candy breathed in the dear, familiar scent of him, cologne mixed with the clean, masculine aroma that was uniquely Matt. His eyes darkened as he saw her breathing quicken.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" he asked softly, leaning forward till his breath ghosted over her lips. "How did you know this is my favorite color?"

Candy's heart rate kicked up a notch as she realized that some things, at least, had not changed. The shade of blue she was wearing was still his favorite color, and her body's reaction to Matt's proximity…that too, had not changed, she thought dimly, her gaze fixed unconsciously on those gorgeous, sinfully sexy lips.

Matt cursed softly under his breath, his eyes like molten sapphire. "Fuck, Sarah, you can't look at me like that and expect me not to do anything…" He lowered his head slowly to hers, giving her plenty of time to move away if she chose but Candy remained rooted to the spot, unable to take her eyes off him.

"He's going to kiss me! At last!" her frenzied brain screamed, moments before Matt's lips brushed lightly over hers, almost experimentally. Then his lips crashed down hard, kissing her with a passion that took away any little capacity she had to think.

"Sarah…" he murmured roughly against her lips before kissing her once more. His hand slipped down to caress her thigh, moving up in slow circles until it was under her skirt. "Your skin is as soft as I imagined…" His breathing was ragged as he looked down at her. "Stop me, Sarah…tell me to stop…"

Candy moaned as his hand moved higher till it was tantalizingly poised at the edge of her panties. "I couldn't stop him even if I wanted to," she thought in a remote corner of her mind. "I want him too much…I've missed him too much to be able to stop now…" Then all coherent thought was driven out of her mind as Matt captured her lips again with a feral growl. His tongue invaded her mouth, tangling with hers as his fingers skirted past the edge of her panties to brush over her damp folds.

"Jesus, Sarah…you're so wet…" he breathed against her lips. "Do you know what that does to me?"

Candy gazed up at him mutely, her eyes huge and glazed with passion. She could not think of anything except how badly she wanted Matt to kiss her, to touch her, to make her feel alive again…Matt's eyes glittered like blue flames as he read her expression. He ground his hips against her, letting her feel the extent of his arousal.

"Matt…" Candy gasped, her hips moving instinctively against his.

"Fuck!" He cupped her ass with one hand, pulling her into even closer contact with his clothed cock while the other hand continued to stroke her clit. He kissed her again, igniting in her a fire that only he could quench.

"Sarah! Sarah – where are you?" Olivia's strident tone broke through the haze of passion surrounding Candy.

She jerked her head back from Matt in panic.

"Sarah…" He tried to kiss her again, his erection hard and insistent against her.

"Matt – Mr. Kane – we have to stop – please!" She pushed ineffectively at his hard chest. It was like trying to move a mountain, she thought desperately.

"Sarah?" Olivia's voice sounded closer.

Oh, God! Had Matt locked the door of the room they were in? Candy pushed frantically at him again. "Mr. Kane! Your – Olivia – Ms. Meyers – she's looking for me!" she said urgently. At last the urgency in her voice seemed to penetrate through Matt's ardor. He removed his hand from under her skirt and took a step back, his breathing still heavy, his arousal an obvious bulge in his pants.

He gestured to her. "Wait here, let me go out and take her downstairs with me. You can come once we're gone." he said. Then his mouth quirked in a devilish grin that was all too reminiscent of the old Matt. "You might want to tidy your hair and smooth down your skirt first, though."

Candy turned and caught sight of herself in the mirror. "Oh!" She looked as though she had been thoroughly kissed and much more, she thought, looking at her flushed cheeks and pink lips swollen from Matt's kisses.

"For the record, I like seeing you like this – as though you've been well and truly fucked," he said with a last smirk before making his way out.

"Matt, darling! What are you doing here?" Olivia exclaimed in surprise. Candy heard Matt murmur something in his deep voice and then their voices grew fainter as he led his fiancée away. She quickly splashed some water on her face and patted down her hair, but there was nothing she could do about the color in her cheeks or the sparkle in her eyes as she hurried downstairs. Olivia eyed her suspiciously as she made her way to where the group sat.

"There you are, Sarah, dear!" Melinda exclaimed with a warm smile.

"Did you get lost, Sarah?" Olivia asked coldly. "You've been gone for ages!"

"No, I – I just -" Candy began, feeling a guilty flush creep up her neck. "I was just…"

"Melinda had to watch Josh while you were taking your time, you know," Olivia continued, watching her with narrowed eyes. "Your employer really shouldn't be doing your job."

"Oh, Olivia, that's absolutely fine – we think of Sarah as part of our family, not as an employee." Melinda spoke up before Candy could say anything. "And Josh was asleep anyway. Besides, Rich and I love any chance we get to take care of him ourselves."

Olivia frowned in annoyance but said nothing further. Candy risked taking a peep at Matt. He was enjoying the whole thing! she realized. His bright blue eyes gleamed with amusement as he sat silently, watching her discomfiture. How dare he laugh when he was responsible – mostly – for this scene, Candy thought, feeling a spurt of irritation at the knowing smirk on his face.

"Shall we go home now, dear?" Senator Kane asked his wife, who smiled and nodded. Candy reached for the sleeping Joshua but before she could lift him up, Matt was there.

"I'll carry him to the car for you," he said, picking the little boy up before Candy could object. He placed the sleeping baby gently on his shoulder and looked down at Candy. "After you," he said, quirking a dark eyebrow at her.

The sight of Matt, carrying their little boy so tenderly, his strong arms cradling him so protectively, made all Candy's irritation melt in an instant. She wished she could keep this image in her mind forever, she thought, feeling her throat clog with emotion. If only things weren't so complicated! If only Matt and she could be a family with Joshua…if only Joshua could be acknowledged as Matt's son instead of a little orphan boy…if only…

"Ms. Kent?" Matt's deep voice recalled her to the present with a start. Melinda and Rich had gone ahead with the Meyers while she was lost in her thoughts, leaving her standing there with Matt, who was looking quizzically down at her.

"Uh…yes, sorry, I was – was a little distracted…" Candy hurried out to join the elder Kanes, Matt following her with their son. He let her settle down in the backseat before handing Josh over to her. Olivia immediately plastered herself to his side, latching possessively onto his arm. Matt's eyes gleamed as he looked down at Candy.

"Au revoir, Ms. Kent," he said smoothly. "Till we meet again."