
Everyday Life With A Futa

In a different version of the story Miia and the others are placed in the care of Desirae Hanafuda, a Japanese girl. Only she's not just a girl she's a Futanari. Now Desirae has to deal with the unique needs of her new roommates and the struggles of managing her own little dream Monster Girl Harem. Contains Futa and LEMONS

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 50: Flush

Italics indicate thinking

Desirae's POV

"BAH!" I surfaced from Mero's pool with a bandana over my mouth.

"It seems we're alone for now." Cerea popped up next to me "Are you alright Mistress?"

"ACK!" I coughed pulling at the mask "IT's to wet and heavy, can't breathe!"

"Remain calm if you remove the mask you'll be caught in the hallucination again." She warned.

"Well, the house looks normal again." I floated in the water "Now let's take care of this but without knowing who or where the extra species causing this is it will be hard. I tried calling the MON Squad but they didn't pick up, we have to solve this before they get home from work."

"I can lock the door from here." Mero took out a tablet "But they all have house keys so it won't do much. Same goes for the alarm system."

"How much shit did your Mom install in my house?!" I yelled!

"If we had some sort of air purifier." Cerea said.

"Why would they install that?" I sighed.

"Actually~" Mero laughed "We have a purifier, humidifier, dehumidifier, aroma diffuser-"

"Please stop." I cut her off.

"Okay, but none of those will matter without dealing with the source of these spores." Mero added.

"We need a secret weapon to take it out." Cerea nodded "If only-."

"Well Actually~" Mero laughed again.

"What don't you have?!" I yelled.

"There is a last-ditch effort." Mero said "But it would be best not to use that."

"I think we need to find the cause and talk to them." I said "With Rachnera's mask I'll be okay."

(How'd she know we were coming back to the house though…she knew about Kiira as well, is she hiding something from me?)

"Alright, let's get going." I hopped out of the pool "Coming Cerea?"

"Well…you see…" she mumbled "I'm a bit…soaked."

"Whoa." My eyes went wide as I saw her shirt stuck to her breasts, her nipples erect from the cold water, since her shirt was white it had also turned mostly transparent "Well…I mean it's not like I haven't seen them before but if it's that big of a deal I'll go on alone."

I shook my hair dry and headed out into the hallway alone.

"Hello?" I opened a door.

Inside were the others, Miia and Lala were playing video games like a duel while Papi wanted to play too.

"Okay then." I closed the door on the hypnotized girls and went back to looking.

"Whoa!" I gasped opening the bathroom door and seeing a plume of spores.

I managed too look passed them all and saw a large mushroom the size of a small girl there, everything under the cap wrapped in a cloak.

(Well I've made it this far…)

"Ngo…" the mushroom hummed.

"Huh?" I tilted my head.

"I'm Kino, Kino the Matango." She said.

"Oh um, hello." I smiled "Why are you spreading spores?"

"I can't help it." She pouted a bit "Papi invited me inside and when I got inside they just…happen."

She took off her cloak to show her body was naturally covered by some frills that looked almost bikini like.

I sat down next to the girl and she pulled her knees up to her chest. She was a small thin girl, large mushroom head, seaweed like hair, flat chest, perky rear, feet that were almost hoof like, she was a cute little thing.

"Once my spores start I can't control them." She frowned "If I go outside they'd go all over town, so I'm stuck here now."

"I see…that sucks." I laughed to try and cheer her up a bit.

"I'm sorry." She frowned "I don't know how to apologize."

"It's not a big deal, you feel bad so everyone will get over it." I said even though she was depressed.

"I just, feel so bad." She sniffled as more spores leaked out of her cap.

"Because of how my body works I'm labeled a danger species, but I really wanted to see this place, I didn't want to give up." She sobbed "So I made a deal with that Broker…I just wanted to make friends. I would never have come if I know it would do this!"

"Oh my god you're adorable!" I hugged her tightly "Sides you said Papi invited you here right, so you made a friend, good job all your work paid off."

"T-Thank you." She blushed.

"So uhh, what do we do about those hallucinations?" I asked.

"I…I can't do anything." She frowned.

"Put you make these spores, right?" I asked.

"Can you control the air you exhale?" she asked.

"I see the point." I nodded "Crap…"

"Mistress I've got it!" Cerea trotted in with a garbage bag that was kicking around "I was drying my clothes when Suu accosted me, I managed to capture her, we can use Mero's device now!"

"I see, are you okay with water?" I asked Kino.

"I like damp places." She blinked her eyes which had crosshair star like irises.

"Okay let's do it then!" I called Mero "Go!"

"Okay." She told me "Good luck!"

Mero did…something and the house started to rumble and suddenly vents in the walls opened up and water began flooding in.

"GURGEL!" I flailed around in an attempt to swim.

A few moments later the water drained, the spores having washed away.

"Are you alright Miss?" Mero wheeled herself in.

"PFFT!" I spit out water "Just great…I hope my stuffs not busted."

"The furniture was treated with water repellent." Mero said.

"What didn't your mother do?!" I yelled.

"The others seem to have returned to normal." Mero smiled.

"Except this one." Cerea held up the bag with Suu in it, the slime shaking around.

"Let's just put her in a jar till she mellows out." I told her.

"Baby!" Miia hugged me "What happened?"

"Stuff." I sighed.

"I'm really sorry." Kino frowned.

"Don't worry about it." I patted her cap.

"HA!" she gasped "P-Please don't that's very sensitive."

"Hehehe." I lifted her up in a hug "You are adorable, say how'd you end up wandering around outside?"

"The Broker who brought me here…it was part of our deal." She said "Instead of money he wanted me to walk around your house-HA!"

I rubbed her thin legs and then lifted her up and put her on my shoulders like a little kid and a piggy back ride.

"So, isn't there one more Danger Species left?" I looked up.

"She's a…scary person." Kino shivered.

"AHH!" I heard yelling from outside.

I went out the door and when I looked up there was a woman with long thin wings carrying Zombina and biting her neck.

"A…vampire." I squinted.



Thank you for reading. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to message me any questions or concerns.

More Next Time for sure, it's just that there wasn't enough time to do a scene with Kino given the way the story transitions right to the Vampire stuff. Although I'm thinking of maybe having Kino be less of a sexual interest and more of a fun little sis type, IDK.

Suggest what you want to see in the future.

Till Next Time!