
Everyday Life With A Futa

In a different version of the story Miia and the others are placed in the care of Desirae Hanafuda, a Japanese girl. Only she's not just a girl she's a Futanari. Now Desirae has to deal with the unique needs of her new roommates and the struggles of managing her own little dream Monster Girl Harem. Contains Futa and LEMONS

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 51: Expo

() Italics indicate thinking

Transition Chapter this time

Desirae's POV

I sat in a car with Miss Smith and the other car sized girls while the bigger girls were in the truck behind us, we were moving locations since that vampire woman had tried to attack us.

"I really didn't expect all three to show up at once." Smith made a turn "But if a broker brought them here, why are they after you?"

"Sorry Kino and Kiira said they don't know." I shrugged.

"Well we'll question them for a bit." She said "We must be dealing with a pro…just what is going on here. Well for the time being we need to have you all stay in a safer location."

"How long is for the time being?" I asked.

"Just a few days." She smiled parking "Just leave it to me okay."

"This is the convention center." I sighed.

"Exactly hide in plain sight at the Interspecies Cultural Exchange Exhibition!" she yelled.

"Exactly how is this place safe?" I asked.

"You'll have them." She pointed to her squad.

"We'll tag along." Zombina smiled "My blood is all preservatives so I'm totally fine, Vampires can't bother me."

"Well anyway you all have some fun." Smith pushed us in "Leave sorting this out to me, as long as I'm on the job it'll be fine."

She smiled at me "No messes with my daughter and gets away with it."

"Mom…" I blushed with a hint of pride.

We went inside and passed security and overlooked the main hall, there was a lot of stuff to see and do, since we were here we might as well take advantage of it. There were so many exhibits demonstrating different monster girl cultures.

"If never seen so many extra species in one place." I hummed.

"Look Baby a Lamia booth let's go check it out!" Miia grabbed my arm.

"Hold it!" Cerea immediately grabbed me and rested my head on her bust "Have you forgotten that we are in the midst of being pursued by a dangerous species, if Mistress is to travel it shall be me who protects her."

"You just want to keep Baby for yourself!" Miia whined "You already had Baby all day you don't need to ride her anymore!"

"That's not true!" Cerea blushed "That's not why I'm doing this!"

"Okay then, we'll be over here." I walked away.

I saw one stage was doing an exercise demonstration with Kobalts.

"Oh so this is where you were going today Polt." I saw the dog woman on the stage.

"Dessy!" she waved "Of course I'm here, it's a great way to encourage participation!"

I looked at her booth, it was all a display for gym equipment.

"But why all the gym machines?" I asked.

"This expo isn't just for cultural exchange but monetary exchange too!" she said "It's like a business event where you can get investors and stuff."

Her tail was wagging happily as she seemed excited about her business opportunities.

"Look see we have all kinds of stuff." She pointed at a strange bike like machine "A rodeo machine."

"How is that a piece of exercise equipment?" I wondered as she sat on it "You just press then and…"

The machine buzzed and rocked her a bit, her breasts bouncing and her butt grinding a bit.

"It's…hmm…kinda like riding a horse…sorta." She panted.

"This is good for your muscles how?" I asked.

"It really gets the blood pumping." She panted pleased.

"Maybe you shouldn't use that it public." I blushed "I'm gonna go take a look around some more, have fun."

"Leaving already." Her ears drooped "But I'm so excited now…to see you I mean!"

"Maybe later." I laughed.

We walked around some more and found a booth demonstrating heated floors for cold blooded girls like Miia or Draco.

"It's comfy." Miia hummed snuggling on a couch "Baby we should totally get these heated sheets."

"You're thinking less about survival and more about your own good time." I sighed.

"There's a picture of Miia here." Mero pointed at a photo display in another booth.

"This is a place for showing off Extra-Species working in society." Merino said.

"How many of you guys were coming to this thing anyway?" I asked "So what are you two here doing?"

"Milking Experience." Merino smiled pointing at a sign.

"Bad name!" I yelled.

"But look, a cow and a sheep." Merino smiled pointing to two animals.

"Oh, well okay I guess." I sighed.

We looked around in some shopping areas with things like glasses, gloves, and even horseshoes for a centaur.

"This tickles!" Miia giggled and moaned as her tail slid through a vibrating ring.

"Hmm." I looked around "I feel like I'm missing someone."

At this point there were so many girls with me that I didn't know who was where.

(Is this what babysitting is like?)



Thank you for reading. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to message me any questions or concerns.

Suggest who you want to see in the future.

Pick up- CH 49, lots of…sucking

Till Next Time!