
Everything i Do...

Candy joins Carter High and meets rich, handsome Matt Kane. What are her secrets? Matt finds his life changing unalterably as he discovers Candy's truth. As the years pass, where will Matt and Candy find themselves in the twists and turns of life? And can their love endure and triumph over the challenges they face?

Vidya_Narayan_2200 · Urban
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41 Chs

Agony And Ecstasy

Candy did not even have the time to sit up before Matt strode into the room.

"Oh!" she squeaked in dismay as his brilliant blue gaze alighted on her.

He was wearing a dark coat and tie, his thick, dark hair was windswept and his blue eyes were speculative as he saw her. Then, a wicked gleam came into them.

"Well, Ms. Kent, I must say I'm surprised to see you here, IN MY BED…but I can't say I'm disappointed," he purred, stalking towards her.

Candy jerked to her feet, her face aflame. "I – I'm so sorry, Ma-Mr. Kane," she stammered, wishing the ground would open up and swallow her. "I – I was – I was just –" She realized that Matt was still advancing and began backing away.

"Matt," he replied, following her. "Call me Matt. I want to hear you say my name."

"Matt…" Her voice was a husky whisper as she bumped up against a wall and he came close, so close their bodies were almost touching. She gazed up at him with huge eyes, unable to think or even breathe when he was this close to her. "Matt…?"

"Christ, I can't think straight when you say my name like that," he growled, his hands coming up to rest on the wall on either side of her, caging her in. "Were you thinking about me when you lay in my bed like that, Ms. Kent?"

"I – I – m-maybe I – I think I should go…" Much as Candy wanted him back, it was not like this, she thought desperately. She needed him to love her, not just desire her. And even though he had once been hers, he was now engaged to someone else. She felt a pang of guilt as she remembered Olivia. She should stop him before things went too far…but even as her mind tried cautioning her, her body responded to him with a will of its own, uncontrolled by any logic or reasoning. She arched towards him, seeking his heat.

"Liar." His voice was dangerously soft as he lowered his head, his lips hovering mere millimeters away from hers. "You want this as much as I do."

"I -" Matt's lips claimed hers, cutting off whatever she was going to say. The kiss was both achingly familiar and excitingly new, and Candy's lips parted on a sigh. His tongue swept into her mouth, brushing against hers even as he ran his hands up her body, stopping just below the swell of her breasts. He deepened the kiss as his fingers rolled over her taut nipples through the material of her blouse.

Candy gasped as the all too familiar sensation of Matt touching her sent a rush of heat between her legs. "Only with you," she thought dimly, her arms twining around his neck. "Always you, only you…"

She felt his hardness thrusting against her belly as he raised his head and looked down at her with glittering eyes. He unbuttoned her blouse, his gaze never leaving hers. Candy could not have stopped him even if she had wanted to, so caught up was she in sensations she had thought she would never experience again.

"Matt…" she whispered as he unhooked the front clasp of her bra and brushed her blouse aside. His eyes dropped to the creamy flesh he had exposed, and she felt him surge harder against her.

"Christ, you're so fucking beautiful," he rasped. "I've wanted to do this for so long…" He kissed his way down the slim column of her neck, pausing to lick at her delicate collarbone before moving further down.

"Oh!" Candy gave a cry of shocked pleasure as his tongue lapped at one tight pink peak. She clutched his head to her breast, whimpering as he nipped and suckled her aching nipple. He moved to the other breast, lavishing the same attention on it till she thought she would come right there. Then his hand slipped under her skirt, cupping her intimately.

"Fuck…! You're so wet already…" he breathed, his fingers skirting past the edge of her panties to brush over her clit.

"Matt!" Candy cried out, clutching at his broad shoulders for support.

"Yeah, baby, I know just what you need." He stroked her clit, pushing her to the very edge. Then he slipped a finger inside her, making her vision go white. "Fuck…I want to feel that wet heat around my cock…" he growled, curving his finger inside her to hit the perfect spot that made her muscles clench greedily around him. "Yeah, baby, I want to feel you squeezing my cock like that…" He added a second finger, pumping them in and out of her as she clung helplessly to him. "Come for me, beautiful." His voice was low and husky, his brilliant blue eyes intent on her face as his fingers moved faster.

"Matt…MATT…!!" Candy screamed as the orgasm crashed through her, wave after wave of such intense pleasure that her legs almost gave way. Matt held her to his powerful body as she rode out her climax. Without conscious volition she reached down between their bodies, her only thought to give him the same pleasure he had given her.

Matt drew in a sharp breath as she pressed down on his clothed cock. She felt him surge against her hand and squeezed him lightly. "Fuck!!" His eyes were blazing as she rapidly released his heavy erection and took him in her hand. Candy dropped to her knees, kissing the crown before licking along the length of him. Matt had always loved it when she used her mouth on him, she remembered as she took his massive length inside, inch by inch, till she felt him hit the back of her throat.

"Fuck…oh, Jesus…oh, FUCKKKK!!" Matt's eyes were molten sapphire as she sucked him, swirling her tongue over the head. He began thrusting into her mouth, his cock growing even harder.

"Damn…he tastes just the way I remember…" Candy sucked harder, her small hands wrapped around the thick girth of him. "I can't get enough of him…"

Matt stiffened, then came with a roar, spilling into her mouth. He watched her swallow his seed, his eyes hot on her. When he was spent, Candy stood up on unsteady legs. Now that the passion of the moment had passed, she felt awkward. She glanced at Matt but his face was frozen, his eyes glazed and distant.

"Matt…?" she asked tentatively. He did not respond, so she touched his arm timidly. He shook himself out of his reverie and looked down at her, but his eyes were still unfocused.

"Sarah…I – I need to be alone right now," he said abruptly.

"Okay, but – is everything okay?" she asked, unwilling to leave him like this.

"Yes…I – I just felt like – like I - like I was reliving -" he stopped, cutting himself off. "I'd just like to be alone for a bit, please." He grimaced, his hand going to his temple. "I feel a migraine coming."

Aunt Mel had told her that Matt was prone to migraines whenever any memory from the past threatened. Her going down on him like that must have triggered off some buried remembrance of the times she had pleasured him, she realized. Candy's heart ached for him and she wished she could stay with him and take care of him, but she knew that was not possible.

"I'll get you your pain meds," she said instead. "You'd forgotten to refill your prescription last time, so I got it done."

Matt's face reflected his surprise in spite of the pain. "I didn't realize…thank you, Sarah."

Later that night, Candy tossed and turned in her bed, the events of the last few hours playing endlessly in her head. The ecstasy she had experienced in Matt's arms made her feel hot and bothered and needy all over again, but most of all the agony she had seen on his face tore her apart. Was it worth trying to get him back, she wondered, if getting close to her resulted in so much pain for him? And what of Olivia? She had conveniently forgotten all about Matt's fiancée in the intimacy of the moment, but was it really fair to the other woman? In all honesty, Candy had to admit that as long as Matt was engaged to Olivia, any intimacy between herself and Matt should not happen. Finally, she decided that she owed it to herself and especially to Josh to try and rekindle the love Matt had once had for her, but at the same time she needed to try and avoid situations like today. At last, Candy fell into a fitful, restless sleep, her dreams haunted by the man who was so near, and yet farther away than ever from her.