
Everything i Do...

Candy joins Carter High and meets rich, handsome Matt Kane. What are her secrets? Matt finds his life changing unalterably as he discovers Candy's truth. As the years pass, where will Matt and Candy find themselves in the twists and turns of life? And can their love endure and triumph over the challenges they face?

Vidya_Narayan_2200 · Urban
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41 Chs

Ghosts Of The Past

It was Monday evening, a couple of days after lunch at the Meyers. Candy had spent the time when she wasn't distracted by Joshua in reliving every moment of her encounter with Matt in exquisite, technicolor detail. Every look, every word, every touch, the taste of his mouth, the feel of his hands, the press of that gloriously hard body against her soft curves – they fit so perfectly together, she thought, her heart filling with equal parts pain and pleasure. If only…Candy was thankful more than ever for Joshua, her son's innocent affection making up for the lack of his father's love in her life.

She left the nursery quietly now. Josh was fast asleep and would not usually wake before morning, she knew. She had the rest of the evening to herself, for the elder Kanes were out. She was heading to her room when her eyes were drawn compulsively to Matt's closed door. She hadn't been in there since the last time she and Matt had visited the Kanes all those years back, and she felt a sudden urge to see the room again.

Before she had time to think she had opened the door and slipped inside. "Just a quick look – after all, Aunt Mel and Uncle Rich are out and Matt is at his apartment," she told herself, her heart thumping painfully as she switched on the light and gazed around the place that held so many memories for her. The room was all at once hauntingly familiar and strangely alien. How many nights had she sneaked in there after the household was asleep and made love with Matt before they had fallen asleep in each other's arms? How many days had been spent sprawled on that huge bed with him, watching a movie or studying together? Even after they had left the mansion and moved to their own apartment, she and Matt had still visited the Kanes every weekend, and had stayed in this very room.

The décor had changed over time as Matt outgrew his music and baseball posters and all the other flotsam of a teenage boy's life, but some things hadn't changed even as he grew older, she thought with a faint smile. Eighteen-year-old Matt had been carelessly untidy, his shoes, clothes and books invariably strewn around, and his older version had been much the same. She was the tidy person of the two, always clearing up after him, scolding him for making a mess. Yet now, the room was almost painfully neat, not a pin out of place. Just one more thing that had changed, she thought sadly.

Yet, to her, the room was a bittersweet reminder of the past when they had been young and happy, with stars in their eyes and big dreams for the future.

Candy wandered slowly through Matt's bedroom, ghosts of the past meeting her at every step. Matt pinning her to the wall and kissing her till she couldn't think straight, him holding her eighteen-year-old self in his arms when the nightmares came, Matt making slow, sweet love to her or them having hot, passionate sex through the night…one by one the images rolled through her mind, swamping her.

Almost without conscious thought she lay back on his bed, closing her eyes and allowing the memories to wash over her.

It was the evening of their engagement, one of the happiest days of her life. It had been a day like any other, a Friday, she remembered now. They had planned a date that evening but the only hint Matt would give of where he was taking her was to tell her to wear something really fancy.

And then he had popped the question, and of course, she had said yes. Candy smiled now, remembering the sheer happiness she had felt that day. They had called Rich and Mel on the way back to their apartment, and of course, they too had been absolutely delighted.

Their celebrations had continued long after they returned to their apartment, she recalled, her skin heating.

"Alone, at last!" Matt had turned to her as soon as they were inside. He had taken her in his arms and kissed her, soft, achingly sweet kisses that had turned her knees to mush. She had clung to him helplessly as he slid his tongue inside her mouth, his hands coming up to cup her breasts. He had tantalized and tormented her with light caresses and teasing kisses till she could barely stand. Then he had swept her up in his arms, his eyes alit with love for her.

He had carried her to their bedroom, never once lifting his gaze from her. They had undressed each other slowly, prolonging their pleasure. She had run her hands over the hard planes of his body, reveling in the feel of hard muscle under warm satin skin. Everywhere her hands roamed, her lips followed till he was shuddering with need for her. Then he had taken over, laying her back gently on the bed. He had kissed every inch of her naked body, taking his time till she was trembling with her desire for him. Even though he was rock-hard and ready, he had not immediately entered her. Instead, he had lavished attention on her aching breasts, licking and sucking and toying with the taut peaks till she was whimpering for him. Then he had kissed his way down, parting her thighs gently to expose her hot, wet core to him.

"Christ, baby, you're so beautiful…" He had kissed her right there, between her legs, making her jerk and clutch his head to her. He had run his tongue slowly over her wetness, tasting her intimately. Then his fingers had come up to play with her swollen, sensitized bud as his tongue thrust in and out of her.

She had cried out his name then, begging for what only he could give her. At last, he had come over her, his throbbing cock settling between her thighs.

"Candy, my baby…I love you…I'll always love you…always…" he had whispered over and over again as he made slow, intensely sweet love to her. Candy squeezed her eyes tightly shut, reliving the sheer ecstasy of that moment.

And then, the door opened with a crash.