
Everyday Life With A Futa

In a different version of the story Miia and the others are placed in the care of Desirae Hanafuda, a Japanese girl. Only she's not just a girl she's a Futanari. Now Desirae has to deal with the unique needs of her new roommates and the struggles of managing her own little dream Monster Girl Harem. Contains Futa and LEMONS

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 49: Dungeon World Part 1

() Italic indicate thinking

Desirae's POV

We dropped Kiira off to Mom, I told her to get Kiira the right paprework to live here and then she could stay with me, but Kiira warned us that there were still two very, legitimately, dangerous monster girls that were brought here with her. I was happy to have Kiira around, apparently she and Rachnera go a ways back so that should be good to have someone like her around…I hope.

"You have nothing to fear from these Danger Species Mistress." Cerea said as we walked home "I shall protect you!"

"Okay." I laughed "But we're home so chill out okay. Hmm."

I looked at the air around the front door, it looked…shiny and had a funky sweet smell to it.

"It's probably Miia's latest attempt at cooking." Cerea suggested "That's probably more dangerous than any Danger Species."

"Yep." I laughed opening the door "We're back-GAH! My house!"

The inside of my house, well wasn't the inside of my house. It looked like some sort of medieval dungeon or fantasy.

"Why is my house a dungeon?!"

"Mistress what is this?" Cerea walked up in full plate armor.

"Where'd you get that?!"

"Our castle was transformed into a labyrinth, this must be the work of this dark magicians." She hummed "Fear not I, Centorea will protect my Mistress at all costs."

I'm taking crazy pills.


(That voice…)

A little wisp of light fluttered around and landed in my hands, I looked down and saw a little mini Papi.

"Why are you so tiny?!" I yelled.

"Friends are deeper in dungeon." She fluttered off "Let's go."

"Perhaps we should follow her?" Cerea suggested.

"No way." I turned and opened a door "We're getting out of here."

I looked up and saw a big dragon that snorted at me.

"RAAAHH!" It screeched.


I closed the door "Let's follow Papi, but if she says Hey listen on time!"



We followed the sprite fairy Papi deeper into the dungeon and thankfully didn't run into anyone strange again, for a while at least. Papi led us to a cell like area where Miia was dressed like a princess, no crown though.

"My hero." She smiled "You came to rescue me?"

"Miia what are you doing?" I sighed.

"I am Princess Miia of the Lamia kingdom, I was captured by an evil king and now I'm being held hostage in this dungeon!" she sighed "Now carry me back to the castle my hero!"

"There door's open." I pulled on the bars "Now was Miia the friend you were talking about?"

"She lives here." Papi said "She's a monster that ambushes heroes."

"I do not!" Miia yelled.

"Adventurer avoid that vile beast." Adult Kii walked out.

"Great Fairy Kii!" Papi fluttered around her.

"I'm not a beast!" Miia snapped more.

"Come Hero." Kii rubbed her breasts "You can restore your vitality at my magic fountain."

"Uhh…I haven't taken any damage so…" I looked at the nectar drooling out her nipples "Normally I'd be game for this but I need to fix this first so, maybe come see me later."

We followed Papi again and ran across Lala who was pretty much the same as always, then we found Rachnera working in a black market with Lilith and Oct.

"Howdy Stranger." Oct slithered over and opened her coat to show me both her naked body and the wares on her coat "What are you buying?"

"Umm nothing." I blushed as she sighed and closed her coat before Lilith ran passed.

"Hey little Imp twerp stock those shelves already." Oct said.

"I'm not an Imp!" Lilith fluttered her wings.

"So noisy." Rachnera skittered out "Oh you made it. You sure get caught up in things Honey."

"A Spider Merchant." Cerea said "Show us your wares."

"I just showed you mine!" Oct yelled.

"Yes and you had some very nice…wares." I said.

"Rachnera what are you doing in a dungeon like this, how'd you even get back from the forest so fast?" I asked.

"Ah so that's how they see it." She hummed "Even without a mask you seem half there…here."

She handed me a veil "Leave the house, then put that on and come back inside okay."

Just like that she vanished leaving me alone in a hallway.


"Oh sounds like Suu. I hope she's a fairy or something like Papi" I nodded "GAH!"

She was not, she was a giant slime blob that we had to escape, fortunately I found a water bath and since Suu's afraid of water she left us alone, but I was dragged under.

"Miss!" Mero smiled pulling me up in a different room.

"What the…where is this?" I asked.

"Under the house, apparently my mother had this room put in for me during renovations." Mero smiled.

"People are messing with my house…" I sighed "Wait what happened to the dungeon?"

"I feel like I've done something embarrassing." Cerea blushed.

"Mero what happened here?" I asked.

"Let me explain." she nodded "Papi met someone wandering around outside the house and brought her inside, an Extra Species I've never seen before. Then this strange creature blasted spores all over, since I use my gills to breathe I was relatively unaffected, the same can't be said for everyone else. I believe everyone is under some sort of hypnosis like effect and thinks they are in a magical dungeon."

"That does seem like what they said." I nodded "But what about that dragon?"

"I wager that was Draco." Mero told me "And since you were in the effect of the spores you saw her as a giant beast like she thinks she is. We're fortunate most of the girls were out today, I shudder to imagine what might happen had Tio and Kinu been home."

"My house would be rubble." I sighed "But wait what time is it?"

"Shortly around 3:45." Mero looked at a clock.

"Crap!" I yelled "MON get off work at Six! If they get home and Zombina is here we're all screwed! Wait where's Cici?"

"She went to a convention." She told me "She'll be back late."

"Wow how convenient." I nodded "Still we need to deal with this in the next two hours."



Thank you for reading. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to message me any questions or concerns.

Suggest more ideas for the dungeon next chapter.

Pick Up Point- CH 46

Till Next Time!