
Everything i Do...

Candy joins Carter High and meets rich, handsome Matt Kane. What are her secrets? Matt finds his life changing unalterably as he discovers Candy's truth. As the years pass, where will Matt and Candy find themselves in the twists and turns of life? And can their love endure and triumph over the challenges they face?

Vidya_Narayan_2200 · Urban
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41 Chs

Dine With The Enemy

"We've been invited to lunch at the Meyers on Friday," Melinda said a trifle apologetically.

"Oh, okay, that's fine. No problem. Josh and I will be fine here." Candy smiled reassuringly at Melinda.

"I'm sorry, honey, but I'm afraid you and Josh are invited too."

Candy stared at Melinda, her mind racing back to the last time she had seen Matt. Had it been just three days since he had surprised her during Joshua's bath? The memory of the heat in those azure eyes as he had studied her made her face flush and her body feel all warm and tingly.

"Uh…are you sure I'm included?" she asked uncertainly.

"Olivia was very particular to include you, dear, and of course, Matt likes to meet Joshua whenever possible."

"Why would Olivia invite me?" Candy wondered privately, but she nodded her head, not wanting to worry Melinda.

"Wear something nice, honey – the Meyers are always dressed to the nines for any occasion. Maybe that pretty blue dress we bought the other day? Matt was always partial to you in blue, I remember." Melinda gave her a wink.

"Aunt Mel!" Candy protested, though she could not help smiling.

Friday dawned all too soon, and before Candy knew it, it was time to get ready for lunch at the Meyers. By the time she had a very excited Josh bathed and dressed for the day, she found that she was left with very little time for herself. She deposited her impatient son quickly with his grandparents and rushed back upstairs to her room.

"What should I wear?" she wondered, riffling through the dresses in her closet. Melinda had taken her shopping when she had returned to them, bringing back strong memories of her school days when she and Aunt Mel had spent hours at various malls and boutiques, trying on stuff just for the fun of it. Her eyes fell on the blue dress Melinda had suggested she wear that evening. It was a certainly a very pretty dress in Matt's favorite shade of blue, or what used to be his favorite color, Candy reminded herself. To tell the truth, she had no idea of what Matt liked now, or if his tastes remained the same as they had been before their accident.

The Meyers always dressed to the nines, Melinda had said. If she was to be honest, nothing else in her selection of clothes seemed remotely appropriate except for the blue dress. That too, had been bought on Melinda's insistence that she buy something other than the simple, nanny-ish outfits she had chosen for her new role. Candy glanced at the clock and jumped. She had just about five minutes to get ready, or else they would be late. She pulled the blue dress on before hastily dusting some light makeup on her face and running a brush through her wavy brown hair. She was just applying clear apple-flavored gloss to her lips when she heard Rich calling out to her from downstairs.

"Sarah, honey, are you ready?"

"Coming!" Candy called, glancing hurriedly at herself in the mirror. She looked good, she thought, grateful to Aunt Mel for insisting she buy the blue dress. It was a delicate creation of chiffon and lace, with a high back and a neckline just deep enough to show off her rounded breasts to advantage. The dress molded itself faithfully to her slim figure before ending in a flare a few inches above her knees. She hesitated, then slipped off the silver necklace and dropped it in her clutch. She did not want to wear anything that could cause Matt pain, she thought, remembering his tortured expression in the car the other night. It was a small price to pay if she could avoid causing him more torment. She slipped off her engagement ring as well, though she could not help feeling a pang at the loss.

"Symbols, Candy, they're just symbols," she told herself fiercely as she made her way to where the Kanes were waiting patiently with a not so patient Joshua. "Removing or keeping them on doesn't change what you feel for him – or what he felt for you. And hopefully, what he will feel once again."

"You look so beautiful, honey." Melinda's eyes misted as she looked Candy over. "I knew this dress was just perfect for you."

Rich smiled as he handed a wriggly Joshua to her. "You look very nice – Sarah. Now, let's go and knock my son off his feet, shall we?"

The Meyers lived in the opulent mansion Candy had seen from the outside the other day when Matt had dropped Josh and her back home. It was even more ostentatious on the inside, with huge vases, urns and an enormous chandelier decorating the foyer. A dignified-looking butler led them into a massive, expensively-furnished living room.

"Senator Kane and family are here, Mrs. Meyers," he announced rather pompously.

A big, bluff man rose to his feet, along with a rather aloof-looking woman. Was that Olivia's mom? Candy wondered. She hardly looked much older than Olivia, though there was a striking similarity in their cold, haughty expressions. Plastic surgery, probably, she thought, noting the unnatural stiffness of Sophia Meyer's face.

"Mom, Dad." Matt uncoiled himself from the sofa where he had been sitting with Olivia and came forward to greet them, his beautiful fiancée clinging to his arm.

"Uncle Matt!!" Josh squealed in delight, trying to jump out of Candy's arms to him.

"Hey, my little man!" Matt laughed, disengaging his arm from Olivia to take the little boy from Candy. His hand brushed hers as he did so, making a tremor run through her. Candy saw Matt glance at her and knew her reaction was not lost on him. "So…you're looking well, Ms. Kent," he said smoothly, once Joshua had calmed down enough for them to be heard.

"I – I – thank you, Mr. Kane, so are you," she managed to reply, though her voice was a trifle breathless. Olivia narrowed her eyes, giving Candy a sharp look.

"Mother, Father, this is Sarah, Josh's NANNY." She managed to make the word sound like an insult, Candy thought, smiling politely at the elder Meyers.

"Oh, that's good – it's about time you had someone to help you with the child, Melinda," Olivia's mother said, giving Candy a quick onceover before dismissing her entirely. "Let's have a drink before luncheon, shall we? Rutherford!"

"Yes, ma'am." The butler moved to the sideboard as everyone seated themselves. Matt sat on the sofa opposite Candy, his brilliant blue eyes studying her as Olivia slipped into place beside him, snuggling into his side. She wrapped her arm around his, letting her breast press against his chest. Candy averted her eyes, unable to watch another woman get so close to Matt.

Rutherford moved around with the tray of drinks, serving everyone before coming to Candy. Before she could do anything, Olivia spoke up.

"Rutherford, she won't be having anything – she's just the nanny."

Candy flinched at her rudeness but nodded quietly.

"Olivia!" Matt's voice was loud enough to bring the conversation in the room to a dead halt. "That was inexcusably rude!"

"Matt, darling, I just meant that she shouldn't be drinking as Josh's nanny!" Olivia gave a tinkling laugh, placing a well-manicured hand on his arm.

"It's okay, please, I don't want anything, anyway," Candy said hurriedly, seeing everyone's eyes turn to her.

"That's not the -" Matt began, but Olivia's father spoke up quickly.

"A juice, then, Sarah? That shouldn't be a problem, should it?"

"A juice will be fine," Candy said quietly, her eyes pleading with Matt to calm down. He drew in a deep breath, obviously trying to rein in his temper.

"Sarah, there are some toys for Josh over there if he'd like to play." Carl Meyers indicated an arrangement of comfortable-looking beanbags and cushions to one side of the room. Candy nodded and took Joshua over, glad to be away from the unfriendly looks of Olivia and her mother. She could feel Matt's eyes follow her as she settled down, juice in hand, to play with Josh.

A short while later, they went in to luncheon, which was served in a huge dining room. Unfortunately, from Candy's perspective, she was seated across the table from Matt and Olivia. She helped Josh with his meal quietly, unable to stop herself from noticing the byplay opposite her.

"Matty, darling, you're not eating anything!" Olivia cooed, running her bejeweled hand possessively down his arm. "Here, let me!" She held a forkful of the parmesan risotto they were having up to his mouth. Matt let her feed him, chewing slowly as his eyes flicked over to Candy. She kept her eyes studiously averted, concentrating on feeding the little boy. Olivia giggled obnoxiously, nuzzling Matt's cheek with her nose. "Baby, I've not eaten anything either!"

Matt raised a forkful of food obediently to her lips. Candy felt her stomach churn as he fed the beautiful brunette but she continued stoically to move her food around on her plate on the pretense of eating it. So this was why Olivia had included her in the invitation, she thought with a pang. She had wanted to show her who was Matt's real choice, had wanted to assert her claim over him.

After what seemed like an interminable length of time, Rutherford announced that dessert would be served. Dessert was another period of extended torture for Candy as Olivia fed Matt little spoonfuls of tiramisu, giggling and flirting with him like a teenage girl. Matt ate quietly, his azure eyes flicking in Candy's direction every now and then as he indulged his fiancée.

As soon as the meal was over Candy excused herself and carted Josh off, anxious to be away from the father of her child. She fussed over the little boy, hoping the Kanes would be leaving soon, but it was not to be. Joshua had just fallen asleep when Melinda came over to her.

"Matt, Rich and Carl are talking business so I'm afraid we'll be here a little longer." She smiled apologetically at Candy.

"Uhh…could you watch Josh for a bit, Aunt Mel? I just needed to freshen up."

"Of course, honey. Take your time."

"There you are, Melinda – I wanted to show you the decorations I've chosen for the wedding!" Olivia laughed gaily as she and her mother came over to them.

Candy walked off quickly, needing to get away from the woman who was to marry the father of her son. She went upstairs to the bedroom indicated by Olivia, wanting to clear her head and get her emotions in check before returning to the living room. She splashed water on her face a few times before dabbing it dry with one of the fluffy, scented towels provided. When she lowered the towel and looked at the mirror again, she gave a startled squeak.